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Casagrande Laboratory:  森林宇殿
是芬兰建筑师马可·卡萨格兰(Marco Casagrande)受邀参加2016年立陶宛构造性萨满建筑⼯作营和成员共同建造的成果。

Casagrande Laboratory:  Forest Temple is a result of the Constructive Shamanism workshop in Lithuania, 2016.



背景不同的艺术家、⼯匠、建筑师、作家、摄影师、瑜伽⼠和⼩朋友们聚合在 Vytautas V Landsbergis 古老的⼟地上,伙同进⾏让⼈和⼤⾃然再度连系起来的建筑仪式。这群临时组成的部落⼈,共同⽣活在梯⽪(tipi)圆锥体状的帐篷,分享⼤地之⺟供应的膳食,同将⼏株松树⽤天然亚⿇粗绳箍束联结。建成半透明透光会随⻛摇曳的⼈造茧似昆⾍建筑。

A multi-disciplinary tribe of artists, artisans, architects, writers, photographers, yogis and children of forest gathered in the ancient lands of Vytautas V Landsbergis to perform architectural rituals connecting the modern man with nature. Living in tents and teepees and eating from the nature, the tribe started to do a circular meditative movement to connect a handful of pine trees with natural linen rope. The result is insect architecture, a man-made semi-transparent cocoon swinging together with the trees.




Architecture is the art of reality. There is no other reality than nature.



建造过程 Process



项目名称:  森林宇殿
项目类型:  艺术装置
位置:  立陶宛共和国
设计公司:  Casagrande Laboratory
建筑师:  Marco Casagrande
副⼿:  Jan Tyrpekl
策展⼈:  Guoda Bardauskaite / 构造性萨满建筑⼯作营
成员:  Marco C15asagrande,Jan Tyrpekl,HansPetterBjørnådal,Gregory Eeman,Waldo de Keersmaeker GretaStrikulienė,Clement Le Roux,Vaidotas Stalilionis,AlgimaBarodzisaitė,VitalijaOrlovaitė,JulijaČinčytė,Kamilė
尺⼨:  7米宽,15米⾼
材料:  3000 尺⼿⼯亚⿇绳
完成时间:  2016年
照片:  Berta Tilmantaite,LidijaKaleinikovaitė,Dainius Sadauskas,Gabriele Stravinskaite,Juozas Masiulis,Lina Pilibaviciute,Mindaugas Drigotas
亚麻绳:  萨摩吉亚绳(由 Vytautas V. Landsbergis 提供)

Project name:  Forest Temple
Project type:  Art Installation
Location:  Lithuania
Designer:  Casagrande Laboratory
Author:  Marco Casagrande
First Mate:  Jan Tyrpekl
Curator:  Guoda Bardauskaite / Constructive Shamanism
Team:  Marco Casagrande, Jan Tyrpekl, Hans-Petter Bjørnådal, Gregory Eeman, Waldo de Keersmaeker, Greta Strikulienė, Clement Le Roux, Vaidotas Stalilionis, Algima Barodzisaitė, Vitalija Orlovaitė, Julija Činčytė, Kamilė Krasauskaitė
Size:  Dimension 7 meters, height 15 meters
Materials:  3000 m hand-made linen rope
Completed:  2016
Photos: Berta Tilmantaite,LidijaKaleinikovaitė,Dainius Sadauskas,Gabriele Stravinskaite,Juozas Masiulis,Lina Pilibaviciute,Mindaugas Drigotas
Linen rope:   Žemaičių virvės (Kindly supported by Vytautas V. Landsbergis)

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