{"id":146979,"date":"2019-12-23T14:56:34","date_gmt":"2019-12-23T06:56:34","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/mooool.com\/guangzhou-aerotropolis-cultural-tourism-town-by-guangzhou-spi-design.html"},"modified":"2020-08-10T12:45:14","modified_gmt":"2020-08-10T04:45:14","slug":"guangzhou-aerotropolis-cultural-tourism-town-by-guangzhou-spi-design","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/mooool.com\/en\/guangzhou-aerotropolis-cultural-tourism-town-by-guangzhou-spi-design.html","title":{"rendered":"Guangzhou Aerotropolis Cultural Tourism Town by Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd."},"content":{"rendered":"

\u672c\u6587\u7531 \u5c71\u6c34\u6bd4\u5fb7 \u6388\u6743mooool\u53d1\u8868\uff0c\u6b22\u8fce\u8f6c\u53d1\uff0c\u7981\u6b62\u4ee5mooool\u7f16\u8f91\u7248\u672c\u8f6c\u8f7d\u3002<\/span><\/span><\/strong>
\n Thanks Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd. for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd.<\/span><\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n




Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd<\/a><\/strong>\uff1aThe project is located in Fenghe Village, Renhe Town of Baiyun District. As a century-old village, which is known as the \u201cvillage in the city\u201d or \u201chollow village\u201d, it features typical buildings of Lingnan style. Taking advantages of the aerotropolis resources and convenient transportation, the small town is created with a beatufiful environment and commercial services, providing an ideal place for relaxation, entertainment and cultural experience. Both residents and passengers will experience the spirit of the space, the colorful life and the nostalgia of Lingnan style.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

As the first culural tourism town built in the aerotropolis in China, the project is themed after the airport culture and enjoys a steady stream of customers brought by the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport. Exclusive channel is built and off-site boarding system is introduced for easy boarding, which will greatly optimize the waiting experience and create a new name card for the city.<\/span>Since the very beginning, the town has practiced the idea of “activating the village with culture and art”, creating an iFeel village, an iFly youth camp, an iCare service system and iConnect aviation supporting facilities. It is committed to carrying out the rural revitalization based on cultural tourism and modern art.<\/p>\n


\u25bc<\/strong>\u591c\u666f night view<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n


\u25bc<\/strong>\u9879\u76ee\u9e1f\u77b0 Aerial View<\/span><\/span>\"\"<\/a>\"\"<\/a>\"\"<\/a><\/p>\n



Situated in a century-old village which is next to the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, Guangzhou Aerotropolis Cultural Tourism Town is close to Gaozeng Station of Metro Line 9 and only one stop away from the airport. It is not only an ideal home for the airport staff but also a destination for travellers.<\/p>\n


\"\"<\/a> \"\"<\/a><\/p>\n



In the first-tier city of Guangzhou, ancient houses are extremely rare. However, walking into the aerotropolis town, you will find the buildings of Lingnan style whose eaves are covered with green moss. With birds flying over, staying or singing, it reminds people of the old days of the village one hundred years ago. Time seems to slow down here, allowing people to experience the romance in Mu Xin\u2019s poem \u2014\u2014\u201cSunset was slow in the past; Carriages, horses, and mails were all slow; A lifetime is only long enough to love one person.\u201d<\/p>\n


\"\"<\/a> \"\"<\/a><\/p>\n



\u79c9\u6301<\/span>\u201c<\/span>\u4ee5\u5e7f\u5e9c\u4f20\u627f\u4e3a\u6839\uff0c\u4ee5\u98de\u884c\u6587\u5316\u4e3a\u9b42<\/span>\u201d<\/span>\u7684\u8bbe\u8ba1\u7406\u5ff5\uff0c\u79d1\u666e\u7a7a\u6e2f\u5c0f\u9547\u6587\u5316\uff0c\u6253\u9020\u4e0d\u53ef\u590d\u5236\u3001\u72ec\u4e00\u65e0\u4e8c\u7684<\/span>\u201c<\/span>\u7279\u8272\u5c0f\u9547<\/span> +<\/span>\u89c2\u5149\u519c\u4e1a<\/span> + <\/span>\u4f11\u95f2\u65c5\u6e38<\/span>\u201d<\/span>\u822a\u7a7a\u7279\u8272\u5c0f\u9547\uff0c\u6253\u9020\u5168\u65b0\u57ce\u5e02\u540d\u7247\u3002\u5728\u73b0\u6709\u6c11\u623f\u3001\u8001\u5efa\u7b51\u7684\u57fa\u7840\u4e0a\u8fdb\u884c\u4f18\u5316\uff0c\u4fdd\u7559\u539f\u6709\u5efa\u7b51\u3002\u65b0\u65e7\u7684\u5bf9\u6bd4\u5f62\u6210\u5f3a\u70c8\u7684\u89c6\u89c9\u51b2\u51fb\uff0c\u5177\u8c61\u5316\u5c0f\u9547\u65b0\u65e7\u6587\u5316\u7684\u66f4\u66ff\uff0c\u4f7f\u5c0f\u9547\u4fdd\u7559\u539f\u6709\u6587\u5316\u7684\u540c\u65f6\u66f4\u5177\u6d3b\u529b\u3002<\/span><\/p>\n

Based on the airport resources and the ancient cultural atmosphere, the designer team has carefully renovated the village and created a flying wing for Guangzhou Aerotropolis by new-and-old contrast, system innovation and cultural creativity. <\/span><\/p>\n

Adhering to the design idea of \u201cinheriting Cantonese culture and promoting aviation culture\u201d, the designers aim to create a unique cultural tourism town, which integrates characteristic town, sightseeing farming and leisure tourism. The old buildings and modern dwellings are preserved and renovated, forming a strong visual impact, bridging the old and new cultures, and bringing new energy to the small town.<\/span><\/p>\n

