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Arcadis Landscape architecture & Urbanism:近几十年来,鹿特丹城市群的城市地区发展迅速。为了改善巴伦德雷赫特市区的水质,以及提升供水系统的娱乐性和生态价值,我们与市政当局合作重新设计了Zuidpolder。因此,巴伦德雷赫特市和Oude Maas河之间约110公顷的农业用地被改造成了一个具有(清洁)储水功能的现代景观公园。

Arcadis Landscape architecture & Urbanism:The urban area in the Rotterdam agglomeration has grown rapidly over recent decades. In order to improve water quality in the Barendrecht urban area, as well as the recreational and ecological value of the water systems, we worked with the municipality to redesign the Zuidpolder. Around 110 hectares of agricultural land between Barendrecht and the Oude Maas river have therefore been transformed to create a contemporary landscape park with (clean) water storage.



作为Blauwe Verbinding项目的一部分,Zuidpolder公园具有三个功能。首先,为城市水系储存清洁水;第二,在Zuiderpark和Waaltje水道之间建立休闲游船、自行车和步行路线;第三,在IJsselmonde的城市区域和(未来)自然区域之间建立生态连接。

The Zuidpolder, part of the Blauwe Verbinding project, has three functions. Firstly, the storage of clean water for the urban water system, secondly a recreational boating, cycling and walking route between the Zuiderpark and the Waaltje waterway and thirdly an ecological connection between green spaces in the urban area and (future) nature areas in IJsselmonde.



该项目设计融合了储水、娱乐和生态功能,在巴伦德雷赫特南部形成了一个吸引人的新景观。由于其拥有复杂的水系统,可以在高水位时期储存干净水源,这样在干旱时期也可以保持市区运河的水位。目前已有大量的休闲参观者到访该景观公园,在其中可以进行划船、骑自行车、散步、滑旱冰和骑马等活动。此外,我们设计的De Kleine Duiker宠物农场和Theehuys Polderzicht咖啡馆也大受欢迎。

The design incorporates water storage, recreation and ecology. Together, these functions result in an attractive new landscape on the southern side of Barendrecht. Thanks to a sophisticated water system, clean water will be stored during periods of high water, so that water levels in canals in the urban area can be maintained during drier times. Recreational users now visit the landscape park in high numbers; it is used for canoeing, cycling, walking, roller skating and horse-riding. The De Kleine Duiker petting farm (which we also designed) and the Theehuys Polderzicht cafe (for which we designed the integration) are also popular.




Finally, nature has also benefited from the development as a whole. Many farmland, water and woodland birds have found a habitat here, as well as rare plants such as the European yellow-rattle and the southern marsh orchid.



▽平面图 Plan


▽鸟瞰图 Aerial view


▽活动路线分析 Routing




项目地点:荷兰 鹿特丹地区 巴伦德雷赫特
设计公司:Arcadis Landscape architecture & Urbanism(@Arcadislandscape)

Project name: Zuidpolder Landscape Park, Rotterdam Region, Barendrecht
Project location: Rotterdam Region, Barendrecht Google Maps
Design year: 2012
Year Built: 2012-2016
Role of your office in the project: Vision, Masterplan
Design Firm: Arcadis Landscape architecture & Urbanism(@Arcadislandscape)
Website: https://www.landscape-architects.nl/en/projects/metropolitaan-zuidpolderpark



审稿编辑: Simin

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