\u672c\u6587\u7531 BEING \u65f6\u5efa\u7b51\u00a0\u6388\u6743mooool\u53d1\u8868\uff0c\u6b22\u8fce\u8f6c\u53d1\uff0c\u7981\u6b62\u4ee5mooool\u7f16\u8f91\u7248\u672c\u8f6c\u8f7d\u3002<\/span><\/span><\/strong>
\n Thanks BEING \u65f6\u5efa\u7b51\u00a0for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by BEING \u65f6\u5efa\u7b51.<\/span><\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n
A \/ B\u680b\u5efa\u4e8e\u5c55\u8d38\u578b\u5546\u4e1a\u7a7a\u95f4\u76db\u884c\u76842000\u5e74\uff0c\u4f5c\u4e3a\u4e94\u91d1\u5efa\u6750\u5546\u94fa\u7684\u4e3b\u697c\uff0c\u662f\u8fdb\u5165\u5929\u5065\u5357\u5165\u53e3\u7684\u6807\u5fd7\u578b\u5efa\u7b51\u3002\u5176\u5185\u90e8\u7a7a\u95f4\u4e3a\u5178\u578b\u4f20\u7edf\u7684\u5546\u4e1a\u5e7f\u573a\u5e03\u5c40\uff0c\u4ee5\u4eba\u6d41\u7684\u4e3b\u52a8\u7ebf\u4e3a\u8f74\uff0c\u4e2d\u8f74\u91c7\u5149\uff0c\u5916\u4fa7\u73af\u7ed5\u5206\u652f\u7684\u6b21\u52a8\u7ebf\uff0c\u52a8\u7ebf\u4e24\u4fa7\u6ee1\u5e03\u5546\u4e1a\u5e97\u94fa\u3002\u524d\u533a\u539f\u5e7f\u573a\u8f83\u5c0f\uff0c\u4e3a\u5165\u53e3\u524d\u533a\u7684\u8f66\u884c\u901a\u9053\u8ba9\u51fa\u4e86\u5f88\u5927\u7684\u8f6c\u5f2f\u7a7a\u95f4\uff0c\u56e0\u65e0\u73af\u5883\u8425\u9020\u5e73\u65f6\u51e0\u4e4e\u7a7a\u65f7\u65e0\u4eba\u3002 \u968f\u7740\u96f6\u552e\u4e1a\u53d7\u5230\u7ebf\u4e0a\u6d88\u8d39\u7684\u51b2\u51fb\uff0c\u5e02\u573a\u4e1a\u6001\u53d1\u751f\u5de8\u5927\u7684\u8f6c\u53d8\uff0c\u5929\u5065\u5e7f\u573a\u5e0c\u671b\u91cd\u5851\u5357\u95e8\u5165\u53e3\u7684\u5f62\u8c61\uff0c\u6539\u9020\u5347\u7ea7A\/B\u680b\uff0c\u6316\u6398\u539f\u6709\u5efa\u7b51\u7684\u4f7f\u7528\u6f5c\u529b\uff0c\u6253\u7834\u539f\u7a7a\u95f4\u683c\u5c40\uff0c\u91cd\u65b0\u5212\u5206\u533a\u57df\uff0c\u52a0\u5165\u72ec\u7279\u7684\u65b0\u9c9c\u5143\u7d20\uff0c\u4f7f\u4e4b\u6210\u4e3a\u65b0\u578b\u53ef\u79df\u8d41\u529e\u516c+\u96f6\u552e\u5c55\u793a+\u5546\u4e1a\u7a7a\u95f4+\u793e\u533a\u6d3b\u52a8\u4e00\u4f53\u5316\u7684\u529e\u516c\u5c55\u793a\u7efc\u5408\u4f53\u3002<\/p>\n
A \/ B building was built in 2000 when exhibition and trade type commercial space prevailed. As the main building of hardware shop for decorative materials, it is a landmark entering the south gate of Tianjian Square. The interior layout is a typical traditional commercial square, with the main passenger streamline as the central lighting axis, the outside surrounding branches as the secondary streamline, and in-between the two lines are full of commercial shops. The former square in front is quite small, in order to make a large turning space for heavy-duty goods vehicle, and because there is no environment, it\u2019s almost empty at ordinary times.With the impact of online consumption on the retail industry, the market format has changed dramatically. Tianjian Square hopes to reshape the image of the main entrance, renovate and upgrade A \/ B builiding, tap the use potential of the original building, break the original spatial layout, redistrict the regions, add unique fresh elements, and make it a new office display complex that combine rent office, retail display, commercial space and community activities.<\/p>\n
\u25bc\u536b\u661f\u56fe Satellite map<\/span><\/p>\n
\u25bc\u6574\u4f53\u6539\u9020\u533a\u57df Overall renovation area<\/span><\/p>\n
\u25bc\u7f6e\u5165\u5c71\u4f53\u88c5\u7f6e\u5e8f\u5217 Mountain device sequence<\/span><\/p>\n
\u25bc\u5ba4\u5916\u5c71\u4f53\u5e8f\u5217 Outdoor mountain device sequence<\/span><\/p>\n
\u25bc\u5ba4\u5185\u5c71\u4f53\u5e8f\u5217 Indoor mountain device sequence<\/span><\/p>\n
The outer square is the starting point of the mountain devices sequence, which is defined as the landmark of the main entrance. Its extension is appropriately expanded, landscape and traffic is reorganized to create a large garden of the south gate. After renovation, it is divided into five districts: water feature, coffee garden, entrance drop-off area, activity square and leisure negotiation area. The scale of the square is reasonably controlled. The view is limited by the half height water feature. The whole entrance area can be seen on one side, and the garden path can be seen on the other side. During daytime employees drink coffee and talk under the trees, while surrounding residents walk and chat at night.<\/p>\n
\u25bc\u5916\u5e7f\u573a Outdoor activity square<\/span><\/p>\n
\u25bc\u5916\u5e7f\u573a\u6539\u9020\u7b56\u7565 Design strategy of front square<\/span><\/p>\n
\u25bc\u5e7f\u573a\u666f\u89c2\u5c40\u90e8 Close-up of hill landscape<\/span><\/p>\n
\u25bc\u6298\u677f\u827a\u672f\u5899\u5c40\u90e8 Close-up of folding art wal<\/span><\/p>\n
Coffee garden and leisure area are respectively on both sides of the building, which are closely connected with the interior space. They are the extension of coffee bar and business center. Through the extension at the bottom of the mountain, it forms a semi-enclosed space with the surrounding landscape hills. A unique landscaped garden is formed by planting different types of trees.<\/p>\n
\u25bc\u5185\u82b1\u56ed\u666f\u89c2\u5c40\u90e8 Close-up of inner garden<\/span><\/p>\n
\u25bc\u900f\u8fc7\u82b1\u56ed\u770b\u5e7f\u573a Square view from garden<\/span><\/p>\n
\u25bc\u900f\u8fc7\u6d1e\u53e3\u770b\u82b1\u56ed Garden view from opening<\/span><\/p>\n
\u25bc\u82b1\u56ed\u7684\u65e5\u666f\u548c\u591c\u666f Day and night views of the garden<\/span><\/p>\n
The entrance area is composed of several groups of different sizes of abstract mountains, which is a triangle shape composed by two metal sides and a lawn surface. The direction of lawn surface is different, which is leading people walking from different directions into the entrance. The V-shaped canopy floats on the mountain group, defining the pedestrian entrance, vehicle passage and drop off area. The semitransparent ceiling and mirror stainless steel ceiling make the entrance space mottled with light, whirling with trees, swaying with wind and full of vitality.<\/p>\n
\u25bc\u5165\u53e3\u533a The entrance<\/span><\/p>\n
\u25bc\u5165\u53e3\u533a\u591c\u666f Night view of entrance<\/span><\/p>\n
While the mountain device disintegrates the original rigid space, it also creates and reconstructs a new order for people and space. Mountain sequence is not only a visual guide of space, but also a shared space with different functions, which forms a variety of daily interaction with the original space and human behavior mode. The intervention of these devices with new functional space makes each mountain have a unique memory code, forming a number of new spatial coordinates in the original homogeneous space.<\/p>\n
\u25bc\u5ba4\u5185\u5c71\u4f53\u7a7a\u95f4 Indoor mountain device<\/span><\/p>\n
The rich and varied colors of the four seasons mountains are designed into the installation sequence. The setting of landscape elements combines with the natural light of atrium, hoping to give more natural attributes to the site and make people consciously and instinctively associate with the natural ecological environment. A few color of conflict, arousing people’s potential emotions, hopes to bring a sense of pleasure. Each device is an independent mountain landscape. After the formation of repeated sequence, it makes people walk inside as if they are in the close-up, mid-range and long-term view in the painting, standing on this mountain and looking at the other. The design of different openings forms different views like borrowed views, opposite views and frame views, which makes people have different feelings step by step in the space.<\/p>\n
\u25bc\u62bd\u8c61\u5316\u5c71\u4f53\u666f\u89c2\u7a7a\u95f4 Abstract mountain landscape<\/span><\/p>\n
Each mountain device carries different spaces of public participation. Front desk, reception, negotiation, golf, book bar, public exhibition hall, roadshow platform, snooker bar, meeting room, leisure bar, gallery, indoor rock climbing, parent-child activities and a series of diversified social activity spaces are put into it. They are distributed at different heights of the mountain, and the combination forms of different scenes also bring richness and diversity to the shared space. The design hopes to reshape and activate the original space through people’s daily participation in the mountain activities, so that it can become a space suitable for the new shared commune.<\/p>\n
\u25bc\u5404\u79cd\u5ba4\u5185\u5c71\u4f53\u6d3b\u52a8\u533a\u6784\u60f3 Indoor mountain activities<\/span><\/p>\n
\u25bc\u5c71\u4f53\u6d3b\u52a8\u7a7a\u95f4 Mountain activity space<\/span><\/p>\n
\u25bc\u9996\u5c42\u5e73\u9762\u56fe Ground floor plan<\/span><\/p>\n
\u25bc\u5c71\u4f53\u88c5\u7f6e\u7acb\u9762\u56fe Mountain device elevation<\/span><\/p>\n
\u25bc\u666f\u89c2\u5c71\u4f53\u6784\u9020\u56fe Landscape hill detail<\/span><\/p>\n
\u66f4\u591a read more about:\u00a0 BEING \u65f6\u5efa\u7b51<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"