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HANCS: Let’s take the beautiful road to cultivate our good intentions and come to visit Huangshan Cultural Village. The Orient we are familiar with was originally a geographical feature, but now it represents a way of life. The dignity and grace we take for granted makes us return to our hearts.





The first ray of sunshine shines into the ancient village, hazy in the morning dew.Lu Village, also known as Zhishan Village, is located in Yixian County.

A county under the jurisdiction of Huangshan City, Anhui Province, is the smallest county in Huangshan City and one of the oldest counties. Yixian County is one of the birthplaces of “Hui merchants” and “Hui culture”, and is also a provincial historical and cultural city in Anhui Province; Yixian County has been endowed with the spirit of “Xin’an Great and Beautiful Landscape” since ancient times. Influenced by the style of Cheng Zhu Confucianism, Yixian County not only stresses patriarchal clan system, but also stresses the world; It not only upholds culture and education, values justice and integrity, but also upholds good neighborliness, humility and comity; “Benefiting from Renli, Yilu and Limen” vividly shows the ancestors’ ideal pursuit of a harmonious human environment in the village.


▽朦胧的古村景象The hazy scene of the ancient village


拾起诗意便拾起贵族的田园梦/Pick up the poetic flavor and then pick up the aristocratic pastoral dream


Because of the simplicity of the buildings and furnishings in the courtyard, people’s thoughts and behaviors are simple and plain. The master places his love on the nature of stone, wood, mountain and water, which were originally unconcerned. On the way, the flowing water is murmuring, birds are flying, and rocks are laid out carefully, so that he can appreciate the scenery, taste tea, and nourish his nature. All his subordinates are around the master’s heart, watching the water, observing the heart, and observing himself.


▽庭院栈道 Garden road


徽商认为有水则盈无水则亏/ Huizhou merchants think that if there is water, there will be profits and no water, there will be losses


The water here should be retained. The dam here is used to store water, and to retain water is to retain wealth. The fishing dam has a special meaning. The water outlet refers to the place where the water source of the village flows out and into. The village water inlet in Huizhou is an important component of Huizhou residential area, which is the only place for villagers to pass in and out of the village from the functional point of view; In terms of location, it is the throat and facade of the village; From the spiritual perspective, it is the “soul” of Huizhou villages.


▽项目整体鸟瞰 Bird’s eye view of the whole project


徽州水文化的内容主要体现在两个层面,一个是客观物质层面,主要包括自然资源的河流、水口、溪道及在历史生活中人们所创造的相关于水的物质财富;另一个就是精神层面,以水为载体,通过人们的思考、提炼、 加工所形成的理水技艺、精神气象和文化特征,风水中的“藏风理论”和“得水理论”要求选择宅基地时,既要避风又要接近水源;结构上要背山面水,主张有水则兴,无水则衰。徽人对人居环境的选择非常重视,避凶趋吉。认为风 水“关系到家族的存亡、子孙的兴衰、财源的枯荣、命运的顺逆,尤其是人的吉凶祸福,与风水好坏,关系极大。

The content of Huizhou water culture is mainly embodied in two aspects: one is the objective material aspect, which mainly includes the rivers, water outlets, streams of natural resources and the material wealth related to water created by people in historical life; The other is the spiritual aspect. With water as the carrier, the water management skills, spiritual atmosphere and cultural characteristics formed through people’s thinking, refining and processing, the “Tibetan wind theory” and “water obtaining theory” in geomantic omen require that when choosing a homestead, it should not only avoid the wind but also be close to the water source; Structurally, it is necessary to carry mountains and face water. It is advocated that if there is water, it will prosper, and if there is no water, it will decline. Hui people attach great importance to the choice of living environment, avoiding evil and seeking good luck. It is believed that geomantic omen “is closely related to the survival of families, the rise and fall of descendants, the decline of financial resources, and the fate, especially the good or bad luck of people.


▽手绘平面图 Hand-drawn plan

▽自然包裹的村落 A village wrapped in nature

▽水脉平面图 Water vein plan

▽水形式平面图、效果图 Water form plan 、 effect drawing

▽水文化平面图 效果图 Rendering of Water Culture Plan


像风、像水、又像田/ Like wind, water and farmland


Squeeze the field like water, melt the water into the field, and the wind brings in the smell of the field. You and I are all villagers here.




The overall layout of the garden belongs to the wandering pool spring garden and tea court. The record of Bai Juyi’s thatched cottage on Lushan Mountain records that “the area is 17 mu, with one third of the houses, one fifth of the water, and one ninth of the bamboo, while the island, pool, bridge and road are used as the millet forest in the east of the pool”.


▽空间布局 Space layout

▽模型图 Model Diagram


疗愈花园,缓解压力安抚情绪、恢复精神和复建心灵的作用/ Heal the garden, relieve the pressure, soothe the mood, restore the spirit and rebuild the mind

好的疗愈景观环境,能让人们通过休息、观景、冥想、呼吸芳香空气来刺激感官,我们将提供休养公寓、创作工坊、护理中心、小商店以及诸如咖啡店、手工作坊等服务设施, 花园设计多样化,既适宜独处又方便聚会;既有开阔视角又有微观景观,广泛运用自然元素:自然景观可以提升人们的幸福感,花园内的自然景观应占有至少70%的比例。自然元素——植物、阳光、水体、动物、香味可以缓解压力、降低血压, 理想的花园是为人们带来各种感官体验的花园,自然采光和自然的声音,让人亲近自然感受自然给予的积极影响。

A good healing landscape environment enables people to stimulate their senses by resting, viewing, meditating and breathing fragrant air. We will provide rest apartments, creative workshops, nursing centers, small shops and other service facilities such as coffee shops and manual workshops. The gardens are designed in a variety of ways, which are suitable for being alone and convenient for gathering; There are both broad perspectives and micro landscapes, and natural elements are widely used: natural landscapes can improve people’s happiness, and the natural landscape in the garden should account for at least 70%. Natural elements – plants, sunshine, water, animals and fragrance can relieve pressure and lower blood pressure. The ideal garden is a garden that brings people a variety of sensory experiences. Natural lighting and natural sound can make people feel the positive influence of nature.


▽疗愈植物平面图 Plan of Healing Plants

▽文化遗迹 Cultural relics


人心是情境的源头,景色因观赏者注入情感而有了情境 / The human heart is the source of the situation, and the scene is created by the viewer’s emotion

然而景、庭、建筑是静止的,如何让观赏者触景生情情景交融,在院内的游走路径上精心布置了岛、瀑布、溪流、土丘、桥、滩、土路、石、楼, 稍宽的地可通行两三人而窄地方只勉强一人通行。庭院的整体布局以及道路的铺设并没有刻意彰显或者炫耀,丝毫看不出排场也没有奢华的装饰,反而是简洁质朴甚至到了返璞归真的境地。宁静的茶室可以慰藉心灵静下心来,沏一杯茶便成了日常生活中不可缺少的内容。茶道是这里必修课,而茶室也正是静心休养之地。

However, the scenery, courtyards and buildings are still. How to let the viewers feel the scenery and blend it with each other? On the walking path in the courtyard, islands, waterfalls, streams, earth hills, bridges, beaches, earth roads, stones and buildings are carefully arranged. A slightly wide area can pass two or three people while a narrow area can barely pass one person. The overall layout of the courtyard and the pavement of the road did not deliberately show off or show off, and there was no ostentation or luxury decoration. Instead, they were simple and plain, and even returned to the original state. A quiet teahouse can comfort the mind and calm down. Making a cup of tea has become an indispensable part of daily life. Tea ceremony is a compulsory course here, and the teahouse is also a place for meditation and recuperation.


▽庭院景观 The courtyard landscape



It is a path that can only be walked by one person alone. No one walks side by side and no one talks. There is no time to think about things. The road turns to a place of rest.


▽林间小径 The forest trail



Vacation is a discovery, Different places, different paths, Different buildings, different rooms, Different habits, different tastes.


▽乡野度假 Countryside for a holiday


黄山悦榕庄(C地块)—黄山文化村 Huangshan Banyan Tree (Plot C) – Huangshan Cultural Village


The Eighteen Tea Gardens of Vanke Huangshan Cultural Village, following the lotus leaf geography of the original land, connect the buildings with the peripheral tea garden landscape of the natural environment. Tea is the pride of Huangshan Mountain, the taste that countless travelers will never forget about Huangshan Mountain, and also a scenic spot. The designer selected the simple and representative local tea trees in Huangshan. The Eighteen Tea Gardens are the respect and preservation of Huizhou local culture; Hui style ancient buildings, bars, swimming pools and vitality center, surrounded by buildings and communities, the millennium wood carving building Lu Village and the famous rape flower scenic spot not far away, walk into them to see, smell, touch and drink tea, ponder, understand the past and present, and realize that the tea ceremony is not inconsistent with the countryside.


▽施工过程图 Construction process diagram



设 计 师:赖连取、吴月红
建筑设计: AAI国际建筑师事务所
面 积:57000 ㎡
时 间:2020-2022
性 质:文旅、度假酒店
摄影师:xf photography、赖连取

Landscape Design: HANCS Landscape Architecture
Design division: Jerry Lai 、May Wu
Architectural Design: AAI
Building construction drawing Design: Shanghai Original Design Consulting Co., LTD
Ancient Architecture Design: Anhui Heritage Ancient Architecture Design Institute
Landscape construction drawing design and cooperation: Shuimu Qingjing (Beijing) Landscape Design Consulting Co., LTD.
Designers: Xue Guangtao, Zhang Xiaoyan, Shi Jianliang
Interior Design: New (Shanghai) Engineering Design Center of Zhongzhuang
Swimming pool Design: Shanghai Lizhi Environmental Technology Co., LTD
Owner: Banyan Tree Huangshan Tourism Development Co., LTD
Project Location: Lu Village, Huangshan, Yixian
Product: 57000 ㎡
Time: 2020-2022
Sexual quality: Cultural tourism 、Resort
Photographer: xf photography/Jerry Lai




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