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Thanks Atelier YokYok for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Atelier YokYok.


Atelier YokYok:  在教堂的中心有一层薄薄的、透明的装置在行人好奇的注视下渐渐展开。弧线通过色彩丰富的编织结构相互连接,表现出光明和神秘之感,展现出一种轻质的非物质化构筑物,人们可以在拱顶中漫步时欣赏它的变化。通过这些悬挂着的蓝色线条,人们被引导至场地的中心,像一个神秘的回廊,最后视线便落在在中心花坛处。

Atelier YokYok:  Set aside of its stone-build big sister, an enchanting garden deploys, extends and tends under the stroller’s curious eyes. The sacred architecture that faces it is convoked in its entire syncretic dimension. Arcs of all origins are linked to one another by a colorful woven structure that performs with light and mystery; hence revealing a light dematerialized architecture, that the stroller admires its variations while wandering in the vaults. By these suspended Ariadne’s threads, the stroller is guided towards the center of the lot, a secret cloister. The glance rests then rises.


Shooting Vaults项目是2015年与“风景”花园主题比赛的3个获奖作品的一部分。六月份在卡奥尔圣斯蒂芬大教堂的修道院建成,如果艺术家和组织团队在这个问题上达成了一致,这个设计就可以保持整个夏季。节日一共有25个花园,共计10000人次,并于6月份全月迎来了许多其他活动。

The Shooting Vaults project is part of three winning entries for the 2015 landscape garden-themed contest. The convent of st Stephen’s cathedral in caol was built in June and could last through the summer if artists and groups agreed on the issue. The festival has 25 gardens, 10,000 people and many other events throughout June.




All images、项目视频 Video courtesy of Atelier YokYok + Ulysse Lacoste,
所有照片由Atelier YokYok + Ulysse Lacoste提供

Atelier YokYok : Samson Lacoste, Luc Pinsard, architects, Laure Qarémy与雕塑家Ulysse Lacoste合作,构思并完成了这个项目的建设

Atelier YokYok : Samson Lacoste, Luc Pinsard, architects and Laure Qarémy teacher collaborated with Ulysse Lacoste Sculptor for the conception and realization of the project.




设计方:Atelier YokYok

Project name: Les Voûtes Filantes
Project type: Art installation
Location: Cahors,French
Completed: 2015
Designer: Atelier YokYok


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