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Antao Group: It is our hope that there is a cultural discovery land in each and every city. The integration of local culture, ecosphere, natural beauty and art and education provides little children a precious opportunity to explore the magnificence of the nature as well as the origin of life while having fun. A discovery land combining an art gallery, a natural museum and a cultural center is expected to become a piece of urban infrastructure.






On the coast of the East China Sea (Donghai), seasonal typhoons, rush into the boundaries between the mountains and the sea from time to time. The waves, in addition to drawing the border of the forests, leave behind a great amount of marine life, although they are not intending to. In the view of Daishan locals, this place is merely a flat waste of sand that used to be isolated and sparsely populated. Except for fishermen and farmers who grew up here, few people have been here. In the eyes of designers, however, this is a park blessed with uniqueness by the sea. It is gifted with value unapproachable by anywhere else.


▽岱山海岛 Daishan Island



We would like to create a cultural Paradise of Discovery that is unparalleled in the world. With the help of landscape architects, product designers, sculptors, installation artists, science experts, ecological restoration experts, and mechanical specialists, we make it possible that an unpowered discovery land that coexists in harmony with the surroundings spring up from the ground. The biodiversity of this area will be displayed in multiple ways. The world will start to perceive, touch, and reach the maritime culture of the East China Sea. The unmatched, unique culture of the Penglai Fairyland will be clearly seen, well understood, and widely spread.




Surrounded by waterfronts, mountains, and forests, our Discovery Park is endowed with breathtaking views that are typical to islands. We expect our Discovery Park to be built based upon the preservation of the beauty of the nature to the greatest extent. The island, the mountains, the sea, as well as the stories and legends can all be found here. Also, little children will wander around a land where they are able to understand the culture, to communicate with the nature, and to learn through playing. What they will get from this land is not only having a lot of fun, but also having an excellent grasp of the Daishan spirit.


▽海错图探索公园 The Illustrated Album of Sea Ornaments Discovery Park




Since the ancient times, Chinese people living by the sea have been used to looking across the ocean with unconstrained imaginations slowly taking root from the bottom of their hearts. Nie Huang, a painter from the late Ming and early Qing period, is one of them. He depicted The Illustrated Album of Sea Ornaments, a collection filled with fantastic, exotic creature. The wide variety of marine life in the book is the product of both reality and imagination. They are remarkably interesting and bizarre, continuously drawing the attention of people.

Inspired by this collection, we take the marine life that is commonly seen in Daishan as our prototype. The wonderful creature that is unique to Daishan comes into being. So does the Discovery Park itself. Our story centers around the harbor of the East China Sea, including the Reef Town, the Conch Village, the Song of the East China Sea, the Octopus Guardian, the Wolong Valley, and the Treasure Bay. Continuous traffic networks bring about an adventure containing racing and gaming. These paths can be compared to the clues in a story as they both play the role of connecting sections of different functions. Our design brings together the surprise of exploring and the experience of growing into the adventure story in the East China Sea.



01礁石阵 | The Reef Town


Sunlight passes through the mysterious totem of the reef, which seems to glint and sparkle with golden glow. A door is slowly open and takes the little children to the mysterious Paradise of Discovery. As the night falls, the totem takes in the power of the moonlight and sparkles again to brighten the night march’s path to discovery.




On the outside of the reef, there is the totem similar to mysterious words from the cliff, which is an unspoken narration of the legend of the ocean. The totem inside the reef is a secret treasure map, which is a map of the Paradise of Discovery as depicted in the Illustrated Album of Sea Ornaments.
In the map, people can see the Conch Village, the Yellow Croaker Ship by the fishing village, the treasure chest guarded by octopuses, and the dragon circling overhead. Little children are guided off for the adventure of exploration


▽探索图腾的秘密 Explore the secret of totem


02海螺村 | The Conch Village


Ancient magic transforms the conchs scattered on the beach into a small conch village. After turning into Sea Elves, the little children tramp over the wooden trestle and through the intricate channel to enter the village, after which they have an exploration of the conchs and uncover a rural experience that is brand new to them.


▽海螺村 The Conch Village



Legend has it that conchs are the recorder of the music from the sea. Listening carefully, you may hear the echo of the East Sea in the village. The laughter of the little children are like the waves of the sea reverberating through the Conch Village.


▽探索海螺村的小精灵 Explore the Conch Village elves


▽猜一猜谁最先到达村庄内 Guess who is going to be the first one to enter the village

▽游动在海螺村内的小鱼 Fish swimming in the Conch Village



A huge ship is lying at anchor in the Conch Village. Built by the best craftsmen in the fishing village, the ship mimics the image of the Yellow Croaker, a special local fish in Daishan. People may climb up the Yellow Croaker through the climbing net around the fin and act as a sailor looking far into the distance. They may also play the role of the steersmen that decide the course of the ship. They may team up and become oceangoing voyage groups sailing away into the cheerful ocean together with the Yellow Croaker.


▽大黄鱼船 The Yellow Croaker Ship


▽大黄鱼的眼睛溜溜转 The Yellow Croaker’s eyes spin flexibly

▽小水手登上高处,观察海洋动向 The little sailor climbs high to read the ocean’s movement


▽船舵静待小船长来指挥方向 The rudder is waiting for the young captain to decide its course



We create an extensive science wall along the long boundary of the mountains and forests. The rise and fall of the sun and the moon, the movement of the tides of the ocean, the special local marine creatures in Daishan, and the mysterious ancient legends are depicted on the wall. Little children are able to have interactions with the wall by changing the pictures inside the glass windows, which allows them to have an immersive learning experience of the basics of the ocean.


▽科普互动墙 Interactive Science Wall

▽天空迷宫橱窗 Sky Maze Window

▽海洋与天空主题的互动橱窗 Interactive window themed by Ocean and sky

▽沙滩上的立体小动深受孩子们的喜爱 The 3D animals on the beach are popular among the little children



Multiple types of swings are placed on both sides of the road. We not only have safe swings for young children, but also have standing swings and two-person swings for older children. As they play on the swings, both young children and older children cheer and laugh. Children will be thrilled at the highest point as if they are riding the wind and flying away into the distance in the ocean.


▽多种秋千形式 Multiple types of swings

▽独自完成滑索挑战的小勇士 A young warrior challenges the zipline independently and succeeds


03东海之歌 | The Song of the East China Sea

传说,江豚有一种特别的声音频率,它们的交谈好似乐曲般悦耳,一场对话便是一场音乐会。 岱山夏秋之时,海港中会出现“群豚拜江”的奇景,成群的江豚时沉时浮,在海中浮动起舞,或许正是在共赴一场音乐盛会。

Legend has it that the porpoise typically call at frequencies that are special. The conversation of them can be compared to a beautiful melody. Each and every conversation is like a splendid concert. When the summer and the autumn comes, people can see a magnificent view of “Porpoise Paying Respects to the River” in the harbor of Daishan. Flocks of porpoises rise and fall, dancing in the sea. They are probably enjoying a concert.


▽与江豚一起共赴音乐会 Go to a concert with the porpoise

▽小江豚浮出海面 Small porpoises emerge


▽江豚的腹鳍各有玩法 There is much variety among the abdominal fins of the porpoise



Flying up to the clouds and the winds, the little children, together with the porpoises, are on their way to the Song of the East China Sea concert. The swimming porpoises are the conductors, while the little children play the role of the musicians. They give an instrumental performance amid the coral deep from the ocean. The Song of the East China Sea concert is ongoing.


▽敲击珊瑚,奏响东海之歌 Hit the coral and play the Song of the East China Sea

▽正在练习的小乐手 A young musician is practicing the performance


04章鱼守护 | The Octopus Guardian


As the ancient legend goes, the green-eyed octopus hovers over the mountains and forests, which sends an oppressive message: here is the adventure more “dangerous” than you think! The giant octopus does not scare off the brave adventurers. Instead, they find its tentacles very interesting because they can have a race there. The adventurer who reaches the finish line first wins the game.


▽巨大的神秘章鱼 Giant, mysterious octopus



More interesting things can be found in the octopus’s huge head. Each and every section is connected by the crawling nets like neural networks. Through the multi-color turnplate, the sunshine displays various colors. The little children call out to their friends on the beach through the microphones.


▽比一比,谁更快到达终点 Let’s see who gets to the finish line faster


▽章鱼器械内部结构 The octopus’s internal look


05卧龙谷 | The Wolong Valley


Dragons can be found in this valley. The elderly dragon that is mature serves as the guardian of the ocean and of the land, telling the little children about the legends and the stories of the East China Sea. The young dragon that is more lively wander around the beach and play with the children.



▽盘卧的大龙 The elderly dragon lying in the valley



The little children have access to everything possible in the Wolong Valley. The body of the dragon can serve as a trestle for children to race, the scales as ropes to ensure their safety, and the claws as secret paths for them to explore.


▽卧龙谷的丰富游乐空间 The various choices in the Wolong Valley



A little child who has been running for a while on the dragon stops all of a sudden. The child is staring at the dragon lying in the valley and the beach in the center. After thinking for a while, the child calls out, “The treasure is here!” It turns out that the treasure that the young adventurers have been looking for is here on the dragon. It is the dragon egg buried in the sand guarded by the elderly dragon.


▽位于龙身中心的宝物 The treasure can be found at the center part of the dragon



The little children who are playing with the young dragon seem to be more active. They keep chasing after each other through the beach and the ropes. Big boys and big girls, however, are brave enough to challenge the climbing net that is nearly perpendicular to the ground. Each and every of them shows the spirit that makes it undisputed to call them Descendants of the Dragon.


▽小龙器械内部攀爬结构 The young dragon’s internal climbing look


06宝藏湾 | The Treasure Bay


Another team of young adventures is running to the Ming Style Treasure Boat that is lying at anchor on the shore. Their mission is to find the secrets of the ocean. After getting on board, the young adventures being to make their treasure hunt plan. They are determined to work hand in hand to cross the waves and find every secret in the park.





In the long journey of treasure hunt, the children can play in a variety of play grounds on the boat, which prevents them from getting bored. There is an exquisite Exhibition Hall of the Culture of the East China Sea in the cool cabin where people can have a taste of the local history. On the deck, there is a bar where people can feel the sea breeze blowing through their hair in the sun.

During their treasure hunt, the young adventurers can see squillid, hermit crabs, seahorses and other marine life. There are big crabs on the beach dancing with their claws. It seems they also want to join the adventure.


▽岱山特有的海洋生物 Daishan’s local marine life


结语 | Epilogue


Our vision is to create an unparalleled discovery park that is able to show the ocean’s splendid culture, the lovely marine animals, and the beauty of natural landscapes. Meanwhile, the park is also able to embody the local specialty of Daishan. From those immersive stories, children will have an in-depth understanding of the long-standing history and legends, in addition to having a lot of fun and inspiration. Our park builds a bridge between the urban area and the participants, allowing them to have a close communication and to build emotional connections.


▽快乐奔跑的孩子们 Children are running, looking happy


▽对传说的幻想成为了孩子们的乐园 A fantasy world built on legends becomes a paradise for children



We try our best to maintain the original look of this place as we prepare our design drawings and carry out the construction. It is not just about keeping the original sandy slopes and trees. Also, we manage to choose the park facilities made of natural, rustic materials. The colors are primarily different shades of yellow as in that of the beach and different shades of clue as in that of the ocean. We are dedicated to presenting the authenticity of the park and bringing to everyone an immersive park with cultural characteristics.


▽夜幕下的乐园依旧灯光微亮 The lights in the park are glimmering at night



Cities have their own history and style. It is our expectation to provide participants with an opportunity to appreciate the brilliance of Daishan from their treasure hunt on the island of the East China Sea and to get an updated perspective of this island garden.




项目面积:红线面积:33200 ㎡(园区活动面积:22600 ㎡)
摄影版权:沉璧视觉摄影/Chenbi Photography Studio

Project Name: Daishan Donghai Country Park
Year of Completion: 2022
Total Area: Within the Red Line: 33,200 ㎡ (Activity Area: 22,600 ㎡)
Location: Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province
Leading Designer: Zhan Min
Designer Team: Shen Chaolei, Shao Xianling, Zheng Daini, Lv Xintuan, Lu Kangning, Yang Liu, Han Jialin, Ren Zhenhua
Client: Daishan Anlan Urban Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.
Photography: Chenbi Photography Studio




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