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Atelier Aconcept作为1907年殖民地展览馆修复的一部分,位于巴黎热带农艺园中的突尼斯馆经历了一次全面的翻新。

Atelier Aconcept:As part of the rehabilitation of the 1907 Colonial Exhibition pavilions, located in the Paris Tropical Agronomy Garden (Bois de Vincennes / Nogent-sur-Marne), the Tunisian Pavilion underwent a complete renovation.




This trial garden was initially commissioned by the Jardin Colonial, an institution developed since 1899 under the supervision of the Ministry of Colonies, and was originally intended for the Natural History Museum in the Bois de Vincennes. Today, the site includes production, research and teaching activities. The pleasure garden, designed for the colonial exhibitions organised in 1905 and 1907 with the exhibition pavilions as the main attractions, had the role of highlighting and stimulating the agricultural production of the French colonies.





The political will of CIRAD, the project owner, was to renovate the heritage protected as historical monuments while offering a new activity designed to revitalise the tropical garden.

The program therefore called for the creation of a restaurant, some offices and a multimedia room / resource centre.




The pristine white facades of the cross-shaped Tunisian Pavilion have been restored to their former glory. The central room, which is accessible from the hall, is the building’s flagship space with its wooden dome topped by a moon-shaped finial, giving the building a majestic character. This space has been rehabilitated so that visitors can make the most of the layout and the zenithal light of the completely refurbished dome.




The extension, built at the end of the east wing, is detached from the existing building by a glazed space allowing the old building to be distinguished from the contemporary extension. Treated in white concrete, the addition takes up the architectural lexicon of the existing building in order to be in continuity.




The silk-screen printing of the glazing in the technical areas is a nod to the building’s old cement tiles.



施工过程 Construction process


▽展馆平面图纸 Plans


▽平面详图 Plan detail


▽展馆立面图纸 Elevations


▽展馆面图纸 Sections




项目名称:Rehabilitation Of The Tunisia Building At The Tropical Agronomy
Garden Into A Third-Party Site
项目地点:巴黎 文森森林 马恩河畔诺让
建筑师:Atelier Aconcept

Project name: Rehabilitation Of The Tunisia Building At The Tropical Agronomy
Garden Into A Third-Party Site
Project location: Paris 12 (Bois De Vincennes / Nogent-Sur-Marne)
Delivery: 2021
Surface: 200 m2
Client: CIRAD (International Cooperative Center for Agricultural Research for Development)
Lead architect: Atelier Aconcept
Framework: Lamalle
Materials: wood + concrete + glass
Photographic credits: 11h45




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