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SpActrum:Shangen Village is located in the Chashan(Tea Hill) area of southern Wenzhou, only ten kilometres away from the city centre. In early 2017, the SpActrum team visited the village for the first time. At that time, the villagers were ready to move to the newly constructed residential buildings in the northern part of the village. The existing buildings of the village were largely preserved under a regeneration development planned by the local government and a Wenzhou-born developer. Architects participated in the regeneration planning and renovation, to transfer Shangen into a city culture & tourism site.


© 朱迪


缘起:乡村到城市功能区的转化 Origin: Transformation from Village to Urban Functional Area

SpActrum参与进行整治规划和改造并在2018年形成了规划方案。这个方案中,基本恢复了被多年的私搭乱建逐渐模糊的河北岸以平行河岸的三条街为基本骨架,南岸与村后山势结合形成组团的基本格局。对于遗存的老建筑,建筑师持更原生态的态度,主张最少的干预原有建筑,甚至保留某些 “废墟”。建筑师认为“废墟”的状态恰恰是具有意味的,它应该无偏见的被视作场地的一种重要特质。另一个规划阶段提出的建筑策略是对于现有建筑按照结构的坚固程度、美学价值综合评价,拆除以后,插入新建筑。 而新建筑将使用当代的建造方式和风格,为这个乡村构筑物的集合体添加属于今天的遗留物。

In 2008, architects completed the planning, which restored the gradually blurred north bank of the river after years of illegal private construction, with three streets running parallel to the riverbank as the initial skeleton. The south bank and hills behind the village combined to form a basic pattern of building clusters. The architect advised to preserve the old buildings with as little intervention as possible. In their point of view, these “residues” in their current condition are the most intriguing part as they showcase a ‘true’ character of the village. Again, the renovation and transformation of the single building also followed this understanding. Another strategic proposal in the planning phase is to comprehensively evaluate the remaining buildings in terms of their structural strength and aesthetic value, then replace some of them with new ones. The implementation of new buildings would add a modern touch to the village.


▼改造后的新山根村顶视航拍(2020) Top View of New Shangen Village After Regeneration Photograph 

© SpActrum 谱观建筑

▼项目俯瞰 Top View of Shangen Blossom Pavilion

© 朱迪
© 朱迪



On this basis, the four typical genres of existing buildings were mostly preserved, representing varied modes of rural architecture styles of the different eras, including: 1. The wooden structure buildings of the late Qing Dynasty, which adopted the Baroque style as the southern Zhejiang region communicated closely and thus was influenced by overseas culture; 2. Popular styles of hollow brick columns and local red granite beams in the 1930s, and common styles of wood frames in southern Zhejiang Province in the 1950s; 3. Rural brick-concrete buildings, which in their proportions embody obvious traces of modernist architecture imported from Soviet Russia, as well as combining common materials and decorative motifs of Chinese suburban architecture; 4. Buildings that reflect the increasing demand for private dwellings after the reform and opening up of modern China, where these were commissioned to foreign architects by the returning overseas Chinese.


▼项目鸟瞰 Aerial view

© 朱迪
© 朱迪



The planning scheme reflected the consensus of the government, the developer, and the architect: to keep the various styles of old residential buildings in respect to the history of the village, and there is no need to limit all buildings into a specific era frame. From the beginning, this renovation plan had become a kind of urbanization, which was fundamentally different from village construction in the conventional sense. This is undoubtedly a major progress in contemporary government-led cultural & tourism renovation projects.


© SpActrum 谱观建筑


回归:混沌的复兴 Retrieve: The Renaissance of Chaos


SpActrum left the project soon after they proposed the master plan during 2017-2018. When the architects visited the village again, they found that the site has been overly tidied-up and lost its original identity. The village had lost its original wild and rustic ‘sentimental attractiveness’ that had evolved naturally and over the slow passing of time. The village has been hugely cleaned up since then but has lost some of its ancient ambience. The once charming chaos has turned into the blankness of purposeful building activity. Meanwhile, some new buildings lost their original delicate and explicit design language during the construction phase due to technical and difficulties and budget shortages.


▼“山根之花”场地原貌(2017)Site Original Condition

© SpActrum 谱观建筑

▼设计灵感来源:破败的民居中,生机盎然的蕨类恣意生长,建筑与景观的边界被突破 Inspiration for the design: In the dilapidated dwellings, vigorous ferns grow freely, and the boundary between architecture and landscape is broken

© SpActrum 谱观建筑



Under this circumstance, a small plot at the end of the bridge was emptied and now presents an opportunity for the architects to recall and restore the power of ambiguity in Shangen Village.


© 朱迪
© 朱迪



The site is an empty plot adjacent to a traditional 1950’s – 60’s style village house. It’s in a strategic location, close to the village’s central bridge, and the river has the potential to be a focal point both for the view and as the community spiritual centre. The site is an ideal spot for people to gather at the heart of the village and provides a beautiful view towards the river and the magnificent Qing Dynasty houses. Due to the small scale of the adjacent buildings, the new structure needs to harmonize with them in height and scale. The flower-like cone opening towards the sky is both a geometrical and pragmatic solution to support the proposed structure and bring “nature” into the building.


▼中心桥与“山根之花”的关系 The relationship between central Bridge and “Shangen Blossom Pavilion”

© 朱迪
© 朱迪
© 朱迪


“山根之花”立于桥头的空地,是个具有开放性的⼩品建筑,一个乡村的集合点。在创作“山根之花”时,数码化的设计思路首先被用来寻找与场地整体势态的联系。这里被设想为一个连接的关节,首先在地面高度承接桥头,之后抬高到地面⼀层以上,形成对桥头观望的平台,这个平台同时可以与组团现存建筑相连接。螺旋上升的沿双轨道旋转的形体可以用来完成这样的行为,更进一步为形体寻找结构上的支撑,继续向上旋转,并将双轨道设置为外边界和内边界两条轨道。最终得到的是一个复杂曲面形成的旋转体,这个旋转体外侧从地面升起,形成平台后继续升高为衣领一样的外廓, 另一侧形成收拢的盘旋体。

Shangen Blossom Pavilion stands in the open space at the head of the village bridge. It is an open landscape/architecture, a meeting point of the village. When conceiving Shangen Blossom Pavilion, digital design strategy was initially used to find the resonance with the overall situation of the site. It was eventually composed of two spirals; the outer one rises from the ground to form a platform that connects to the adjacent buildings’ upper floor. This provides an elevated panorama of the village. The inner spiral is a cone that supports the platform. It splits into two, allowing light to penetrate the rooms from the openings.


© 朱迪


这个模型并非直接实施的建筑体量。在乡村建筑的背景下,建筑师以前面一年多时间对于当地建造性积累的经验,对于建造的技术层级做出了判断,同时认识到,建筑师在此情况下应该不会深⼊设计到结构细节, 这一部分工作会由施工方进行,建筑师只能控制一个相对精确的体量方案。所以接下来是主动的简化,这种简化并非减损,而是再一次的创造。将复杂的⼏何形体归结为一系列三角形和四边形。最终的形体具有比之前曲面更明确的指向,同时这种形体组合不是常规的平面构思的塑形路径所能够设想的。

The general geometry comes from a computer-generated shape that embodies the function and power it needs to deliver. This forms a very complex geometry, but was later manually simplified into triangles and quadrangles to fit the technical capacities of construction in a village.


▼计算机生成的连续螺旋面被转化成为一系列在乡村建造中可实现的连续折面 Conplicated Geometry Faceted by Simple Geometry for Rural Construction

© SpActrum 谱观建筑

▼从相邻屋顶看向“山根之花”屋面 View of the “Shangen Blossom Pavilion” roof from the adjacent roof

© 朱迪
© 朱迪

▼屋面几何体细节 Details of roof geometry

© 朱迪


以这种方式,一种新的形式语言被创造出来。这也是SpActrum对于建筑形式的一种认识: 新的建筑形态往往来源于形式所需要回应的问题,以及采取什么样的方式对这种问题进行编码,来源于产生形式生成的过程,而并不来自某种直接的雕塑过程。设计经常意味着设计这样的生成过程。在将复杂曲面平面化的过程中,对于行为、结构等建筑学议题的判读起到了指向性的作用。这时一个重要的工作是提供可用场所,同时保持不被定义的含混感。建筑的构件取得了多义性和含混性。

The project dispels the existing definitions of the man-made environment. It responds to people’s behaviour and requirements within the specific site conditions. Building, landscape, shelter, pavilion, you name it. The performance of such a construction enriches people’s experience in the village; it highlights the central bridge, provides tiered seats for resting with a view, provides a shelter in a rough climate, and gradually becomes an alternative landmark, a landmark filled with people, a landmark that reconnects to nature and the built environment.



▼使用了具有当地特色的传统建造工艺&乡土建材 Traditional construction craft with local characteristics & local building materials


另一方面,为空间匹配正常使用需要的楼梯、栏杆、 砌体、内部涂装等。整个建筑体尽可能的使用了当地的、有机的材料。扶手部分,设计以十分工业化的螺纹钢来进行塑造。而最为有趣的是,受浙江传统牡蛎墙和蛎灰涂刷工艺启发,将内部空间以粗粝的灰浆塑造成了特殊的室内表面效果。

The design captures possible trends through the digital design tool, and then adapts to the locality with appropriate construction techniques. The covered indoor space is a function room, its inner walls rendered with a traditional oyster shell clay technique to form a very bumpy surface. The design team also developed a methodology to control the form’s spatial coordinates with simple faceted surfaces, and the resulting geometry was then simplified for the local construction team. By the involvement of such a team, the construction process regains the authenticity of architectural behaviour: build for demand, not for desire.


▼栏杆和石阶 Balustrades and stone steps


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内部的倒锥体作为支撑整个平台的结构物,同时开向天空,将雨水引⼊内部,在倒锥体底部汇合成一个池塘,与外部的生态池相连。这汇聚在整个内壁的雨水滋养了内壁留槽里的蕨类植物。这样, 内部与外部、景观与建筑的边界消解了。进一步制造了定义之间犬牙交错的是椎体的一分为二,两个半锥之间错开光缝,将室内最暗处引⼊自然的光亮。

The planter walls of the cone act as a flag to attract people from a distance and showcase how living creatures can coexist with man-made structures, as this village did in the past. The keynote of the project is the rejection of any single identity or labelling. It combines landscape features, functional space, a communal gathering point and a sensual expression of how nature blends into the built environment.


▼室内倒椎体旁的接待台 The reception desk next to the inverted vertebra

© 朱迪
© 朱迪

▼引入自然光线 Bring in natural light

© 朱迪



The design employs easily accessed local materials and develops them into a particular architectural language, just as the original village buildings did for hundreds of years. The generic material ensures low construction and running costs; the heavy platform confers high sustainability on the indoor space. Plants in the cone constantly grow, adding a dimension of time to this man-made structure. It is a project that integrates completely with its surroundings, while inviting natural elements and people to celebrate its ambiguity and polysemy.


▼夜景 Night view

© SpActrum 谱观建筑



项目图纸 Project drawings

▼“山根之花”总平面图 Roof Plan

© SpActrum 谱观建筑

▼“山根之花”一层平面图 Ground Floor Plan

© SpActrum 谱观建筑

▼北立面图 North Elevation

© SpActrum 谱观建筑

▼东立面图 East Elevation

© SpActrum 谱观建筑

▼南立面图 South Elevation

© SpActrum 谱观建筑

▼剖面图 Profile

© SpActrum 谱观建筑


总建筑面积:120 平方米

Project Name: Shangen Blossom Pavilion
Project Location: Shangen Village, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, P.R.China
Project Type: Architecture Design & Landscape Design
Client: Zhejiang Yunjian Tourism Investment Ltd.
Project Status: Built
Design Company: SpActrum
Principle Architect: Yan Pan
Design Team: Yan Pan, Zhen Li, Yimeng Tang, Junyou Chen
Design Period: 2019-2020
Completed Year: 2020
Gross Floor Area: 120 sqm
Construction Drawing & Contractor: Zhejiang Yunjian
Applied Materials: Spray Concrete, Recycled Old Bricks, Oyster Shell Rendering, Glass, Steel
Photographer: Di Zhu




审稿编辑:Ashley Jen

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