Thanks MBAC for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by MBAC.


MBAC: 设计主要有两个概念想法,第一是将现有的基础设施转变为公共空间的基础设施。一个新的穿孔铝鱼鳍构造阵可以用来捕捉和引导光线,它是一个移动的反射幕,与列车轨道之间的框架相连接,将轨道蕴含的力量投射到公共空间之中,并将现现有的场地上的不利因素转化为空间上的活跃感。

MBAC: Two conceptual drivers structure the design of this project.  The first is the transformation of the existing C-Train infrastructure into an infrastructure for the animation of the public realm.  Here, a new tectonic array of perforated aluminum fins, designed to capture and emit light as a shifting, reflective veil, frame connections to and from the train, project the energy of the train into the public space, and turn an existing site liability into spatial animator. 


▼场地鸟瞰  Aerial



The second conceptual driver is the creation of a continuous ground-plane that sutures the site as a whole while transforming to adapt to various modes of occupation.  Site-specific transformations of the ground-plane anticipate multiple forms of engagement and occupation, facilitating the necessary flexibility to allow the public realm to adapt.  Two specific transformations of the ground-plane include folds defining an amenity spine along both edges of the train tracks and a spine of shifted plates along the public space’s east side creating a permeable and inhabited edge.



▼模型  Model


地点: 加拿大卡尔加里
年份: 2014 – 2016年
状态: 完成
类型: 公共空间
合作者: Scatliff + Miller + Murray

Location: Calgary, AB
Year: 2014-2016
Status: Complete
Type: Public Realm
Collaborators: Scatliff + Miller + Murray

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