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Beautell Arquitectos :自从多年前旧阿尔卡拉教堂因安全原因关闭(最终于 2011 年拆除)以来,阿尔卡拉社区的居民一直想要重建坎德拉里亚圣母大教堂。但是由于各种原因,这座建筑一直未能重建,代表当地人虔诚和传统的圣母像仍然在市议会供奉的地方。近年来,坎德拉里亚教区、特内里费教区、加那利群岛政府和吉亚德伊索拉市议会为了响应这一社会需求,联手为阿尔卡拉建造了一座新的教堂。在这个没有建筑参考的地区,新教堂必须重现昔日风光并成为阿尔卡拉中心新的建筑地标。

Beautell Arquitectos:For years, since the closure for security reasons of the old Alcalá Church -finally demolished in 2011-, the residents of the Alcalá neighborhood have tried to favor the reconstruction of the lost temple which was under the invocation of the Virgin of Candelaria. This construction, for various reasons, has been frustrated and, till the date, the image of the Virgin, a symbol of great devotion and tradition among the locals, was in a place that the City Council gave for worship. In recent years, the Parish of Candelaria, the Bishopric of Tenerife, the Government of the Canary Islands and the City Council of Guía de Isora, in order to respond to this social demand, have joined forces to make a new temple for Alcalá. In an area without architectural references, the new church had  to recover the memory of the disappeared hermitage, and constitute an architectural landmark in the neighborhood, a new center for Alcalá.


▽外立面轮廓分明,白色和赭色形成鲜明对比 The facade is well defined, contrasting white and ochre

©Flavio Dorta


▽天窗投射自然光线照亮整个祈祷室 Skylights cast natural light throughout the prayer room

©Flavio Dorta



The new Church of Alcalá, under the invocation of the Virgin of Candelaria, tells us about the tradition, about the recovery of the memory of that old construction that stood alone on the badlands of lava that underlies, even today, under the asphalt .


©Flavio Dorta


这栋两层的建筑总建筑面积为 1,100 平方米,半地下室楼层包括服务空间:多用途教区房间、车库、仓库、设施间和卫生间;上层房间是教堂和圣器收藏室,均可从广场进入。新教堂从入口处开始被分为“旧的”和“新的”两个中殿,使一个单独的空间分隔出两个空间。其中一个还原了旧修道院的形状和位置,重新诠释了岛屿的传统建筑,试图恢复它的记忆并减轻因拆除造成的失落感。墙壁是新的,但它们的气息是相同的,并且凝结了那个地方的所有时光。圣母像回到了原址的顶部,被保护在一个洞穴中,让人想起它在加那利群岛原住民心中的形象。

The building has a total constructed area of ​​1,100 m2 spread over two levels. The semi-basement floor includes the servant spaces: parish rooms for multiple uses, garage, warehouse, facilities rooms and toilets. Above the rooms, with access from the square, are the Church and the sacristy. Starting from these premises, the new temple is formalized in two different naves, “the old one” and “the new one”. A single interior space, becomes into two different volumes from the outside. One of them recovers the shape and position of the old hermitage in a reinterpretation of the traditional architecture of the islands as an attempt to recover its memory and attenuate the feeling of loss that its demolition caused. The walls are new, but the air they enclose is the same and condenses all the moments lived in that place. The image of the Virgin returns to its pristine position, occupying the same place as in yesteryear, at the head of the ancient body, this time protected in a cave that recalls its appearance to the Guanches (aborigines of the Canary Islands).


▽入口,由此分出新旧两个中殿 The entrance separates the old and new nave

©Flavio Dorta


▽祈祷室用材简单,主要由混凝土和木材建造 The prayer room is made of simple materials, mainly concrete and wood

©Flavio Dorta
©Flavio Dorta


▽下层平面图 The semi-basement Floor Plan

courtesy of Beautell Arquitectos


▽祈祷室平面图 Plan of prayer room

courtesy of Beautell Arquitectos



The other volume, like a flame -the fire of the candle-, seeks the verticality bringing greater representation to the interior space which culminates in a skylight that illuminates the presbytery and connects both naves, the old and the new one, symbolizing that there is a bridge between tradition and modernity. The aggregation of volumes comes from the typology of vernacular religious architecture, growing by naves with a patio attached. The strategy of decomposing the building into differentiated volumes has also been used in response to the rigid urban conditions that forced it to align the building with the perimeter road.


©Flavio Dorta
©Flavio Dorta


▽剖面图,建筑的两个部分 Two sections of the building

courtesy of Beautell Arquitectos



At material level, the construction is very austerity, the simplicity of the materials used and the use of resources such as natural lighting give to the space an ascetic character that seeks the essential. The volume that recalls the old hermitage is executed in cyclopean concrete with recovery of the natural stone existing on the site. The chiseled finish of this body is finished, in the traditional way, with lime. The white of the lime contrasts with the ocher color used in the new volume, which is also built in concrete, this time mass-stained and bush-hammered with different intensities.


©Flavio Dorta
©Flavio Dorta


▽平面图 Plan

courtesy of Beautell Arquitectos


▽剖面图 Section

courtesy of Beautell Arquitectos


▽轴测图 Axonometric

courtesy of Beautell Arquitectos
courtesy of Beautell Arquitectos
courtesy of Beautell Arquitectos


▽设计手稿 Sketch

courtesy of Beautell Arquitectos




项目名称:Church of Nuestra Señora de Candelaria in Alcalá
景观/建筑公司:Alejandro Beautell, arquitecto
首席建筑师:Alejandro Beautell
设计团队:Eloy Fernández——施工技术员,IGS Ingenieros ——电气照明,Pedro León——安全协调员,C+C Consultores ——结构设计
客户:Obispado de Tenerife.
图片来源:Flavio Dorta

Project name: Church of Nuestra Señora de Candelaria in Alcalá.
Completion Year: 2020
Size: 1,100  m²
Project location: C/ Julia Trujillo nº 1, Alcalá, Guía de Isora, Tenerife, España.
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Alejandro Beautell, arquitecto
Website: www.beautellarquitectos.com
Contact e-mail: flavio@beautellarquitectos.com
Lead Architects: Alejandro Beautell
Design Team: Eloy Fernández – quantity surveyor, IGS Ingenieros – electrical-lighting, Pedro León – security coordinator, C+C Consultores – structure.
Clients: Obispado de Tenerife.
Photo credits: Flavio Dorta
Photographer’s website:  https://www.facebook.com/Flavio-Dorta



审稿编辑: gentlebeats

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