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TK Studio 是一家位于曼谷的专业景观设计公司,近期该公司自豪地公布了其在泰国Amphoe Mueang Rayong附近的新Nong Fab液化天然气接收站的开发计划。

TK Studio, a Bangkok-based firm specializing in landscape architecture, is proud to announce development plans for the new Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal terrain, located near Amphoe Mueang Rayong, Thailand.

© TK Studio



The expansive 29.7-hectare site includes 21.6 hectares of land to be used as a receiving terminal, for storage and for regasification processes, while an additional 8.1 hectares of land is designated as an office zone.



© TK Studio


© TK Studio


生态挑战 Ecological challenges


Attainment of equilibrium between topography, hydrology, vegetation and a project’s end users resides at the core of TK Studio’s landscape design philosophy, regardless of the scale of a given project. User requirements and site activities dictate design concept development, which includes elaborate research on environmental issues and collaborations with experts in a variety of fields. The receiving terminal project provides the firm with a unique opportunity to apply its landscape design principles to the harmonization of industrial development and nature, creating an environmental win-win situation that balances social interaction with ecosystem diversification, while also restoring neglected natural habitats.


▼场地潜力 – 将废物转化为有益项

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© TK Studio


© TK Studio


“我们在设计理念中引入了零废物计划,帮助降低能耗和最大限度地减少废物产生,” TK工作室有限公司董事总经理Tawatchai Kobkaikit说道,“再气化过程中产生的多余冷冻水,可重新利用用于控制利于23种温带植物群落生存的中庭的气候。”

“Nong Fab”是泰国的一个短语,意指带有丰富硬木灌木的沼泽地带,也称为“Fab”。新项目规划中的土地大部分被填平了,只留下很少的沼泽地区,几乎算不上Fab。TK团队从项目一开始,就致力于逆转这一过程,研究历史遥感数据,寻找优化现有自然排水系统的方法,恢复受损的沼泽,重新引入Fab并实施全面的再造林计划。因此,该项目将在200种本地植物中重新引入濒危的本地植被,再根据其与场地环境条件和预期用途的适应性进行最佳选择,培育森林和生态系统。

“We have also introduced a zero-waste scheme within the design concept that will serve to reduce energy consumption and minimize generated waste,” explains Tawatchai Kobkaikit, Managing Director of TK Studio Co. Ltd. “Excess chilled water from regasification processes will also be repurposed to support a controlled atrium climate conducive to 23 species of temperate plant communities.”

The term “Nong Fab” is a Thai expression referring to swampy terrain featuring an abundance of a hardwood shrub known as “Fab”. The land acquired for the new terminal project was partially filled and leveled, leaving very little of the swamp area, and virtually no Fab. From the outset of the project, the TK Studio team focused on reversing that process, studying historical remote sensing data to find ways to optimize existing natural drainage, restore the damaged swamp, reintroduce Fab and implement a full-blown reforestation program. As a result, the project will reintroduce endangered indigenous vegetation amongst 200 native plant species, while nurturing forests and ecosystems optimally selected for their compatibility with the site’s environmental conditions and intended uses.




© TK Studio



The melaleuca forest is the predominant forest of the rayong region, yet becoming endangered nowadays along with the thriving industrial development. Perching with the fluctuation of the water table based on the volume of runoff as well as seasonal precipitation, the dominant species of the melaleuca trees and lepironia articulata will be acclimated to this specific monoculture flat land.

▼白千层属灌木森林地带 Melaleuca Forest Zone

© TK Studio



Across the retention pond is the swamp peat forest, where a greater diversity of plants species could be found. This plants community is multi-layered and low growing, providing a wide range of wildlife habitats and enhancing the biodiversity. Plants are growing in waterlogged soil, hence, are durable of water fluctuation and are able to contain water even at dry season.

▼沼泽森林区 Swamp Peat Forest Zone

© TK Studio



The cloud forest represents the headwater for the entire site. Cold air from the operation zone will be utilized at the cloud forest. Since the temperature is under control and cooler than the open air outside, a different climate and habitat will be formed. Featuring with a waterfall at this forest, a foggy and moist environment will encourage the growth of ferns and mosses, and creating a comfortable atmosphere for all users.

▼云雾森林区 Cloud Forest Zone

© TK Studio


工业绿洲 An industrial oasis

我们的客户PTT LNG有限公司,是泰国最大的能源生产公司PTT公共有限公司的子公司,其提供的电力约占全国总电力供应的70%。该新世界级接收终端和工厂的设计旨在应对泰国不断增长的能源消耗需求,其多功能办公大楼还将容纳会议和户外研讨会的设施。



The client, PTT LNG Company Limited, is a subsidiary of PTT Public Company Limited, Thailand’s largest energy production company accounting for approximately 70% of the nation’s overall power supply. The new world-class receiving terminal and industrial plant was conceived in response to increased demand for energy consumption in Thailand, and the multifunctional office complex will include facilities to accommodate conferences and outdoor seminars.

Greenspace and environmental innovation characterize the site design plan. In addition to striking a delicate balance between functional, state-of-the-art architecture and a wide variety of ecosystems, the expansive site will predominantly run on renewable energy generated through wind and solar power. At the core of the 8.1-hectare office zone, a large glass dome will house a climatic atrium. The atrium will be highlighted by a large waterfall, providing a Zenful aesthetic while functionally contributing to water circulation throughout the site, as well as to the generation of moisture for cloud forest plant communities. A living green roof will harbour animal habitats and will provide an additional layer of insulation to the site’s functional architecture below.

Built to TREES standards (Thai’s Rating of Energy and Environmental Sustainability), the climatic atrium will seamlessly connect the site’s functional architecture to the surrounding external environment, which includes abundant landscaped grounds and forested areas. The external grounds will feature a large retention pond stocked with filtered runoff water collected from throughout the site. The retention pond will contribute to sustainment of the site’s forested areas and surrounding ecosystems, while also contributing to increased carbon sequestration.




In order to create a sustainable rooftop, a native species of weed from rayong has been chosen to widespread the roof. While it requires low maintenance, the plant has effectively helped prolonging rainwater and reducing the temperature of the building. This area will be an ideal viewing point for observing the entire site.

▼绿色屋顶 Green Roof

© TK Studio

▼绿色屋顶下的微气候中庭花园 At the core of the 8.1-hectare office zone, a large glass dome will house a climatic atrium.

© TK Studio
© TK Studio



Being a multi-purpose detention lawn, this flexible area will be served as a communal recreational space for the staff, where people will find an amphitheater and open lawn for activities; and bioswales and some selected plants for filtering the incoming water runoff. Besides the ecological aspect, the project also advocates clean energy usage. Hence, resulting in a green campus, which also promotes social connection and is community friendly.

▼水资源的可持续管理-蓄留草坪/多功能草坪 Sustainable Water Management – Detention lawn / Multipurpose lawn

© TK Studio

By making use of the water runoff and water detention, water quality will be enhanced and benefit the nature through recycling and reducing waste.

© TK Studio



项目名称:Nong Fab液化天然气接收站
设计:TK Studio Co.,Ltd.
地点:泰国 罗永府

Project: Nong Fab LNG Receiving Terminal
Design: TK Studio Co.,Ltd.
Location: Rayong, Thailand
Type: Competition
Year: 2019


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