{"id":182343,"date":"2020-08-06T10:19:50","date_gmt":"2020-08-06T02:19:50","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/mooool.com\/?p=182343"},"modified":"2020-08-10T11:18:54","modified_gmt":"2020-08-10T03:18:54","slug":"zoina-the-zodiac-by-guangzhou-spi-design","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/mooool.com\/en\/zoina-the-zodiac-by-guangzhou-spi-design.html","title":{"rendered":"Zoina \u00b7 The Zodiac by Guangzhou S. P. I Design Co., Ltd."},"content":{"rendered":"

\u672c\u6587\u7531 \u5c71\u6c34\u6bd4\u5fb7 \u6388\u6743mooool\u53d1\u8868\uff0c\u6b22\u8fce\u8f6c\u53d1\uff0c\u7981\u6b62\u4ee5mooool\u7f16\u8f91\u7248\u672c\u8f6c\u8f7d\u3002<\/span><\/span><\/strong>
\n Thanks Guangzhou S. P. I Design Co., Ltd. for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Guangzhou S. P. I Design Co., Ltd. .<\/span><\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n


\u5c71\u6c34\u6bd4\u5fb7<\/strong><\/a>: \u4f5c\u4e3a\u4e2d\u5357\u7f6e\u5730\u5728\u6606\u9996\u5ea7\u96c6\u7cfbTED\u793e\u533a\uff0c\u4e2d\u5357\u5341\u4e8c\u96c6\u62e5\u6709\u7740\u4f18\u8d8a\u7684\u6559\u80b2\u8d44\u6e90\u3002\u4ee5\u4eb2\u5b50\u966a\u4f34\u4e0e\u6e29\u99a8\u90bb\u91cc\u6c1b\u56f4\u4e3a\u5207\u5165\u89c6\u89d2\uff0c\u6211\u4eec\u7ed3\u5408\u6606\u660e\u68ee\u6797\u6625\u57ce\u7684\u81ea\u7136\u5e95\u8272\uff0c\u5145\u5206\u5229\u7528\u573a\u5730\u7684\u591a\u5c42\u9ad8\u5dee\u5173\u7cfb\uff0c\u63d0\u51fa\u201c\u5782\u76f4\u751f\u957f\u7684\u53e0\u8c37\u68ee\u6797\u201d\u7684\u8bbe\u8ba1\u7406\u5ff5\uff0c\u6253\u9020\u591a\u7ef4\u7acb\u4f53\u56ed\u6797\u7a7a\u95f4\uff0c\u671f\u671b\u56de\u5f52\u81ea\u7136\u751f\u6d3b\u3002<\/p>\n

Guangzhou S. P. I Design Co., Ltd<\/strong><\/a>:\u00a0 Zoina \u00b7 The Zodiac, the first of the TED community series of Zoina Land built in Kunming, has excellent educational resources. From the perspective of parent-child relationship and harmonious neighborhood, by taking good use of the natural environment in the \u201cSpring City\u201d of Kunming and the height difference in the site, we put forward the design concept of a \u201cvertical forest\u201d, to create a multi-dimensional landscape space, with a wish of returning to nature.<\/p>\n




\u25bc\u9879\u76ee\u5206\u6790<\/strong> Project analysis<\/span><\/p>\n


TED\u793e\u533a\u2014\u2014Technology\u3001Enjoyment\u3001Daring\u00a0 \u00a0\u5373\u901a\u8fc7\u5c0f\u533a\u666f\u89c2\u3001\u5efa\u7b51\u5e03\u5c40\u3001\u5ba4\u5185\u7cbe\u88c5\u8bbe\u8ba1\uff0c\u5c06\u5f71\u54cd\u751f\u6d3b\u54c1\u8d28\u7684\u98ce\uff08\u4e5f\u5c31\u662f\u7a7a\u6c14\uff09\u3001\u5149\u3001\u6c34\u3001\u58f0\u97f3\u4f18\u5316\u4e3a\u6ee1\u8db3\u5168\u5e74\u9f84\u6bb5\uff0c\u5168\u751f\u547d\u5468\u671f\u7684\u5b9c\u5c45\u5c45\u4f4f\u793e\u533a\u3002<\/p>\n

TED\u2014\u2014Technology, Enjoyment, Daring. Build a community suitable to live in for people of all ages by optimizing such elements affecting quality of life as air, light, water and sound through community landscape, architectural layout and refined interior decoration.<\/p>\n


\u25bc\u8bbe\u8ba1\u624b\u7a3f<\/strong> Sketches<\/span><\/p>\n

\"\"<\/a> \"\"<\/a><\/p>\n


\u5bfb\u53e0\u8c37 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u63a2\u5c71\u6da7 SEEKING VALLEY<\/strong><\/p>\n


The uneven terrain at the entrance is like a natural valley, with hedges and arrayed plants creating a simple and comfortable commercial space. In the valley, the landscape is blended in a hall with empty space and an atrium. In this way, buildings and the landscape, from indoor to outdoor, no longer have boundaries.<\/p>\n





The landscape echoes the function layout of the buildings, with leisure platforms and mini-theater stands realizing a continuation of functional space from indoor to outdoor. Through French windows, we staying inside could see branches and sunlight waltzing romantically in the backyard.<\/p>\n





Listening to the streams provides more fun than watching. When we walk into the backyard, it is like wandering around a forest depicted in fairy tales. Playing in streams with curiosity, waterfalls in sight running from cliffs, we hear a song by the forest.<\/p>\n





Playing by the river in the forest, we feel water running away between fingers. It is cool in summer! We look around, flowers blooming and colorful planets hanging on branches. It seems that we were in the universe.<\/p>\n




\u6e38<\/strong>\u6811<\/strong>\u5c4b <\/strong>PLAY IN TREE HOUSE<\/strong><\/p>\n


A mysterious tree welcomes children. Under it, there is a colorful stage, where every child is shown up as a star, shining with their sweet dreams. The tree is their kingdom.<\/p>\n





The heroes in fairy tales always have wonderful adventures in forest, and then obtain friendship and courage. After they undergo the unknown and complete missions bravely, they will have their own legends in the forest.<\/p>\n




\u8e0f<\/strong>\u4e91<\/strong>\u68af <\/strong>WALK ON CLOUD STAIRWAYS<\/strong><\/p>\n


The design of cloud bridge and tree house not only solves the huge height differences between the display area and the area that will be built in the future, but also creates an ample landscape space. Walking along the cloud bridge, it looks as if we go through a suspended forest.<\/p>\n




\u25bc\u884c\u8d70\u5728\u7a7a\u4e2d\u4e91\u6865\uff0c\u5982\u7a7f\u884c\u5728\u81ea\u7136\u7684\u60ac\u6d6e\u68ee\u6797\u4e2d <\/strong>Walking along the cloud bridge, it looks as if we go through a suspended forest.<\/span><\/p>\n




The all\u2013white cloud stairways covered by woods is a place suitable for people of all ages to overlook the landscape of the \u201cvertical forest\u201d, which has emerged at the right moment.<\/p>\n





The cloud bridge through the forest enables us to touch green leaves and watch streams and the tree house under our feet. That is another look of the forest we seldom find. Have a close conversation with the forest.<\/p>\n




\u5c71<\/strong>\u6c34<\/strong> \u00b7<\/strong>\u00a0<\/strong>\u68ee<\/strong>\u6797<\/strong> \u00b7<\/strong> \u5267<\/strong>\u573a <\/strong>SHANSHUI <\/strong>\u00b7<\/strong> FOREST <\/strong>\u00b7<\/strong> PLAY<\/strong><\/p>\n


A complicated space with three levels of height difference is a difficulty, but an advantage. Based on this unique natural site condition, we built the \u201cvertical forest\u201d with four scenes displayed step by step, starting a journey in summer.<\/p>\n





In Zoina \u2022The Zodiac, we built a space focusing on growth of children and parent-child interaction. The tree house for children, waterfalls bars for adults and the bridge for parent-child communication provide various activity space to residents. We hope the \u201cvertical forest\u201d could give children a happy childhood and bring parents back to their past childhood, both remaining good imagination and mood for happiness.<\/p>\n





Summer sunlight waltzes with splashing water. Winds bring about the smell of green leaves. Go through the forest and shadows. Listen to streams and look at floating clouds. Before we knew it, we return to childhood.<\/p>\n







\n\u6444\u5f71\uff1a\u5e7f\u5dde\u5c71\u6c34\u6bd4\u5fb7\u8bbe\u8ba1\u80a1\u4efd\u6709\u9650\u516c\u53f8 \u9ec4\u5b89<\/p>\n

Project name: Zoina\u00b7The Zodiac
\nClient: Zoina
\nLandscape design: Guangzhou S. P. I Design Co., Ltd.<\/p>\n

Creator and design team:
\nProject leader: Sun Hu, Li Zheng, Ou Zhiying, Team members: Zhong Xiaofang, Xian Yiqian, Cui Li
\nLandscape engineer: Deng Liying, Team members: Lu Sinan, Yang Shiying, Xu Zhaoyuan<\/p>\n

Landscape construction: Chengdu Youai Garden Co., Ltd
\nArchitectural design: SHUISHI
\nProject location: Kunming, Yunnan Province, China
\nDesign area: 6406\u33a1
\nDesign time: August 2019
\nCompletion: January 2020
\nPhotography: Huang an, Guangzhou S. P. I Design Co., Ltd.<\/p>\n


\u9879\u76ee\u4e2d\u4f7f\u7528\u7684\u690d\u7269\u548c\u6750\u6599<\/strong> Application of materials and plants in this project<\/p>\n