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ToThree: “Wow, the first time I saw a female washroom logo without skirts”

“such a cool toilet signage ”

“Finally, I saw the legendary Changtuo 1958 girl wearing pants”


▽“长拖1958”卫生间标识 Changtuo 1958 Washroom signage

▽小红书截屏  Xiaohongshu screenshot



In Vanke’s “Long Dragon 1958” environmental graphic design, the designer created a phenomenal hot topic, causing the public to pay strong attention to the bathroom logo, which not only brought massive traffic online, but even stimulated people’s enthusiasm for visiting the scene offline. These fresh and warm comments on the Internet make people can’t help but remind the classic poem of A Cloud in Trousers by Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. Represented by this poet, the constructivism and futurism cultural trends in the early 1900s are partial cultural background of Changtuo 1958 and the old industrial city where the site located.


▽项目视频-设计概念表达 Video-Design Concept ©ToThree



On this background, the designers designed a unique, and presenting the era project case name, combined with the characteristics of heavy industrial style and Pop art, and formed a magnificent field at the entrance. Start from the case name of “Changtuo 1958”, a complete environmental graphic system is fully engaged with a narrative journey of urban renewal in old industrial site.


▽长拖1958北入口 Changtuo 1958 North Entrance


▽设计稿 Design draft 



一、曾经壮志凌云 Previous ambition


In the “Changtuo 1958” venue, the six concrete truss factories that reveal the industrial style of New China, forming a huge industrial heritage building complex. Their predecessor-Changchun Tractor Factory was founded in 1958. It was the largest roller tractor manufacturing base in China. Together with the Luoyang Tractor Factory and the Tianjin Tractor Factory, they form the heavy industrial structure in the early days of the new founded PRC. The Dongfanghong type 28 tractor produced here is sold well at home and abroad. It was even printed on the front of the 1960 version of RMB one yuan currency. This is like a national business card and presenting an important tool of an industrial production nation and rich black soil and Beidacang. The importance may match George Washington on the US dollar.


▽1960版人民币壹元纸币 1960 version RMB of one yuan


▽3号厂房南立面再现原厂标志 South Elevation of No.3 workshop, original logo reappears

▽于细部中融入原厂标志的景观灯具 Landscape lamps that integrate the original logo in the details

▽形成线型序列的庭院灯 The courtyard lamp forming a line -type sequence ▽点缀在绿植中的草坪灯 The lawn lights embellished in green plants




Looking back at history, New China has changed the class oppression and gender oppression of thousands of years of autocratic policy, and through national strength, basic human rights such as men and women at the same level of political, economic, and legal systems are guaranteed. Today, these concepts have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and have become the most extensive and deepest consensus in the society.

The toilet signage of “Changtuo 1958” is not a simple male and female figure, but a narrative method to evolve the era of this period of history and culture into the image of the old and new generations. A Dungarees which crosses the decades from industrial age to hip-pop street culture imply the quiet switching of the theme of the times.


▽项目视频-设计概念表达 Video-Design Concept ©ToThree

▽有故事的洗手间 Washroom signage with stories

▽Flora & 翠花 ▽PANTONE新款-网红色


二、无奈过眼烟云 Helplessly in time change


With the changes in the world’s political and economic changes at the end of the 20th century and China’s reform and opening up, the old industrial base silently faded in the market economy, and the fiery age of passion and sweat gradually disappeared in the fiery age. After the laid off in the 1990s, and bankruptcy and close down in 2006, the Changchun Tractor Factory finally completed its historical mission. The factory building is broken and defeated and became an empty heritage.


▽厂房遗址图片 Workshop historic site 


▽项目logo用字体向历史溯源 Project Logo font was used to trace the source of history  


▽方案阶段的模型推敲 Model thresh during conceptual phase




In 2020, Vanke re-planned the original tractor factory for protective development. Two years later, a dynamic cultural and creative commercial complex “Changtuo1958″ was opened to public. It took the urban life as the starting point integrated public resources such as industrial heritage buildings, landscapes, arts, cultural and creative industries, and business. Through the design methods such as structural reinforcement and space innovation, a dynamic public space-city living room is created. Red brick walls, forest roads, neon lights, large slides, bookstores, restaurants, cafes, etc., fashionable business strategies were used to re -integrate the city stories that are scattered in the depths of years. Living content of modern concepts was inserted in the industrial heritage architecture context, connection, collision, blending, and combining. It fully releases the historical glory of old Changchun’s deep accumulation and activate the city and rejuvenate.


▽北入口夜景 Night view of the north entrance


▽作为松林大道起点的总索引标识 Total index signage at the entrance of pine avenue.

▽界定北部边界的总索引标识 Total index signage at the north boundary ▽总图细部再现了建筑屋面关系与场地细节  General view details show Architectural roofing relationship and field details

▽意向丰富而功能完备的城市家具 Urban furniture with rich intention and complete function

▽形体关系塑造了方向感 Form relationship shapes the sense of direction ▽工业逻辑蕴含在细部构造中  Industrial logic contained in the detailed structure

▽设计稿 Design draft


▽被组织进建筑立面关系中的楼栋号标识 Building number signage been organized in the building facade


▽关照阅读视线的景观设施标识 Landscape facility signage which takes care of the reading view


三、归去来兮,意在青云 Coming back, towards higher clouds



The urban renewal of industrial sites is an important issue for the development of Chinese cities at this moment. It is not just the repair and transformation of the site itself. More importantly, to fill and introduce urban functions and living content, to merge with city development trend and to become indispensable element of urban cultural life so as to achieve the most complete social value.

The construction party of “Changtuo 1958” intends to emphasize the cultural and creative orientation of various professional design in development and combines industrial culture with contemporary art and modern design. In the commercial interior space converted from the No. 3 factory, the sunlight led by the sunroof shines in the magnificent atrium, the tall branches are leafy, the scene design blur the interior and outdoor border, and weaken the sense of depression of closed space. The public seat group composed of the case name has been staggered in good manner, which not only creates a vivid social language context, but also enriches the sight of the corridor on the 2nd floor. People walking outside the wall and laughing inside the wall. People looking at the scenery on the bridge became the landscape of others. “It is transparent at a certain point in two or more relations systems at the same time.”1 The vague space has become a place where multiple significance is superimposed, tolerance differences, inspiring creativity. People meet here, and the city flows here.


▽设计稿 Design draft


▽字体logo构成的公共座椅群组 Public seat group composed by case logo

▽一层商业索引标识 Business index on the 1st Floor ▽商业索引细部 Details of business index

▽二层商业索引标识 Business index on the 2nd Floor

▽一层商业索引标识 Business index on the 1st Floor

▽二层商业索引标识 Business index on the 2nd Floor

▽一层商业索引标识 Business index on the 1st Floor

▽卫生间导引标识 Bathroom Logo


为强化文创街区的空间气质,设计师为“长拖1958” 打造了性格鲜明的环境视觉体系,从项目品牌入手,依次拉通环境导示、城市家具、景观灯具等各个设计专项,直至散落在林间休憩空间里的艺术小品-亲鸟装置、故事匣子(打开门扫码听故事)等,充分挖掘长拖的历史文化资源,为市民带来丰富的文化艺术体验。


To strengthen the space temperament of the cultural and creative block, the designers created a distinctive environmental graphic system, starting from the project brand, extends to various design specialties such as environmental signage design, urban furniture design, landscape lighting design, along with the art pieces scattered in the forest such as bird device and story box (open the door and listen stories by scanning QR code). It fully tapped the historical and cultural resources of Changtuo and brings a rich cultural and artistic experience to the citizens.

At the basic level of the environmental graphic system, Industrial logic and constructivism is emphasized in color, font, information arrangement and shape structure. The system planning is focused on the homology of level setting and spatial structure. Metal plate, cutting, baking paint and other industrial -strong materials and practices were used in process design which not only compare collisions with site buildings, but also echo the updated part.


▽楼栋号细部 Details of Building number

▽室外吸烟区,一个新的文明现象 Outdoor smoking area, a new phenomenon of civilization  ▽松林大道上的故事匣子(打开门扫码听故事)Story boxes on pine avenue ( open door and listen to stories by scanning QR code)  ▽林间的亲鸟装置 Bird device in forest

▽标识基础与景观铺装的精密衔接 Precise connection between signage base and landscape paving

▽标识施工工程记录 Signage production record


▽标识施工工程记录 Signage production record


▽标识施工工程记录 Signage production record




Another commendable is that the signage construction company is improving in technique, and accurately reproduces the implementation effect of the designer’s conception. During production and processing, the manufactory dispatched an experienced engineer staying on the project site for a long time, coordinating various reserved conditions of the installation timely, and closely cooperate with the construction control of the project management and effectively ensure the smooth progress of the on-site installation, and finally achieve the high-quality completion of each part of the environmental graphic system.



结语 Epilogue



“Changtuo 1958” is undoubtedly lucky. It carries the characteristics of the era of the new and the old , and will reshape the city’s memory in the future. How to remit a period of glory of yesterday into the tide of the city update and write a new chapter of cultural innovation for industrial cities? The designers are also lucky. They made a Mayakovsky-style answer with their works

If you wish–I can be irreproachably gentle, Not a man —But a cloud in trousers.


▽不朽之灵魂,总在巨变前夕的黎明醒来  The immortal soul always wakes up on the eve of the huge change



注释 Comment:


Transparency Colin Rowe and Robert Slutzky, 1964
A cloud in trousers Vladimir Mayakovsky, 1915
Video background music pays a tribute to Man.with.a.Movie.Camera and Samurai Champloo





Project: Changtuo 1958
Location: Changchun, Jilin Province
Client: Vanke Changchun
Content: Environmental Grahpic System
Design management: Xue Zheng, Huan Zhao, Baogang Han, Muzhou Wang, Weiyi Ma, Qiao Wan
Design company: Tothree Design Co.,Ltd
Art Direction: Wu Sun
Designers: Wenbo Liu, Linna Zhang, Xuhui Jiang, Qianglai Li, Zixiao Huang
Construction company: Tiantianjingyi
Engineering management: Shuangqie Xu, Zhengjun Lu, Xialin Fan, Chuanbiao Liu, Enfei Shen
Photography: Zoom Studio (Except for noted pics)
Edit: Wu sun




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