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Thanks Taller Capital for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Taller Capital.


Taller Capital:Xicoténcatl公园建在蒂华纳郊区一处曾堆满废墟的峡谷上。这一非正式的城市化地区以当地的建筑为特色,建筑普遍采用波纹金属板或非常简单的混凝土板作为屋顶,矗立在陡峭的斜坡上。

Taller Capital:Parque Xicoténcatl was built over a former debris-filled ravine, located in the outskirts of Tijuana. This informally urbanized area is characterized by cardboard and cinder block constructions, usually roofed with corrugated metal sheet or very simple concrete slabs, standing over steep slopes.


▽项目概况 Project overview

©︎ Rafael Gamo
©︎ Rafael Gamo
©︎ Rafael Gamo
©︎ Rafael Gamo



This project was originally meant to address the construction of sidewalks and the cleaning of the ravine to guide a water runoff. After visiting and understanding the community’s pressing need for public and recreational spaces, the scope changed.


▽活动空间和特色环形石凳 Activity space and circular stone bench

©︎ Rafael Gamo
©︎ Gabriel Félix



Through the use of a popular and vernacular construction system to build contention walls called llantimuro or tire-wall, this project takes advantage of the existing on-site debris and the millions of used tires that are yearly imported from the USA to Mexico, uselessly piled in border cities such as Tijuana, to build a series of earth and concrete platforms, held by tire-wall contention walls. These now serve as public and recreational spaces that also connect people living at both sides of the ravine.


▽废弃轮胎砌筑的护墙 Retaining wall built with waste tires

©︎ Gabriel Félix
©︎ Rafael Gamo
©︎ Rafael Gamo
©︎ Rafael Gamo


​▽项目为附近社区居民提供大量运动和娱乐空间 Sports and entertainment space for residents in nearby communities

©︎ Rafael Gamo
©︎ Rafael Gamo
©︎ Rafael Gamo
©︎ Rafael Gamo


▽夜间照明 Night lighting

©︎ Rafael Gamo
©︎ Rafael Gamo



The intervention also considers a climate risk reduction strategy that consists on the construction of canals to guide rainwater runoff away from the inhabited areas, towards lower lands, where the landscape has not yet been impacted, and then into the sea.


▽总平面图 Master plan

©︎ Taller Capital


▽剖面图 Section

©︎ Taller Capital



项目名称:Guiding the runoff: Xicoténcatl Park
面积:2.2 公顷
项目地点:墨西哥 蒂华纳

设计公司:Taller Capital – FA UNAM
首席建筑师:José Pablo Ambrosi、Loreta Castro Reguera
设计团队:Catalina Vega、Mariana Bovadilla、Ivan Rangel、Alexis Escalante Manuel Abad
图片来源:Arq. Rafael Gamo、Gabriel Félix

Project Name: Guiding the runoff: Xicoténcatl Park
Completion Year: 2021
Scale: 2.2 Ha
Project Location: Tijuana, Mexico

Landscape/Architecture Firm: Taller Capital – FA UNAM
Website: https://tallercapital.mx/category/espacio-publico/
Contact e-mail: info@tallercapital.mx
Lead Architects: José Pablo Ambrosi、Loreta Castro Reguera
Design Team: Catalina Vega、Mariana Bovadilla、Ivan Rangel、Alexis Escalante Manuel Abad
Clients: SEDATU (Ministry of Land, Agriculture and Urban Development of Mexico)
Photo Credits: Arq. Rafael Gamo、Gabriel Félix
Photographer’s Website: https://rafaelgamo.com/




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