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Lab D+H:华西坝大学路位于成都市府南河畔历史文化区,是著名的华西大学校门前的重要道路,街区周边业态功能丰富,曾经见证了中国西部的医学圣殿、最重要的大学之一——华西大学的发展。大学路原是一条普通的单向双车道,两旁梧桐树病病殃殃,店铺破败,缺乏生机,百年名校的锋芒被隐藏于此。

Lab D+H: Located in the Funan River History and Culture Zone of Chengdu, the University Road is an essential thoroughfare in front of the famous West China Union University. The surrounding community has diverse commerce and functionality, and has witnessed the university’s ascension to become one of the top medical schools in China.



项目概述 Project Overview


The University Road urban micro-renewal project has successfully revitalized the memory of old Chengdu on this “growing street”. It upholds the living conditions of residents, uses modern design techniques to explore the storied history of West China Union University, and respects the historical architecture that blends Chinese and Western styles. The landscape design implements a series of unique innovations to the region. A timeline installation called “Time River” connects the site’s spatial nodes in an orderly manner, making full use of the previously vacant street corners. The structure of University Road’s public space aims to form an atmosphere that fuses new and old, injecting cultural activity into the local community.


▽历史上的华西坝对比改造前的华西坝 Huaxi Dam in history is compared with huaxi Dam before reconstruction

▽华西坝历史文化建筑 Huaxiba Historical and cultural building

▽华西坝历史文化建筑 Huaxiba Historical and cultural building


▽现在的华西坝 The present Huaxi Dam


现状分析 Site Analysis


Near the University Road, the campus of West China Union University holds many distinctive historical buildings which were built by Western missionaries in imitation of the Eastern style. The most difficult of this project was to organically integrate the historical aspects into the design of the road, so as to maximize the learning potential for pedestrians.


▽历史文化资源分析 Analysis of historical and cultural resources

▽华西坝钟楼 Huaxiba Clock Tower


设计策略 Design Strategy


The landscape design team reorganized the streets and lanes around the University Road through historical research. Architecture and education, history and theory, and culture and time are integrated with modern design language in Time River. The timeline uses historical threads, street space, and materials with both cultural weight and modern sense to explore Chengdu’s heritage and way of life. Time River connects the space’s key nodes, including Entrance Plaza, Memorial Square, Exhibit Parlor, Bazaar Parlor, Huaxiba History Map, Meeting Point, and Wall Gallery.


▽华西坝平面图 Plan of Huaxi Dam

▽周边空间节点分析 Analysis of peripheral spatial nodes



空间节点设计 Node Design


The University Road’s spatial node design focuses on reusing the left-over street space. The lotus pond under the clock tower of West China Union University is the starting point of Time River. The century-old historical elements, stories, and old photos of the university are hidden under the water and flow along in chronological order. Gradually, the surface of Time River turns into pavement, and at its end, one will find oneself in front of the historical architecture of West China Union University. Along the path, the original walls were removed and replaced with brick and glass, on which are engraved historical facts and details. The historical buildings appear faintly in the background.


▽时光之河改前后对比 River of Time before and after

▽时光之河 The river of time

▽夜幕下的时光之河 The river of time under the night

▽傍晚孩子们在时光之河喷泉前戏水 Children play in the river of Time fountain in the evening

▽时光之河的尽头与建筑融为一体 The end of the river of time merges with the building

▽玻璃围墙 The glass wall



Walking along the “growing street”, through the Old Tree Garden is the Historic District, which is enclosed by plane trees and commercial buildings. It forms a safe pedestrian space, in which automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic do not interfere with each other. Many historical memories and details are hidden between the roads of the Historic District, as well as greenery, seats for rest, and pedestrian crossings. In order to contrast with the entrance to West China Union University, historical photos of the area are imprinted into the pavement here. The needs of automobile traffic are met while also forming the visual center of the whole road.


▽历史街区改造前后对比分析 Comparative analysis before and after transformation of historic district

▽改造后的历史街区 The renovated historic district



Wall Gallery is a unique urban stopover point of grey space and rest areas. In the Quanxue Garden, the tile and greenery gradually transition to bring the memory of old Chengdu back to the site.


▽改造后的围墙博物馆 The renovated walled museum

▽围墙博物馆 Walled Museum

▽围墙博物馆前地面瓦片铺装 Tiled pavement in front of the fence museum


生态重塑与在地材料 Ecology and Materials


Plane trees dot the landscape of the University Road, forming a beautiful backdrop for activities. The design team did their best to preserve the trees that were withered from pests and treated the area with insecticide to restore the vegetation to life. At the same time, a garden was designed for two ancient ginkgo trees. The rain garden found on both sides of the University Road was integrated with the overall design to collect rainwater and redirect runoff. Combined with the sound organization and design of greenery, this system effectively controls rainstorm management in the area.


▽古树花园改造前后对比分析 Comparative analysis before and after the transformation of ancient tree garden

▽雨水花园设计 Rain Garden Design

▽古树花园 Ancient garden

▽道路两侧保留的梧桐树 Reserved plane trees on both sides of the road



The color harmony of the materials in this project is inspired by the gray tile, red bracket pillars, and white edges of the buildings on West China Union University’s campus, forming a dialogue between the new area and the historical architecture. Seat edges and bicycle paths are red, and most of the pavement and facilities are grey. Occasionally, the light-colored edges form a contrasting relationship with the plane trees and green grass.


▽车行道铺装 Paving of roadway

▽我们的华西坝 Our Huaxi Dam

▽游人在砖墙前驻足了解华西坝的历史 Visitors stop in front of the brick wall to learn about the history of Huaxi Dam

▽砖墙与建筑灰瓦和谐交融 The brick walls blend with the building’s grey tiles

▽华西坝的历史铭刻在砖墙之上 The history of Huaxi Dam is etched into the brick walls

▽砖墙设计 Brick wall design

▽砖墙绿化细节处理 Brick wall afforest detail processing


▽道路边的座椅 Road side seats


▽鸟瞰地面铺装 A bird ‘s-eye view of pavement

▽地面铺装 Ground shop

▽华西坝的历史地图融入地面铺装 The historical map of Huaxi Dam is integrated into the pavement

▽地面铺装设计 Floor pavement design


社会意义 Social Service

焕然一新的华西坝大学路是一次成功的城市微更新实践,已初现百年华西坝的历史与辉煌。景观设计从公共领域(Public realm)的角度解决大学重要道路的交通性与功能性问题,利用边角地,重塑街巷生态。随着街道边见证历史的梧桐树的复生,一个藏在历史深处的老街在现代景观语言下被唤醒、被激活,关于成都、关于华西大学,所有的历史记忆和文化骄傲都得到了留存。

The new University Road is a successful practice in urban micro-renewal. It displays the century-long history and glory of West China Union University. From a public realm perspective, the landscape design helps solve the traffic and function problems of the critical roads near the University’s campus. We repurposed abandoned street corners to serve as meeting or rest areas, with benches and tables for sitting and talking. With the revival of the plane trees that have witnessed the area’s growth and decline, an old street hidden in the depths of history has been awakened with modern landscape design. All the bountiful memories of Chengdu and West China Union University are preserved, and the culture pride of the local people is raised to a new level.


▽改造后的华西坝大学路 The reconstructed University Road of West China Ba



设计方:Lab D+H SH
设计团队:黄诗琪 张家茜 朱楠 潘晓雯 巩昊坤 周建 徐思莹 沈怡君
业主单位:万城城市设计 万科城市研究院 成都万科

Project Name: Ba Daxue Road, Huaxi, Chengdu
Location: Chengdu, Sichuan Province
Project area: 22,000 square meters
Design: Lab D+H SH
Design director: Li Zhongwei, Lin Nan
Design team: Huang Shiqi, Zhang Jiaqian, Zhu Nan, Pan Xiaowen, Gong Haokun, Zhou Jian, Xu Siying, Shen Yijun
Completion period: 2020-2021
Owner: Wancheng Urban Design vanke Urban Research Institute Chengdu Vanke
Photography copyright: Lu Bing, Liang Xiang Design, Vanke




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