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Thanks GS Design for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by GS Design.


境上设计:故事的开始时间为2012年9月6日,万科拿下当时合肥城乡结合部四里河板块约774 亩土地,历时10年“森林公园” 变成了这里的名字,这里也成为合肥最宜居最具影响力的大型综合社区。

GS Design: The story started on Sept. 6, 2012, when Vanke bought the approximately 774 mu of land at Silihe Section of Hefei Urban Fringe Area at the time. In ten years, “Forest Park” became the name of here, the most liveable and influential large integrated community in Hefei.






After development for ten years, “Forest Park” community has attracted more and more residents to live and work here in peace, forming a compositive community integrating park, business, providing for the elderly, education and dwelling. The place carries the daily life of around 40,000 people, including around 8,000 preschool children and 5,000 students in primary and secondary schools. As the population grows increasingly saturated in the community, and due to the gradual development of dynamic construction in the community among other reasons, emerge more and more environmental problems, such as the unity of its appearance, potential transportation and safety hazards, and the ageing and lack of infrastructure. Hence the overall environmental inspection of the core block for improvement in terms of the functions and quality of the region on the 10 th anniversary of the establishment of the community. The renovation is also an exploration towards mature urban renewal.


▽规划鸟瞰与建成鸟瞰 Planning and building a bird ‘s-eye view

▽不同时间段下的场地鸟瞰 Bird ‘s-eye view of the site at different time periods



According to the initial planning, community life develops along Guzhen Road, and expands to the south and north. Stretching for 1km from Silihe Road in the east to Lyuliu Road in the west, concentrated business, situational business, community center, service center for the elders, primary schools, secondary schools and kindergartens. Every day, 40,000 people composed of the old, middle-aged and young, come and go in an endless flow on the motorway and the intermediate zone between buildings on both sides. Finding and solving problems, and offering more convenient and comfortable life are crucial to the renovation this time as an opportunity for the sprouting and new birth of the forest park community.





The basic strategy of community renewal is to adapt to local condition, and go with the times, therefore, the venue form, content and format of the renewal all depend on problems on site. We observed, interviewed and investigated along the road at different periods and found 10 scenarios for renewal in combination with citizens’ heartfelt wishes in daily life, which happens to fit in with the theme of the 10 th anniversary of the community through building “Ten Sights in Ten Years” for Forest Park community.


▽场地空间布局与节点分析 Site spatial layout and node analysis



萌芽之境位于固镇路四里河路口,是东边门户,北侧就是商业万科广场,因此这里是最重要的形象展示点也是人员聚集区,焕新工作首先利用隔离花箱对原本混乱的非机和人行交通进行梳理提升安全性,然后将老旧的LOGO 焕然一新,再利用原有市民公约墙结合铺装修复和灯光设计打造了“萌芽” 特色小品,新材料不锈钢与玻璃和原有的红砖耐候钢板形成反差,仿佛一颗颗嫩芽从现有环境中破土而出。

Realm of Sprouting is located at the intersection of Silihe Rd. and Guzhen Rd.As the eastern gateway, it’s south to Vanke Mall. Therefore, the most important image display point here is also crowded. First of all, the renewal takes advantage of shielded flower boxes to sort out the originally chaotic non-driveways and pedestrian streets to promote security. Secondly, the aged LOGOs take on an altogether new aspect. Then, the original civic convention walls are combined with auxiliary repair and lighting design to build the special “Sprouting” sketch, with the new material of stainless steel and glass contrasting against the original red-brick weather-resisting steel plates, as if grains of tender shoots breaking through the soil in the existing environment.


▽场地改造前后 Before and after site transformation

▽设计分析 Design analysis

▽萌芽元素 Germinal element

▽形象展示空间鸟瞰图 Aerial view




Corridor of Forest is located to the south of No. 45 Middle School, where there used to be a gallery frame, only lacking a sense of existence and left without anybody to care for it due to its mediocrity. However, it’s actually a junction of business and schools, with great human traffic. Therefore, to renew the place is to fully stimulate the traffic of the The design installs glass at the top of the gallery frame to add to its protectiveness. Meanwhile, benches and flower boxes are added to provide for the clustered use of the scenes. Then, three facades are made use of to display the growth of Forest Park Community in a decade and its operation concept of beautiful community, so as to interact with citizens coming here for a rest, in an effort of fully stimulate the sense of identification and pride among residents of the community.


▽场地改造前后 Before and after site transformation

▽设计分析 Design analysis

▽文化展示墙分析 Analysis of cultural display wall

▽焕新的场地,让更多的市民愿意来此休憩互动 Revitalize the site, so that more people are willing to rest and interact here




Animal Party is also located on the original three rubber sites to the south of No.45 Middle School. Two of the sites are installed with sport equipment, but the old and damaged mats are indeed a wet blanket with potential safety hazards. According to the low-cost principle of the renewal, only the mats are renewed, and two simple groups of sport equipment are supplemented. This design is insipred by animals hidden in forests. The texture of the mats is abstracted from animal skins, adding to the fun of the scene after renewal, while further boosting its attractiveness.


▽场地改造前后 Before and after site transformation

▽地垫翻新的肌底概念来源于森林中动物表皮丰富的图案, 结合10周年的纪念宣言组合成新图腾 The textile concept of renovating mats originates from the rich pattens on animal skins in the forest, forming new totems in combination with the commemorative declaration at the 10 th anniversary.

▽更新的场地充满趣味性,进一步激发了场景的吸引力 The updated venue is full of fun, further stimulating the attraction of the scene



智慧森林位于南门小学西北角,设计的出发点源于更新前的一次现场踏勘, 我们看到放学时间这里混乱不堪的交通以及摩肩接踵又无处安放自己的家长们。所以设计希望通过护栏、宣传墙、台阶坐凳以及花箱的组合将这个节点提升为一个集校园文化展示、日常休憩、学生玩耍以及放学时有序组织为一体的定制化场景。

Forest of Wisdom is located at the northwestern corner of Nanmen Primary School. The design originated in an on-site survey before renewal. We saw the chaotic traffic and students’ parents rubbing shoulders with each other and feeling out of place after school. Therefore, we wish to upscale the place as a custom-made scene integrating display of campus culture, repose, entertainment and orderly organziation of students after school through the combination of rails, publicity walls, stools on the steps and flower boxes.


▽场地改造前后 Before and after site transformation

▽设计分析 Design analysis

▽定制化节点的多元化场景使用 Diversified scenarios for customized nodes



木林之境是西面门户,设计在这里希望整个一公里的森林公园能从东面“萌芽”开始,在这里木已成林,同样“木林” 也暗寓着睦邻友好的社区氛围,所以我们创造了这样一组立体的LOGO字,这组大字不仅仅有标示性功能,更要给居民们创造交流互动的环境,带来社区睦邻生活的乐趣。

Realm of Mulin is the western gateway. The design is to start the forest park that stretches for 1km from “Sprouting” in the east. The trees have become a forest here; meanwhile, “Mulin” also stands for friendly community atmosphere in the neighborhood. Therefore, we’ve created such a group of three-dimensional LOGO, functioning as indicators while creating an environment for the communication and interaction among residents, bringing fun to the harmonious neighborhood of the community.


▽场地改造前后 Before and after site transformation

▽设计分析 Design analysis

▽文字造型坐凳 Character-shaped Stools

▽睦邻友好的社区氛围 Neighborly and friendly community atmosphere





Regarding the overlapping of non-driveway and pedestrian moving lines, lack of parking lots for non-motorized vehicles and disorderly parking of motor vehicles in part of the area, the first and foremost preposition of the renewal is sorting out the traffic along Guzhen Road systematically, planning and increasing parking lots for non-motorized vehicles according to the demands of different areas, relieving traffic congestion through perfecting median strips, and after transformation, pedestrians, non-motorized vehicles and motor vehicles will go their separate ways.


▽规划更新后的街道空间 Plan the updated street space

▽新旧对比 Contrast between old and new





The survey found that the supporting urban facilities in the block were aged and suffered from a conspicuous shortage. Besides, the road pavement in some area was damaged, with electric boxes exposed in the middle of the pedestrian streets among other commonplace circumstances, causing many inconveniences and potential safety hazards. Therefore, this renewal has renovated the pavement partially and the plastic cement of the children’s activity area, customizing individualized entertainment facilities in areas such as gathering plazas, commercial pedestrian seetreets and the southeastern street corners of the kindergarten, improving the convenience and comfort of the urban space.


▽提升后的城市空间 The elevated urban space


▽新旧对比 Contrast between old and new




The image of areas of great focus and involvement among citizens of the community is upgraded, including a series of scene renewal such as the declarative LOGO on the plaza at the entrance to Silihe Road on the east, forging of the entrance to Lu Garden, elevating of the commercial plaza at the southeastern corner of Zijin Rd. and Guzhen Rd., and the design of cultural walls at the street corners of Nanmen Primary School.


▽新旧对比 Contrast between old and new




We wish to forge a community neighborhood integrating man and nature in a relaxing and interesting atmosphere in the core block along Guzhen Rd. through modern design conforming to contemporary aesthetics and more afforestation, so as to elevate community life to a new level.


▽局部鸟瞰 Aerial view




This renewal stretches for one kilometer, with a host of special links incorporated in “Ten Sights in Ten Years”. However, it requires strict cost control, one of the targets set at the beginning of the renewal. Because of the renewal of the city, many existing facilities don’t have to be scrapped and started all over again. Micro-renewal is everywhere to be seen in the design. We try to make the best use of everything. For example, the old logos that have been torn down are recycled in other places, and many sketches are realized through transplating, and combining the new and the old. Facilities are only added when necessary. At unimportant links, we also try to design models easy to process to control costs.




The end: Urban renewal is charming because we can feel that the renewed life scenes have become more comfortable, positive and interesting intuitively when we observe the same place before and after the renewal from the same perspective. This is a fresh hustle and bustle.





Project name: Hefei Vanke Forest Park Community Revitalization
Project size: 1 km
Construction site: Guzhen Road, Luyang District, Hefei
Design time: 2022
Completion date: 2022
Owner: Hefei Vanke Enterprise Co., LTD
Owner management team: Xia Ming, Wang Dongfang, Xu Chen, Yu Chao, Zhang Jingfeng
Landscape design: GS Design
Sign construction: Wuxi Sky Sign Advertising Co., LTD
Landscape Construction: Nanjing Yunhan Landscape Engineering Co., LTD
Photography: CHILL SHINE




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