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ToThreeThe environmental graphic system unfolds an extended and calm picture. It sublimes the attitude of the project by presenting its profound cultural appeals, just as the Chinese name implies: Last as one.



1. 项目背景 Backgrounds


The project is Located in the North Longhu Area of Zhengzhou City which is positioned as the new engine of the city’s development. The overall planning of this area is themed in Tradition; therefore the layouts as well as the architectures are required to be built in traditional ways. As the representative project in this area, Zhongyuan Yi Hao Yuan makes every single profession such as architecture, landscape, interior as well as environmental graphic, controlled under the overall concept of Song aesthetics, ensuring a full-scale traditional design. The Song aesthetic is centered in humanistic spirit, which emphasizes the literati’s pursuit of connecting the thoughts of the past and the future in one. By channeling this spirit, we hope our design can influence the urban culture, and the neo-Confucianism and Zen ideas hidden in the design can inspire the modern living environments.


▼中原壹号院主入口仿佛山水画境,案名的落位效法画幅长卷的题词落款。 The entrance resembles a traditional landscape painting, and the project name is lined vertically just like that on a scroll.

▼题款案名提示了礼序空间的开启。 The Project name marks the start of the space.


环境视觉(Environmental Graphic)是随着现代建筑、景观的专业细分而发展派生出的新兴跨专业学科,简单地说,就是一个环境信息视觉化的设计专业。它的核心就是将复杂的建筑与城市空间转化、简化成为抽象的信息,通过对这些信息系统的规划与设计呈现,来帮助人们建立更有效的空间感。环境视觉设计也是各个相关专业中唯一一个着眼于项目的文化软体设计的专业,它挖掘项目的内生的文化潜质,提炼场所精神,然后再通过视觉设计的手段予以外显,也就是常说的用设计讲故事

Environmental Graphic is a new interdisciplinary profession that derives from Architecture and Landscape design. To make it simple, it is to visualize the environment. The core is to transfer the complex urban space and architectures into readable information, so that to help people build their sense of space more efficiently through the plan and design of this information. Environmental graphic is also the only profession in relative field that emphasizes the “cultural design”, which means to dig into the cultural potentials and extract the spirit of the whole space first, then present it through graphic language, which is also known as “telling stories through design” .


▼在各级建筑入口,字体设置仿佛是是空间画境中的题款。 The signs for entrances are like the vertical inscriptions on the scroll of the space.


2. 宋代美学特征:典雅、含蓄、高贵、朴实

Features of the Song Aesthetic: Elegant, Reserved, Noble and Simple


Song is known as the most prosperous Dynasty for its developed economy, culture, political system, and advanced literati and officialdom atmosphere as well as high civilian income. The Song aesthetic favors elegant and plain style that features simple shapes, secluded & refined colors without unnecessary decorations. The whole society by then went for a light and logical aesthetic, especially the royal paintings school pioneered by the Emperor Zhao Ji, they pursued an ideal world that is beyond space and time, and they advocated the combination of poems, books, paintings and seals, and organized the space on the painting with poems, inscriptions, signatures, stamps and frames, which is called Xuanhe Framing. Through time, this powerful cultural gem has been the best example and benchmark for the art of China and even the whole Eastern world.


▼中原壹号院环境视觉的系统构成意向宣和七玺在画幅长卷中的气韵布局 7 Xuanhe seals on the long scroll.

▼中原壹号院环境导示,构成关系来自宣和装的原型。 The signage design also takes the shape of Xuanhe Frame. 



The literati of Song Dynasty believed in Neo-Confucianism and required a plain and unlabored expression. At the same time, the poetic style of paintings had a profound influence on ceramic, dyeing and weaving, architecture, furniture and of course the way people living their lives. The intervention of paintings led to a trend of appreciation for craft art, for example, Song porcelain, and the appreciation of jade, lotus etc. That’s why some Western schoolers call Song Dynasty the Time of china.


▼景观家具、灯具、建筑首饰等细部节点都被环境视觉纳入了设计范围,使其成为场所主题的有效载体。 Landscape furniture, lawn lamps and even architectural decoration were taken into consideration for environmental graphic design.


3. 环境视觉构成:故事线、主视觉、导示系统、景观家具,以及公共艺术

The components of Environmental Graphic: Storyline, Brand Identity/ Logo, Signage system, Landscape furniture and Installation


The main visual element sublimes the attitude of the project. Luxury is no longer simply measured by wealth, but by profound cultural appeals which can be achieved by design. And the design is not simply imitating, but expressing the attitude of “As contemporary as traditional” driven by the Song aesthetics, and referring to philosophy of neo-Confucianism, Zen, and Minimalism. The landscape designers created a picturesque environment just like Guo Xi’s painting “Lin Quan Gao Zhi”, The pine at the entrance refers to the painting “Listen to the Wind under the Pine”, conveying a calm and mild space. The clear stream on the stone and the forceful pine echo each other, creating such an extended atmosphere.


▼马麟《静听松风图》局部 Listen to the Wind under the Pine – Ma Lin, Detail.

▼主入口空间呈现出“明月松间照,清泉石上流”的画意。 The poetic atmosphere of the sign.



The dark turquois of the jade pendant well represents the Song aesthetics. It reminds people of the color of Ruyao, a shared fresh and natural taste among the literati and civilian. The character “” is used as the main visual element for the logo, and we present it in an architectural way in order to show an upwards spirit of the time. Through gradient, we depict an extended and calm picture with boats and hills. It sublimes the attitude of the project by presenting its profound cultural appeal, just as the Chinese name implies: Last as one.    


▼主视觉设计深刻地传达出宋代的美学特征:淡中渐浓,浅中显深,平中富奇。 The logo profoundly explains the Song Aesthetics: light and strong, plain and unique.

▼平面介质上的光影渐变在材料语言中to three 为形体变化。 The metal logo reproduces the shadow effect by structural change.

▼在透光材料内部内雕形成主视觉元素。 The lawn lamp with illuminated logo engraved.



The design complements with the environment like picture and its base map. The patterns extracted from the logo scattered on the surface of buildings, flooring and some other environment, forming a complete visual system.


▼主视觉的元素构成墙面格栅肌理,与主视觉本体形成收放关系,亦张亦弛。 The grating patterns that extracted from the logo.


▼主视觉的元素构成温馨提示的形体构造,使其恰如其分地融入环境。 The hollowed grating pattern for the reminder sign mingle into the surrounding environment.

▼前台导示宛如礼器、重器,彰显待客之道。 Sign at the front desk, showing the curtesy of welcoming the guests.

▼会所卫生间导示同样是由主视觉的元素构成。 The signs for Toilet that use the same visual element.

▼楼栋号的字母选择了经典的Bodoni字体,这也是田中一光在宋体森泽光朝里英文字体的选择。 The font used for building No. signs.

▼楼栋号的加工由石材幕墙单位完成,这种跨专业的协调对施工管理是个考验。 The building No. signs were implemented by curtain wall manufacturer.



The simultaneous expression of cultural implication through design creates a complete landscape experience. The elements such as signatures, stamps and annotation and all the others, seem like scattering over the space, they are actually organized in a poetic way, so you feel the spirit of the space at each design.


▼散落于景观空间中的宋体笔划,成为导示信息的载体,也算是一种文以载道吧。 The strokes are the carriers of signage information.

▼室内挑空大堂的吊灯,来自书法规则永字八法的形态。 The hanging stroke-shaped lights refer to the writing rules of Chinese characters.

▼汉字最基本的构成元素点、撇、捺、勾等形态构成空间组件,在光影流转中发出强大的文化气场。 The basic strokes are now the components of the installation, showing a strong cultural atmosphere.

▼单独定制的分类垃圾箱,可组合可单列。 Customized trash bins made for waste sorting.

▼单独定制的单元门门把手,透着金玉良缘的喜庆。 Customized door handles, with elements of gold and jade.


宋徽宗在位期间,于汴京宫城的东北隅,营建的艮岳寿山,在园林掇山方面称得上集大成者,可谓括天下之美,藏古今之胜。据记载,此园冈连阜属,东西相望,前后相续,左山而右水,后溪而旁垄,连绵而弥满,吞山而怀谷。园内植奇花美木,养珍禽异兽,构飞楼杰观,极尽奢华。当此园落成之后,宋徽宗赵佶曾亲写《御制艮岳记》,记载这一盛举。 环境视觉最后的聚焦点落在公共艺术的节点上,设计师选取了艮岳寿山里的祥龙石作为空间意向的来源,使用当代艺术语汇再现了奇石的神韵。

When the Emperor Zhao Ji built his private garden, he brought so many precious plants and animals. We were inspired by the auspicious dragon stone in his garden, and designed an installation. But we design it with the contemporary art language to reproduce its verve.


▼根据宋徽宗《祥龙石图》意境提炼的公共艺术装置,还未落地。 The installation inspired by the Auspicious Dragon Stone.


4. 设计总结 Summary


No matter the development of North Longhu residential area or the digging of local cultural resource, high quality design is necessary. Environmental graphic plays a role in extracting the spirit of the environment and delivering it to the audience. Environmental Graphic also plays a role in integrating architecture and landscape design and unifies the whole space with consolidated brand identity. From the entrance, to the garden, till the interior space, environmental graphic combines different motions and builds a complete space sequence.


▼环境视觉将不同属性的空间环境整合成为一个认知的整体。 Environmental graphic design integrates different spaces.

▼近人尺度的会所室内导示,字体细节值得玩味。 Interior signage design are intriguing.



One important part of environmental graphic is the expression of information, from the entrance, building numbers, club signs to the courtyard; environmental graphics completes the functions and improves the quality of the environment. Environmental graphics somehow visualized the spirit of the environment as well as the cultural appeals which is pursued also by architecture and landscape design. By enhancing the cultural tension, the good environmental design creates topics and attracts attentions, which is of no doubt good for brand promotion.


▼周边衍生品的开发,将场所精神从空间尺度向着产品尺度推进,致广大而尽精微,延续、丰富了壹号院的品牌体验。 The product development extends the spirit of the project and its brand experience to a more detailed level.






Project Name: SUNAC Zhongyuan Yi Hao Yuan
Location: North Longhu, Zhengzhou
Client: SUNAC Northern China
Design Management: Xu Mai, Wang Jiaen, Gao Xin, Wang Le, Wen Zhenjiang
Design: ToThree Design
Art Director: Sun Wu
Design Team: Sun Wu, Liu Wenbo, Zhang Linna, Gao Jinxiao, Zhang Rui, Zhang Peinan, Jiang Xuhui
Partners: Lacime Aechitects, TOPO architectural environment design, LWM Architects
Mockup Production: Beijing Tiantian Jingyi
Manufacturing: Wuhan Zongheng Manufacturing
Period: June, 2018
Text editing: Gu Yuqin
Photography: He Yang, Zhang Peinan
Special thanks to Sunshine Landscape for images 2 and 14


更多 Read more about: 图石设计

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