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Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd: Qingzhen, Guiyang, is a microcosm of the new developed cities in China. The project is the first opening area of the waterfront park for the construction of the new humane ecological city in Qingzhen, Guiyang, a public project driven by commercial real estate.


▼项目视频   Project video


思考,城市空间与自然生态的对抗 如何找到两者的平衡?|Confront and Balance



Cities are the inevitable product of human development, and they are also the places where various resources and relationships gather. With the continuous expansion of cities, more and more people continue to gather in. The urban public spaces are becoming increasingly tense, and the diversity of public spaces required by cities is inevitable for future development.

In contrast, the existing urban space of Qingzhen in Guiyang is the same as the status of most cities, an inevitable product of urbanization: large squares, large areas of hard pavement, and single public space. The construction of the new city puts forward higher requirements for shaping public space. We should take into consideration to balance of development and the public space ecosystem.



策略,弹性空间的建立 重构公众与自然的对话场所|Public and Nature



From the perspective of public psychology and public platforms, ecology, nature, openness, and art are all trends in the creation of futuristic public spaces.

The design borrows the power of the mountains and forests to integrate architecture, landscape, and stone forests together, strives to preserve the topography and topography, analyzes the limitations of the dismantling of the topography and topography, and connects the seemingly lifeless woodlands point by point. It distributes various spaces by local conditions, forming multiple relationships with the landscape, showing the inclusive temperament of public space, and also connecting people and space, people and nature, and people at different levels.


▼设计策略分析图   Design strategy analysis diagram

▼项目鸟瞰效果图   A bird ‘s-eye view of the project

▼项目实景鸟瞰   Real bird’s eye view of the project


策略,重自然轻设计 保有原生场地的记忆|Respect Nature



The project protects and respects the site through the concept of “un-designed” and monitor 60% of the total design area. The first is to reduce damage to the site; the second is to integrate the concept of time to allow the land to grow naturally. Leave enough space for animals and plants to perform themselves.

As time changes, the “un-designed” area has a seasonal natural landscape effect.


▼驳岸修复设计前后对比   Contrast before and after revetment restoration design


策略,“微设计”路径 梳理提升 塑造体验性|Less Design


The newly added plants merge with the naturally restored wild vegetation to form a coordinated and unified plant landscape, which improves the stability of the local ecological balance. Coupled with a more environmentally friendly and more natural “micro-design” path, it has low-maintenance, low-impact, and sustainable effects on the landscape.


▼项目修复设计前后对比   Comparison of project restoration design before and after

▼碎石步道两侧新增针茅植物与自然恢复的野生植被相融合  The new Stipa plants on both sides of the gravel trail merge with the naturally restored wild vegetation

▼自然野生植被的恢复,提升生态平衡得稳定性  Restoration of natural wild vegetation to enhance the stability of ecological balance

▼以混播草花、柳叶马鞭草、黄金菊的地被植物   In order to mix grass flowers, willow leaf verbena, chamomile ground cover

▼环保自然的微设计,实现低维护,低影响,可持续发展的景观效应  Environment-friendly and natural micro-design to achieve low maintenance, low impact, sustainable development of the landscape effect


Chapter 1 诗意化的荒野 人与土地的新关系|Poetic Wilderness



We abandon the formalistic design in this project, and the original terraces are also preserved, retaining the original base and structure, reflecting its ecological value. On this basis, we carry out micro-reconstruction and upgrades and naturally endowed the cultural value for the countryside landscape.

Those places that have no attention and unprotected, show the natural wilderness landscape. At the same time, for the consideration of local cultural heritage, the space we created has the significance of sightseeing, science popularization and scientific research.


▼摒弃形式设计,在保留的基础上进行微改造和提升   Abandon form design, and carry out micro-transformation and upgrading on the basis of reservation

▼那些未曾被关注与保护的场所,展示了自然荒野景观   Landscape value from existing site resources


Chapter 2 保护湿地 沿河栈道 与洪水共生|Protect Wetland


In the area along the river, the overhead plank road naturally falls between the forest and the plain area of the site, and the plane elevation is set above the normal water level and below the flood level; shuttles between trees and rocks, retaining the natural form of the river.


▼沿河区域景观鸟瞰   A bird’s eye view of the landscape along the river

▼架空栈道很自然的融入在场地林间   The aerial walkway is naturally integrated into the site forest



We need to change our inherent thinking and concepts. Under the guidance of ecological civilization, floods should be regarded as a natural phenomenon. We design a water-resilient trestle path system, which can not only adapt to seasonal floods flexibly but also be used flexibly by people and understand the diversity of waterfronts.


▼洪水泛滥时的沿河栈道  A flood path along a river

▼设计耐水性的栈桥步道,以及适应性很广,喜湿、喜光的柳树等植被乔木  Design water-resistant trestle paths, as well as adaptable, moisture-loving, light-loving willow trees and other vegetation

▼风景优美的沿河景观  A scenic view along the river

▼晴天时的沿河栈道  River plank road on sunny days



The establishment of the plank road along the river extends the space for people’s activities. People can touch nature, feel the flow of water, observe aquatic plants, feel the nature and urban landscape along the river, which enhances the healthy symbiosis quality of life between people and nature.


▼沿河栈道自然而然的延伸着人们的活动范围  Along the river plank road naturally extends the scope of people’s activities

▼可以轻触自然,感受水体的流动,观察水生动植物  You can touch nature, feel the flow of water, observe aquatic plants and animals

▼感受沿河自然与城市景观  Feel the natural and urban landscape along the river

▼保留的树木穿过浅灰色氟碳漆钢格板栈道自由生长  Retained trees grow freely through the light gray fluorocarbon painted steel lattice plank walkway

▼沿河栈道夜景  Night view along the river plank road


Chapter 3 田野生活剧场 人与人 连接互动|Field Life Theater


Between the mountains and rivers, a theater of field life is built, which is based on the situation and skillfully borrows the valley height difference. We use the local materials to design public spaces to provide citizens with a stage for festival activities and music performances. Public spaces without ornate decorations can also encourage people to communicate with each other.


▼巧借山谷高差,因形就势设计剧场空间  By virtue of the height difference of the valley, the theater space was designed accordingly

▼利用本地乡土材料毛石堆砌,形成阶梯式公共空间  Using local local materials rubble stone piled up to form a stepped public space

▼没有刻意的形式设计,局部树池与随意放置的自然景石为人们提供休闲的空间  There is no deliberate form design, local tree pool and random placement of natural landscape stone to provide people with leisure space

▼毛石堆砌的分台设计,既是消化高差的挡墙又是天然的景观坐凳  The separate platform design of rubble stone is not only the retaining wall for digesting the height difference but also the natural landscape stool



The theater constructed in a simple form allows people to carry out a free and comfortable local concert against the background of nature. Cheers, laughter, and the pressure of life can be released at this moment.


▼在淳朴的田野剧场来一场自由放松的乡土音乐会  Come to a free and relaxed local concert in the simple field theater


Chapter 4 保护自然肌理 山水间扬起白飘带|Protect Natural Texture


In the thinking of habitation in mountains and rivers, we respect the texture of mountains and rivers to the utmost extent. To preserve the original karst landform of the site and achieve a balance between the design and the original site, we divided the site according to ecological sensitivity, constructed a low-impact design model, and retained the original vegetation as much as possible.


▼局部实景鸟瞰  Partial real aerial view

▼保留原有地貌和植被,划分生态敏感区域,低影响设计模式,达到设计与场地之间的平衡  The original landform and vegetation are preserved, the ecologically sensitive areas are divided, and the low-impact design mode is achieved to achieve a balance between the design and the site

▼廊桥架空灰空间局部以场地地形和原生态的自然原木设计儿童活动场所  Part of the overhead gray space of the corridor bridge is designed as a children’s activity place based on the site topography and the original ecological natural logs

▼通往廊桥的步道处梳理空间,保留原始植被及石头恢复自然生态  The footpath leading to the corridor bridge combs the space and preserves the original vegetation and stones to restore the natural ecology

▼廊桥巧妙的避开现场乔木,结合地形微设计与植被的修复营造  The corridor bridge cleverly avoids the arbors on site, and combines the topographic micro-design with the restoration and construction of vegetation



Three-dimensional traffic can solve the problem of affecting urban public space during seasonal flood seasons, and as an art corridor, it establishes a natural connection between people and space. Adjusting measures to local conditions and combine with the mountains, water, clouds and forests of the site. The landmark white ribbon is not only a transportation facility, but also a romantic public space, and at the same time, it reserves a living passage for animals and plants.


▼艺术走廊是人与空间的自然连接  Art corridor is a natural connection between people and space



Hiking and jogging on the “cloud path” between the mountains and rivers, breathe the freshness of nature, relax the body and enjoy the spirit.


▼以白色栏杆和白色水洗泥地面打造的艺术走廊  Art corridor with white balustrades and white washed mud floor


Chapter 5 粗狂与细腻 自然与艺术的共融|Harmony of Nature and Art


The current art exhibition area (used as a sales department in the early stage) examines the value of space from the dual perspectives of city and culture, breaks the boundaries of architecture, landscape, space, and art with conceptual innovation. Exploring the future concept of public space design, it advocates inspiration creativity that reconstructs the aesthetic lifestyle.


▼艺术展厅夜景(前期作为售楼部使用)  Night view of the art exhibition hall (used as the sales department in the early stage)

▼平静的水面延伸着艺术的边界  The still water stretches the boundaries of art



Using contemporary art techniques of naturalism and cubism, with natural materials and organic forms, it thoroughly presents the natural beauty of simplicity inside and outside the space, satisfying the desire of modern people to “return to the basics” and the yearning for “minimalist life”.


▼连接展厅的艺术长廊动图  A GIF of the art gallery connecting the exhibition hall

▼艺术长廊夜景鸟瞰  Night view of Art Corridor

▼艺术长廊延伸的一端是场地的人文  At one end of the extension of the Art Corridor is the humanity of the site

▼艺术展厅延伸的长廊透彻空间呈现自然的简素之美  The long corridor extending from the art exhibition hall presents the beauty of natural simplicity



The natural elements of large areas of lawns, stone walls and trees, and the “light” structures of corridors and buildings create a relaxed and natural three-dimensional landscape atmosphere. The flexible curves are organically combined with the Guizhou fields of the site, nature, humanities and art. In collision, place drives people to approach nature and inherit the local cultural value of Guizhou.


▼大面积草坪、石墙与树的自然元素 Large areas of lawn, stone walls and natural elements of trees

▼入口区域整体建构轻松、自然的立体景观氛围  The overall construction of the entrance area is relaxed and natural three-dimensional landscape atmosphere

▼灰色毛石堆砌立面与廊道、建筑的“轻”构筑物的巧妙结合   The clever combination of the grey rubble stone piled facade with the corridor and the “light” structure of the building

▼灰色毛石堆砌的外围景墙   The exterior landscape wall of grey rubble stone

▼茂密草坪上的乌桕,背景是堆砌的灰色毛石墙   Tallow on a lush lawn with a stacked grey stone wall in the background


Chapter 6 乡愁·乡土与乡民 一支贵州本土叙事的歌谣|Homesickness


During the construction of the project, to respect and utilize the site, many construction nodes were completed by local craftsmen. With their humane, the process is no longer cold but attached to the fresh vitality, irrigating the temperature of life into it, drawing the power of simplicity from the spirit of the craftsman. Slow down and feel the beauty of city life. Here, we pay tribute to every craftsman!


▼施工过程  The construction process





景观施工:四川高天园林工程有限公司贵州分公司 / 北京和谐长治园林工程有限公司

Project Name: Guiyang CRCC Cloud Bay
Entrusted Owner: Southwest Company of CRC
Landscape design: S.P.I Greater Bay Area Design Institute
Architectural design: China Engineering Consulting (Chongqing) Co., Ltd.
Landscape construction:Guizhou Branch of Sichuan Gaotian Garden Engineering Co., Ltd. / Beijing Harmony Changzhi Garden Engineering Co., Ltd.
Landscape photography: S.P.I Brand Department
Video production: S.P.I Brand Department
Project location: Guiyang, Guizhou
Design area: 130 thousand square meters
Design time: December 2019
Completion time: August 2020


更多 Read more about:  山水比德 Guangzhou S. P. I Design Co., Ltd.