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LATZ+PARTNER:The bunker construction site in a forest near the small Upper Bavarian town of Mühldorf was the second largest satellite camp of the Dachau concentration camp and it claimed more than 5000 lives towards the end of World War II.The three memorial sites, Forest Camp, Mass Grave and Armament Bunker, represent a complex system of air and rail traffic, production and storage areas, construction site huts, prisoners’ camps and graves, which commemorate forced labour, survival and the death of prisoners.


© Nikolai Benner



The site was blown up by the Allies and gradually reclaimed by the forest, making its remains incomprehensible without the help of additional information for interpretation. By superimposing a new abstract layer over the existing landscape, the past is remembered and the inexplicable becomes comprehensible. The actual process of understanding is triggered by the conscious perception of what is seen, simple spatial interventions and only a minimum of essential factual information. The repetition of elements and information highlights the interchangeability of places in relation to their historical context.


▼纪念园总平面 Plan

© Latz + Partner



Consequently, the new elements are not reconstructions. They are media with the highest demands on form and material. They deliberately use the characteristic materials of the bunker construction site: concrete and some steel in a few places for information signs.


▼运用当地特色材料的指示牌 The information signs using characteristic materials of the bunker construction site

Mülndorfer Hart, Information sign © Nikolai Benner



All three memorial sites tell the same story in different ways and are part of an overall network. Memorial stones, as symbolic representations of the Mühldorfer Hart network, are placed at historically and spatially relevant points. To come across them seems to be coincidental and yet raises awareness of the place and its context.


▼放置于园区的纪念石雕 The memorial stone placed in the park

Mülndorfer Hart, Memorial stone © Nikolai Benner


道路和连接处、空地和带状区域的空间干预,有助于人们理解以前的空间结构和尺寸。这三个纪念点都有一个相同的围合信息空间,其中的图像和文字向游客展示了整个Mühldorfer Hart地图及其所在的位置。游客在经过这一部分的准备后,穿过由两个U形混凝土单元组成的“十字转门”,便到达了一个新的空间,即真正的纪念地。

Spatial interventions such as paths and junctions, clearings and swathes help to fathom the former structure and dimensions. Each of the three memorial sites is preceded by the same introverted information space, which uses images and texts to inform about the entire Mühldorfer Hart site and that particular spot. Thus prepared, visitors pass a “turnstile”, consisting of two U-shaped concrete units, and are discharged to a new level, the actual memorial site.


▼每个纪念点前都设有一个围合的信息空间 Each memorial sites has a introverted information space

Mülndorfer Hart, Information room © Nikolai Benner
Mülndorfer Hart, Information room © Nikolai Benner



The constructed paths are part of the process of understanding. They respond to existing site elements, vary in width, adapt and lead to scattered relics in order to facilitate remembrance. Their surface is soft at the start near the forest road, while beyond the turnstile they turn into narrative paths that lead to the memorial site and are made of bespoke concrete units that are slightly raised above the forest floor. Laterally mounted steel bands carry commemorative quotations from contemporary witnesses that remember historically important places and events.


© Nikolai Benner



The Forest Camp VI Memorial Site serves as an example of several camps where prisoners lived under the most inhumane conditions. By removing vegetation, the main axes and boundaries as well as the earth huts at the winter camp are revealed and give an idea of the camp’s extent. Memorial stones mark the spots of former watchtowers and gates. The path starts at the information room near the old camp gate, runs first along the former main axis, then veers off to the south towards the earth huts and latrines, and turns north to the former roll call ground. White markings on the tree trunks demarcate the extent of the now overgrown roll call ground.


▼六号森林营地纪念点移除植被后,突出了场地轴线及边界 The Forest Camp VI memorial site highlights the main axis and boundaries by removing vegetation

Mülndorfer Hart, Forest Camp © Nikolai Benner
Mülndorfer Hart, Forest Camp © Nikolai Benner

▼树干上的白色标记划定的是以前的点名场的范围 White markings on the tree trunks demarcate the extent of the roll call ground

Mülndorfer Hart, Forest Camp © Nikolai Benner



The Mass Grave Memorial Site comprises two of a few still discernible mass graves. It now lies peacefully within a forest and yet stands for countless bodies that were buried indiscriminately – a dimension that is difficult to convey. A clearing with lopped off tree trunks demystifies the place, confronting visitors with an unexpected, shocking picture: the 1.7-metre-high tree stumps represent the victims and the madness of a criminal system.


Mülndorfer Hart, Mass Grave © Latz + Partner
Mülndorfer Hart, Mass Grave © Nikolai Benner
Mülndorfer Hart, Mass Grave © Nikolai Benner

▼万人冢纪念地以树桩纪念受害者 The Mass Grave Memorial Site represent victims by tree stumps

Mülndorfer Hart, Mass Grave © Nikolai Benner
Mülndorfer Hart, Mass Grave © Nikolai Benner
Mülndorfer Hart, Mass Grave © Latz + Partner


军备地堡纪念遗址尚未建成。那次爆炸后依然矗立着的第七个碉堡拱门,是Mühldorfer Hart最引人注目的遗迹,因此我们将在第五拱门的废墟上修建一条钢栈道,以便人们全面了解被毁现场的情况:原计划中的兵工厂中心——以及强迫劳役和大规模死亡的原因。

The Armament Bunker Memorial Site has not yet been completed. The seventh bunker arch, which is still standing after it was blasted, is the most striking relic at Mühldorfer Hart. A steel walkway will be constructed on the remains of the fifth arch to provide an overview of the extent of the scene of devastation: the former centre of a planned arms factory – and the reason for forced labour and mass death.


Mülndorfer Hart, Aussicht plattform © Latz + Partner
Mülndorfer Hart, Armament Bunker © Nikolai Benner
Mülndorfer Hart, Armament Bunker © Nikolai Benner
Mülndorfer Hart, Armament Bunker © Nikolai Benner



项目地点: 德国米尔道夫哈特


主创设计师:Tilman Latz
设计团队:Michael Stegmeier, Daniela Strasinsky
客户/开发商:Stiftung Bayerische Gedenkstätten, Staatliches Bauamt Rosenheim

图片:Nikolai Benner,LATZ+PARTNER

Project Name: Mühldorfer Hart Memorial Sites
Completion Year:2013-2018
Project Area:100 hectares
Project Location:Mildorfhart, Germany

Architect Firm:latzundpartner
Contact e-mail:post@latzundpartner.de

Lead Designer:Tilman Latz
Design Team:Michael Stegmeier, Daniela Strasinsky
Clients:Stiftung Bayerische Gedenkstätten, Staatliches Bauamt Rosenheim

Photo Credits:Nikolai BennerLATZ+PARTNER


更多 Read more about: LATZ+PARTNER


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