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KOTSIUBA: The main goal of the innovative ‘UNIT.City’ is to create a new, convenient platform for attracting and developing the IT community. Residents of the innovation park will be able to freely exchange ideas and implement ambitious plans.

The site is located in the former industrial zone, near the central part of Kyiv. Since 1945 the Kyiv Motorcycle Factory operated on the site. It produced motorcycles of a heavy class, and such popular models as ‘Dnipro’, ‘Kievlyanin’.


▽项目概况 Project overview



Since the Kyiv Motorcycle Factory closed in the 2000’s, 24 hectares of the site were abandoned. At the beginning of the reconstruction in 2016, the majority of the buildings had been leased and the abandoned area had a negative impact on the whole district.


▽场地原貌及施工过程 The original appearance and Construction process



Implementation takes place in several stages. This project is the second stage of revitalisation, in the first one area of the IT school and R&D Center were created. The following steps have already begun: the construction of new campuses, housing and a secondary school connecting streets and public spaces with the city.


▽园区总体规划图纸 Master plan


▽项目第二阶段平面图 Plan of the second phase 



Our goal was to create a space where everyone feels welcome, that provokes self-development and self-improvement in a social atmosphere.


▽场地改造后 After the transformation



A feature of the second stage of the UNIT.City innovation park project is the steam pipe — a key symbol of the territory. It used to serve the needs of the factory, but now it has been transformed into an art object that has become a marker of the whole space. In the project we combined the industrial past, modern architecture and true nature. As a result, the territory has its own identity.




The area is built on the contrast of an open area and a densely planted forest, which, like a teleport, transports you into the true wildlife. This allows you to quickly switch from current affairs and regain strength. For a long rest, in the central part of the forest there are four large wooden benches, which allow you to lie down and look at the sky through the thick leaves of trees. And the interesting contour of the leaves of Koelreuteria paniculata and Sorbus aucuparia Dodong will give a new experience of such contemplation.




Sports elements and a playground were integrated into other parts of the green zone to diversify the scenarios of space use.





An important functional role is played by the open auditorium with a large lawn amphitheater and terrace, designed for outdoor activities. In the morning, residents hold yoga classes, in the afternoon they like to stay and work in the amphitheater, and in the evening it is a place for parties and presentations. Performances and big events take place here periodically. Due to which the space is actively used not only by residents but also by city residents.

The facility has passed LEED certification, so in the design we took into account the norms of green building and focused on efficient consumption of resources.



▽场地分析详图 Site analysis




项目名称:UNIT City 第二阶段
项目地点:乌克兰 基辅
总体规划和建筑:APA Wojciechowski
客户:UDP development company

Name of the project: UNIT City 2st stage
Project location: Ukraine, Kyiv, str. Dorohozhytska, 3
Design year: 2017-2018
Year Built: 2019-2021
Project category: Campuses and corporate gardens
Role of the entrant in the project : landscape architecture
Masterplan and architecture: APA Wojciechowski
Client: UDP development company




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