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Thanks  Atelier-i for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Atelier-i .


邑建筑:本项目为邑建筑事务所 / Atelier-i 在2022年卢瓦尔河畔肖蒙国际花园节中的参展作品。作为最具国际影响力的顶尖景观艺术节,肖蒙国际花园节于每年的4-11月在法国卢瓦河畔肖蒙城堡举办,是一年一度的国际艺术盛事,也是全球花园和园艺创作领域的创意实验室。花园节以创作、想象力、诗意和自然为核心展开,注重唤醒大众对花园艺术的关注。今年是肖蒙国际花园节30周年纪念展,主题为“理想花园”。

Atelier-i :This project Dans un jardin d’illusions by Atelier-i is one of the exhibits at the Chaumont International Garden Festival, the most prominent garden art festival worldwide, held annually in the gardens of the castles in the Loire Valley in France from April to November. Recognized as a laboratory and observatory for gardens in the future, the garden festival focuses on creation, imagination, poetry, and nature, with a mission of inventing new ways to see and experience the garden and awakening the public’s attention to garden art. The theme for this year’s celebration of its 30th anniversary is “ideal garden”.


▽项目视频 Video


作品《幻之园》(Dans Un Jardin D’illusions )从全球近千个提案中脱颖而出,成为最终在花园节中展出的24个作品之一,也是入选的唯一中国团队,得到了专业人士和游客的普遍认可。

Dans Un Jardin D’illusions by Atelier-i stood out from nearly a thousand proposals across the world and became the only one Chinese work out of the 24 works finally exhibited in the Garden Festival. It has been generally recognized by professionals and tourists.


▽法国卢瓦河畔肖蒙城堡鸟瞰,Aerial view of Chateau de Chaumont-sur-Loire, France



山水意象与光影叙事 Motif of Shanshui and Narrative of Light

幻之园(Dans Jardin d’illusions)的初衷旨在探讨中西园林哲学、美学、生态的关联和设计对于自然的想象与要求。


The original intention of Jardin d’illusions is to explore the relationship between Chinese and Western garden’s philosophy, aesthetics, and ecology, as well as the imagination and expectations of design for nature.

The kite-shaped site is located on the west side of Chaumont Castle, surrounded by a 2-meter-high hedge. The structure of the garden consists of three concentric circles: The outer ring is an open-work circular wooden structure, strung on which, a see-through curtain-like installation of hemp ropes depicts the mountainous contours and refers to the motif of Shanshui in Chinese paintings. The middle ring is planted and concealed with bamboo, providing visitors with a quiet stroll. In the inner ring of the garden, in order to simulate the glittering sunshine on the water, the designers used black slippery pebbles that would reflect daylight rather than create an actual pond in the garden, so that visitors could sit on the stones for a rest and meditation. The motifs of mountains, water, bamboos, and the round shape are subtly interdependent in the garden, conveying the connotation of Chinese Shanshui. The round shape of the garden, as a symbol of infinity and divinity, expresses the ancient Chinese cosmology of “Tian Yuan Di Fang” and the world view of “Tao Follows Nature”, as well as the ideal of harmony and unity between human, nature, and heaven.


▽项目与周边环境,Project and surrounding environment


▽项目整体鸟瞰,Aerial view 




Paying homage to the mythical Shanshui painting “Eight Scenes of Xiaoxiang” by Muxi, the project Dans un jardin d’illusions replicates the rolling mountains as depicted in the painting by Muxi on a curtain of 240 groups of ropes by making reef knots at various heights on each rope. The upper half of each group of ropes is a single-strand thin rope with a diameter of 6mm. The bottom half is folded into double strands with a thick rope with a diameter of 12mm. And the upper and lower sections are connected by flat knots. During the design process, the height of each knot is precisely calculated.


▽麻绳高低错落演绎出山峦起伏的形态,The staggered height of the hemp rope interprets the undulating shape of the mountains


▽绳节分上下两段,以平节相交,The upper and lower sections are connected by flat knots.




The 240 nodes form the outline of a mountain, extending rhythmically into the distance. When audience walk along the circular path in the garden, landscapes and surroundings vary constantly with the change of perspective. Meanwhile, the shadow of the hemp rope keeps moving and rotating with the change of sunlight, generating a feeling of illusion. Therefore, the “flowing scenery” changing with time and perspectives amplify the “total experience” in the garden. In this way, the designers intend to create a “roaming around” experience that goes beyond cultural contexts, so that all audience from different cultures can have personalized resonation and interaction with the garden, as well as philosophical reflection on the oppositions between change and stillness, and between ephemerality and eternity.


▽游客参观幻之园,Tourists visit Dans un jardin d’illusions


▽游客在游走中与幻之园互动对话,During the walk, tourists interact with Dans un jardin d’illusions


▽日光落入竹林中,投射出斑驳的光影,The sunlight falls into the bamboo forest, casting mottled light and shadow



构筑一种在地性景观 Build A Landscape of Locality

木材是花园的主体结构构件。8根100mm*100mm木材作为主要支撑,另外8根40mm*40mm的木材作为辅助支撑,形成 “屏风” 的框架。团队从众多本土木材商中选用Chaumont当地的一家木材商作为供应商。很有趣的是,木材与麻绳的构筑连接方式从中国华东部分乡村地区布料缝合的传统手艺汲取灵感,同时保证了施工的精度和效率,以及最终呈现的整体美感。

Wood is the main structural component of the garden. Eight 1.8m-high logs with a cross-section of 100 mm * 100 mm are the main supports, and another eight ones with a cross-section of 40 mm * 40 mm are used as auxiliary supports to form a “screen” frame. The team selected a local timber merchant in Chaumont as a supplier from a large number of merchants. Ingeniously, the way in which the woods are constructed and connected with the hemp ropes draws inspiration from the traditional craftsmanship of sewing insoles in some rural areas of Eastern China, while ensuring the precision and efficiency of the construction, as well as the aesthetics presented by the works.


▽围合的花园,The enclosed garden


▽环内缓坡可供游客上下环游,The gentle slope in the ring allows tourists to travel up and down



植物作为整个构图的“背景”,从莫奈的印象派画作的明亮丰富色彩中汲取灵感,以其画作中描绘四个季节的代表色作为植物色彩选型的依据。如白色的玉簪花(Hosta ventricosa)、榛子莫奈色的萱草(Hemerocallis ‘Hazel Monette’)代表冬天到春天的过渡,红色的萱草(Jolly Hearts)及经典的紫色马鞭草(Verbena bonariensis) 代表热烈的夏天,黄色意大利醋菊(Helichrysum italicum)为代表的秋季色彩。

Plants act as a “backdrop” for the entire composition, drawing inspiration from the bright and rich colors of Monet’s Impressionist paintings. The choice of plants is based on the colors of the four seasons depicted in Monet’s paintings. For example, white Hosta ventricosa and Hemerocallis represent the transition from winter to spring, red Jolly Hearts and classical Verbena bonariensis represent the warm summer, and the yellow Helichrysum italicum represent the color of autumn.


▽静谧的四季花园,Tranquil four seasons garden




All the flowers planted in the garden are from the local area of the Loire River,which is known as the “Jardin de France”. Thus, the colors of the plants also reflect the character of the Loire region – bright, sincere, and full of vitality. Spread over the outermost circle of the garden, these flowers are the starting point of the wandering path that starts from a colorful and fragrant world, passes through a symbolic minimalist world, and finally arrives at a calm inner world. Throughout the path, the tones and spirits of Eastern and Western cultures merge with each other.




韧性理论的试验田 A Test Field for Resilience Theory

“韧性理论” 是国际前沿的城市发展理论,着眼于城市对生态、社会、经济等内压力和风险的防御和应对,涵盖公民健康与福祉、城市规划与建设、应急治理以及可持续发展等方面。《幻之园》是韧性理论的实验性艺术装置,以小见大,从不同尺度来展现韧性理念。

Urban Resilience is an international cutting-edge urban development theory that focuses on the response of cities to internal pressures and risks in terms of ecology, society, and economy, covering the health and well-being of citizens, urban planning and construction, emergency governance and sustainable development. “Dans Un Jardin d’illusions” is an experimental art installation of resilience theory, which shows the concept of “resilience” from different scales.


▽潜藏在风景深处的幻之园,Dans un jardin d’illusions hidden in the depths of landscape



生态韧性 Ecological Resilience


Locality of organisms is emphasized in the selection of plants in the garden—all plants are native to France to avoid invasive species and build resilient ecosystems.


▽选用并种植在地性植物,Select and plant terrestrial plants



构造韧性 Constructrual Resilience


The physical state of the hemp rope changes with the weather conditions—the hemp rope relaxes when it rains and shrinks on sunny days. The design conforms to this feature of the hemp rope, as the façade naturally presents a state of relaxation, tension, and transition in the middle under different weather, which is also a straightforward illustration of the theory of resilience that the work wants to show the audience.


▽麻绳细节,Hemp rope details



循环韧性 Circular Resilience


Cost savings were consistently maintained throughout the project – only 12,427 euros were spent from design to construction,which only accounts for 1/2 of the cost of steel structure buildings of the same volume.In terms of materials and construction, the building structure is made of environmentally friendly all-wood materials, 95% of which are recyclable. The construction process is based on modular manual cutting, with low energy consumption. The structure is easy to disassemble and will be recycled at the end of November when the exhibition ends. Moreover, the public space achieves a greening rate of 78%, forming an ecological microcirculation.


▽法国Le Bois 市当地大学生参与施工建造,Local university students in Le Bois participated in the construction




共建的花园 A Garden by Co-Creation

法国“市民参与项目机制”,已成为一种成熟的“法国模式”和建造机制。学校、居民往往能够参与到实体建造项目之中。本项目的创作中,艺术节所处的Le Bois 市当地大学生以社会实践的方式参与到建造过程,发挥创意,实现了公共空间的共创和共享。

Citizen participation in public projects has become a well-established “French model”, in which building or space users such as schools and residents can participate in the design and construction of a project. In this project, students from a local university in Le Bois City, where the festival is located, participated in the construction and exerted their creativity, thus realizing the co-creation of public spaces.


▽施工过程,The construction process



▽主体构架平面图,Main frame plan





项目名称:Dans un jardin d’illusions / 幻之园
项目类型:装置艺术 景观
设计团队:邑建筑 / Atelier-i
项目面积:200 ㎡ (花园占地面积)
客户: Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire/卢瓦尔河畔肖蒙庄园

Project Title: Dans un jardin d’illusions
Project Type: Installation,Art,Landscape
Company website: atelier-i.org
Contact email: atelier.illimite@gmail.com
Project Design: Liu Xiangcheng, Zhang Yiyang, Guo Xiaoxi
Year of completion: 2022
Team of de: Atelier-i
Project Address: Chateau de Chaumont-sur-Loire, France
Building area: 200 ㎡ (garden area)
Photography: Titianhao Studio
Client: Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire
Material: wood, hemp rope, pebbles, green plants




更多Read more about:邑建筑 / Atelier-i