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Turf Design Studio:2007年,Jeppe Aagaard Andersen和Turf Design Studio受Frasers地产的委托,将共同改造升级Chippendale(澳大利亚新南威尔士州一地名)的中央公园公共空间,而这片公共空间的核心正是隐藏在中央公园绿色建筑后面的新公共公园Chippendale绿地,现在的Chippendale 绿地已然成为了悉尼市中心的一块翡翠宝玉,为城市的工人、居民和游客提供超6400平方米的无动力休闲空间。

Turf Design Studio:Jeppe Aagaard Andersen and Turf Design Studio were commissioned in 2007 by Frasers Property to redefine the public domain for Central Park in Chippendale. At the heart of this public domain network is Chippendale Green, a new public park tucked behind the green architecture of One Central Park. Chippendale Green has become the emerald jewel of downtown Sydney and provides over 6,400m2 of passive and informal recreational space for the city’s workers, residents and visitors.


© Turf Design Studio



A large public park was central to the masterplan intent, but orientating the park’s long axis with the frontages of Chippendale’s existing terrace houses proved vital in creating a place of meaning and connectedness; uniting the existing and future community. The park is set back from Broadway and creates an intimacy rarely achieved by a park of this size and location within a central business district.


© Turf Design Studio


当居民们沐浴着晨光坐在砂岩台阶上啜饮咖啡时,城市里正传来遥远的嗡嗡声。绿地上,由Turpin + Crawford设计的“光环”装置,呼应着周围的自然元素,也象征性地表达了啤酒厂早已被遗忘的工作流程。

The usual sounds of the city are a distant hum as residents sip on their coffees, perched on sandstone steps bathed in morning light. Turpin + Crawford’s ‘Halo’ sits within Chippendale Green; responding to the elements of nature and symbolically echoes the long forgotten processes of the Brewery works.


© Turf Design Studio
© Turf Design Studio
© Turf Design Studio
© Turf Design Studio


自2012年末开放以来,Chippendale绿地就迅速成为了Chippendale的新中心。作为一个新城区的公共中心,为所有人创造了一个共同基础的它,向人们展示出了一个公共空间对于一个正在经历巨变社区所能提供的统一力量,再随着Chippendale 绿地的周边社区的发展,这个公园对城市居民带来的价值只会增加不会减少。

Since opening in late 2012, Chippendale Green has quickly become the new heart of Chippendale. As the public centrepiece of a new city precinct, it reveals the power of a public domain to unite a neighbourhood experiencing dramatic change; creating a common ground for all. As development surrounding Chippendale Green continues, the value of this public park to the city’s people will only increase.


© Turf Design Studio
© Turf Design Studio
© Turf Design Studio


▼公园夜景 Night View 

© Turf Design Studio
© Turf Design Studio





客户:Frasers Property & Sekisui House

景观设计:JAAA+Turf Design Studio


Client: Frasers Property & Sekisui House
Location: Sydney, Australia

Central Park – Chippendale Green Design Team:
Landscape Architect: JAAA+Turf Design Studio

Awards: 2015 AILA Awards (NSW) – Design in Landscape Architecture; Good Design Award 2019


更多 Read more about: Turf Design Studio


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