该项目是对Elizabeth Caruthers公园的设计,该公园得益于它天然的地势特点,以及周边丰富的草木花卉,各种花卉植物五颜六色,质地纹理不同,种植规模也各不相同。

The project is for Elizabeth Caruthers park design, thanks to its natural terrain features, the park and around the rich grass flowers, all kinds of flowers plant colorful, textures, different planting scale also each are not identical.


Elizabeth Caruthers Park by Hargreaves Associate


A highlight of the park design is an area of open lawn and open space, in the leisure time, people will come here for a walk, walk the dog, do exercise, or some other large outdoor activities. In addition, from the Willamette river here is very close, there are also some communities nearby, during the day, people can come here to chat, party at night, there will be a brilliant lights light up, very beautiful. So it’s really a great place to play, meditate, or get together. It is worth mentioning that although there are many tall buildings nearby, there are still visual decorative landscapes, which perfectly integrate the man-made landscape with the natural landscape.Elizabeth Caruthers Park by Hargreaves Associate蜿蜒曲折的木板路横穿各个山丘和沼泽地的低洼处,这里树木苍翠,种类繁多,附近的水流将天然的灌木丛植物渗透,从而加强了植物与水景之间的联系,形成互动。

Meandering boardwalk across the hills and swamp low-lying place, here verdant trees, a wide range of natural shrub plants the flow in the vicinity of the seepage, to strengthen the relationship between plants and water features, formation of interaction.
Elizabeth Caruthers Park by Hargreaves Associate Elizabeth Caruthers Park by Hargreaves Associate Elizabeth Caruthers Park by Hargreaves Associate Elizabeth Caruthers Park by Hargreaves Associate Elizabeth Caruthers Park by Hargreaves Associate Elizabeth Caruthers Park by Hargreaves Associate Elizabeth Caruthers Park by Hargreaves Associate Elizabeth Caruthers Park by Hargreaves Associate Elizabeth Caruthers Park by Hargreaves Associate Elizabeth Caruthers Park by Hargreaves Associate

设计公司:Hargreaves Associate

Project name: Elizabeth Caruthers Park
Project type: Park
Location: USA
Design company: Hargreaves Associate

更多:Hargreaves Associate