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Thanks L&A design for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by L&A design.


奥雅设计:   上世纪五十年代,见证着广州工业化进程的广州钢铁厂,承载了“老广们”的拼搏岁月,留给“钢二代”们铁锈味的特别童年。当一代人的特别岁月渐渐熄火,凝固成工业遗址,“老城新区”的未来人居蓝图缓缓展开,广州进入旧城改造的新时代……

L&A design:  In the 1950s, witnessing the city industrialization, the Guangzhou Ironworks carried the memories of the predecessors’ hard-working times and left a special childhood to the “descendants of the steel”. When the special eras of a generation gradually faded away and the sites solidified into industrial ruins, the blueprint for the future human settlement of the “Old City New District” slowly unfolded, and Guangzhou enters a new era of old city transformation…


© 奥雅设计
© 奥雅设计
© 奥雅设计



A city is a living organism and needs metabolism. But this metabolism should be an “organic” renewal, like a cell renewal, not a simple replacement. – Wu Liangyong


▼项目视频 Video



The site is located at the gateway of Guangzhou Ironworks New District. As the main interface for urban renewal and as a comprehensive supporting facility for the entire area, it injects new vitality into this “new city” with a vibrant appearance.


© 奥雅设计
© 奥雅设计
© 鲁冰


Old factory New Development – Landscape integrate with Playground


▼城市正更新 The city is being updated

© 鲁冰





How to increase the carrying capacity of Guangzhou ironworks Zone to improve the living capacity of residents through optimizing urban space and site functions?

This is a problem that the La V-onderland design team has been thinking about during the design process.

In the end, we decided to build a landscape-style playground. It is a social platform for neighborhood life covered by all ages, providing a playground for children, and a public space for neighborhood interaction. It can also become a commercial landmark, seamlessly integrated with the site, improving site recognition.


© 鲁冰
© 奥雅设计
© 鲁冰



Before the renovation, the site was not recognizable and popular. Space was lack of rhythmic circulation. The design team redesigned the plants on the site. Most of the trees have remained, and the middle and lower level plants are cleaned up to create a comfortable, transparent, simple, and refreshing planting space, and at the same time to meet the functions of site shade, viewing, isolation, and so on. At the same time, the site is divided into two major functional areas to create a place for activities.


▼场地改造方案推演 Design Process

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功能区——蜂巢乐园改造前后对比 Function Area – Beehive Before and After

© 奥雅设计

▼功能区——蜂乐水剧场改造前后对比 Function Area – Beehive Water Playground Before and After

© 奥雅设计



The birth of the playground – The bees are coming.


▼小机械蜂绘本故事节选 The excerpt from the robot bee picture book

© 奥雅设计


从中海甲方提出的“B.E.E”社区景观体系中,洛嘉团队设计了小机械蜂等IP形象, 并以小机械蜂与女孩的 IP 故事线串起整个乐园。

From the “B.E.E” community landscape system proposed by China Overseas Property, the La V-onderland team designed the IP images of the robot bees and connected the entire playland with the IP storylines of the robot bees and the little girl.


▼蜜蜂家族的成员们散落在乐园各处与孩子们一起玩耍、休憩 The members of the bees family are playing with kids in the playland.

© 奥雅设计


▼机械蜂与女孩,则在高处见证着大家的欢乐。他们也成为了一个地标、一个场地记忆点 The robot bee and the little girl are watching the happy ground playing from the highland. They also become a landmark and a memory of the site.

© 奥雅设计


From the image of the little bee, the design team extracted hexagonal beehive and the stripe pattern of the bees as the design language of the site to shape the plan. They created two functional areas of the beehive paradise and the beehive water theater with a relaxing and eventful place.


功能区 · 蜂巢乐园 Functional area Beehive Paradise


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© 奥雅设计
© 奥雅设计




Here you can’t see the traditional slide and crawling net installation because they are embedded in the landscape equipment. The Beehive Paradise breaks the traditional form of children’s playground without limits of the gameplay and movement. Children can use their imagination to play here.

Without dazzling color, the wooden form pursues pure and natural textures. The small bee-themed sculpture makes the park more fit in the story and interactive. At the same time, it serves as an open public activity space with multiple rest and parents lounge, allowing parents to take care of the children’s movements.


© 鲁冰
© 鲁冰


功能区 · 蜂乐水剧场 Functional Area Beehive Water Theater



Playing in the water is an irresistible temptation for children. What is more exciting than playing with water on a hot summer day?

Tired of playing in Beehive Paradise? Go to Beehive Water Theater to cool down.


© 奥雅设计
© 奥雅设计




The amphitheater platform continues the design language of the hive, leaving enough space for rest. It is also like a theater, waiting for various events to be staged in this spacious square.

The multifunctional-shared space meets the needs of residents’ activities such as watching and being watched, playing and sitting communication, and contemplation.


© 奥雅设计


Construction of the Playground – parametric design



Streamlined surface, smooth curves and rounded corners, dense mesh structure…With the parametric design, the design team turned the imagination into a rational and logical expression, breaking the boundaries of design and shaping more diverse and organic forms.


▼运用参数化设计,计算乐园整体的结构和六边形的分布方式 Use parametric design to calculate the overall structure of the park and the distribution of hexagons.

© 鲁冰


派崔·舒马赫(Patrik Schumacher)称参数化设计为“现代主义后的重要新风格”,其所具有的科幻感与未来感打开了一个新纪元。借助了这一技术的蜂巢乐园也形成其最自然亲和的形体。

Patrik Schumacher called the parametric design “an important new style after modernism”, and its sci-fi sense and future sense opens a new era. With this technology, the Beehive Paradise also formed its most natural and friendly form.


© 奥雅设计
© 奥雅设计



La V-onderland Playland’s original combination of the parametric skin and the use of children’s facilities have truly realized the parametric design of the children’s activity playland that can be used by people and can be used daily. This place also expresses our best wishes for Guangzhou Ironworks New District.


▼精神堡垒的参数化 Parameterization of the Spiritual Fortress

© 奥雅设计



The construction of the Beehive Paradise requires special-shaped processing. The double-curved design, the special-shaped elbow skeleton, and the special-shaped curved wooden board undoubtedly increase the difficulty of construction. The team used supplementary parameterization to control the positioning of hexagonal openings, irregular arc laser cutting, and grinding, 3D printing, and various adjustments according to the site to complete the installation…


▼测试木板的弯曲率,确保木板可以弯折的最大弧度 Test the bending rate of the wooden board to ensure the maximum arc that the wooden board can bend.

© 奥雅设计

▼定制独特连接件,固定木板,保证完美贴合曲面 Customized unique connecting pieces to fix the wooden board to ensure the perfect fit to the curved surface.

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▼现场吊装 On-site Installation.

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In parametric design, one of the problems designers need to face is how to deal with the tension between the smooth and cold digital world and the rough and powerful physical world. Beehive Paradise has a perfect answer.


© 鲁冰




The La V-onderland design team transformed the site into a more complex, functional, and pleasing community public place. Hope this place is full of popularity and vitality.

Hope that this paradise can accompany children throughout their childhood. When they grow up and recall their memories, they can always remember the happiness brought by the Beehive Paradise and the bee friends at that time… Hope that the natural, pure and innocent feelings can be used as a keystone to building a solid fortress inside them.


© 奥雅设计


The completion of a good project requires the cooperation and support of all partners. Special thanks to the support and trust given by the partners of Guangzhou China Overseas Property Real Estate Design Management Department, with whom the project can be presented to the public with the best appearance.



项目地点:广东 广州
乐园设计:北京洛嘉团队 、洛嘉工业设计研发中心

采写 | 狮子、羊咩咩
编辑 | 法玛
摄影 | 韦立伟、林涛、上官静煊、鲁冰
视频 | 正叔、Gaga、西妖潇 、叶根、符圣凯
动图 | 北京洛嘉团队、正叔、西妖潇

Project Name: Guangzhou China Overseas Property Xueshili
Entrusted owner: Guangzhou China Overseas Property Haizhi Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
Project Location: Guangzhou, Guangdong
Land area: 4000㎡
Paradise Design: Beijing La V-onderland Design, La V-onderland Industrial Design R&D Center
Design time: 2019.07
Completion time: 2020.05

Writing | Shizi, Yangmiemie
Edit | Fama
Photography | Wei Liwei, Lin Tao, Shangguan Jingxuan, Lu Bing
Video | Zhengshu, Gaga, XiYaoxiao, Ye Gen, Fu Shengkai
Animation | Beijing Virginia team, Zheng Shu, XiYaoxiao


更多read more about:  奥雅设计 L&A design