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Thanks Casagrande Laboratory for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Casagrande Laboratory.


Casagrande Laboratory: 由于台湾同时受到中国大陆、日本以及西方文化交相影响,台北也因此逐渐形成一种独特的混合都市型态,标志着广大一致街区中的方型网状城市规划中,就是个陨杂涵括东西方建筑的混乱综合体。不难理解,城市正被水泥丛林包缚,但仍能隐然感受压制在僵化都市规划的底层能量,一个有机城市正处处探寻着驰放张力的机会。

Casagrande Laboratory:  As the island of Taiwan passed through the hands of Chinese, Japanese and Western influences, its capital city Taipei evolved a distinct hybrid urbanism, marked by a square grid plan of vast uniform blocks containing a chaotic mixture of Eastern and Western architectures. Much of the city is dressed in concrete, and the tension of an organic city bursting out of its rigid plan is almost palpable.



回应大自然环境,芬兰建筑师马可.卡萨格兰(Marco Casagrade)建造了一个茧状空间,并直驱工业台北的心脏地带。Cicada 是个竹状结构,颠覆了台北委靡不振视觉景观。行有机形体为规,以人的尺度为台北城施行“都市针灸术”。卡萨格兰设计的 Cicada 有着幼虫模样,周边纵横交错车水马龙的主要道路和高架桥车道,在片不寻常的城市绿洲之中,虫型结构物建筑在白卵石之上。接近这一竹编骨架,观众将看到眼前如幻梦般外形的稻壳,藤蔓依附丛生,确犹如身处流离失所的有机废墟。

Responding to this environment, Marco Casagrande has constructed a cocoon-like spatial intervention in the heart of industrial Taipei. ‘Cicada’ is a bamboo structure that subverts the concrete malaise of Taipei, functioning as “urban acupuncture” for the city by introducing a wholly organicform built on a decidedly human scale. In an unusual green oasis amidst Taipei’s crisscrossing roads and elevated train tracks, the larval form of Casagrande’s shelter rests within an oval footprint of rocks and concrete. Approaching this skeleton of woven bamboo, visitors see a fantastic husk overgrown with clinging vines, appearing before them like a displaced organic ruin.


▼依附的藤蔓 clinging vines



However, the surreal experience truly begins in the interior of the structure. Visitors enter through a circular threshold to find a cavernous shelter paved with broken rocks and bordered by stacks of chopped logs. Within this unusual forum is a fireplace surrounded by metal benches evoking the postindustrial landscape just beyond.




Casagrande’s permeable shell of bamboo filters sunlight to a remarkable effect, providing a protective shade while allowing strips of natural light to pierce through uninterrupted. An elliptical skylight reveals a cutout of the sky above, adding to an already strong sense of ancient ritual that pervades the enclosure. As seen in his drawings, the architect envisions smoke from the fireplace exiting through this central opening in the ceiling. Rising ceremoniously into the sky, the smoke is emitted like a signal, communicating to the city outside like a natural sign of life in a city programmed to subsume it.”


▼椭圆形天窗 An elliptical skylight 



建筑师:  Marco Casagrande
专案经理:  彭筱婷 Delphine, Peng Hsiao-Ting / JUT Group, 巫祈麟  / C-LAB
团队成员:  陈右升 , 邱郁晨 , Shreya Nagrath, Arijit Sen
项目位置:  台北台湾
建地尺寸:  长 34 公尺 宽 12 公尺 高 8 公尺
室内空间:  270 平方公尺
建筑材料:  竹子, 碎水泥, 琉璃碎, 铁条, 泥土, 牵牛花
委托单位:  忠泰集团
竣工时间:  2011 年
摄影师:  AdDa 蔡明辉
获奖:  2012年德国红点大奖得奖作品

Architect:  Marco Casagrande
Project Managers:  Delphine, Peng Hsiao-Ting / JUT Group,Nikita Wu / C-LAB
Casagrande Laboratory for Cicada:  Frank Chen, Yu-Chen Chiu, Shreya Nagrath, Arijit Sen
Location:  Taipei City, Taiwan
Measures:  long 34 meters , wide 12 meters , high 8 meters
Interior space:  270 square meters
Materials:  bamboo, broken cement, broken glass, iron bar, soil, morning glory
Client:  JUT Land Development Group
Completed:  2011 年
Photos:   AdDa Ming hui Cai
Award:   Wins the RED DOT AWARD 2012

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