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Sweco Architects:位于Almindsø新开放的环形度假浴场为冬泳者、夏季游客、运动员和儿童提供多种活动,该项目为锡尔克堡市成为丹麦“户外之都”的城市发展愿景提供了支持,旨在保护该地区的特殊环境和湖泊的生物多样性。

Sweco Architects:Offering multiple activities for both winter bathers, summer guests, athletes and children, Eastern and Western Bathing Resort at Almindsø supports Silkeborg Municipality’s vison of being Denmark’s “outdoor capital”. The newly opened circular bathing facilities are designed to protect the area’s special environment and the lake’s biodiversity.


▼场地俯瞰 Overlook

©Sweco Danmark
©Sweco Danmark



Inspired by nature’s own shapes, the circle is the basic concept behind the design. The interconnected bridges – with integrated buildings and facilities – will invite bathers to use the bridges as they move around the resorts – this way, the buildings and bridges will have minimum impact on the surrounding environment. The new lake baths will be constructed from locally sourced wood and will be bolted together without the use of fittings.


▼鸟瞰 Aerial view

©Sweco Danmark


▼当地木材建造 Constructed from locally sourced wood



The two bathing resorts have been developed in close cooperation with the Danish Nature Agency. The permission for the project is given based on a thorough habitat impact assessment, which ensures that the new resorts can be built without consequences for the area’s animals, plants and aquatic environment. The environment surrounding Almindsø contains a high biodiversity – in example with several rare species of underwater plants.


©Sweco Danmark
©Sweco Danmark


“东部和西部度假浴场为锡尔克堡市成为丹麦“户外之都”的城市发展愿景提供了支持,并为冬泳者、夏季游客、运动员和儿童提供各种活动。例如,东部沐浴度假村将建立一个桑拿浴房,而两个度假浴场都将设有更衣设施和安全的带防护栏的儿童游泳池。”Sweco建筑事务所经理彼得·克里斯蒂安森(Peter Kristiansen)说。

“Eastern and Western Bathing Resort supports Silkeborg Municipalities vision of being Denmark’s outdoor capital, and offers various activities for both winter bathers, summer guests, athletes and children. For example, there will be a sauna at Eastern Bathing Resort, while both resorts will comprise changing facilities and safe, framed children’s pools,” says Peter Kristiansen, Creative Manager for Learning and Leisure at Sweco Architects.


▼东部桑拿房 Sauna at Eastern Bathing Resort

©Sweco Danmark
©Sweco Danmark



Almindsø is part of an international protection area, which commits to maintaining a good water quality. Therefore, the behaviour of the guests must be controlled and limited in order to minimise the impact on the surrounding environment. The vision of the new bathing resort is to improve the bathing experience while creating facilities that ensure protection of the biodiversity in the lake and the surrounding nature.


©Sweco Danmark




项目名称:Eastern and Western Bathing Resort
景观/建筑公司:Sweco Architects
首席建筑师: Peter Kristiansen

Project name: Eastern and Western Bathing Resort
Completion Year: 2020
Size: 2,000 m2
Project location: Almindsø, Silkeborg Municipality – Denmark
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Sweco Architects Denmark
Website: https://www.sweco.dk/ydelser/sweco-architects/
Contact e-mail: signemoeslund.mains@sweco.dk
Lead Architects: Peter Kristiansen
Clients: Silkeborg Municipality
Collaborators: Ministry of Environment and Food of Demark, Danish Nature Agency
Photo credits: Sweco




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