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REALMstudios:‘Reimagining Your Creek’ is a body of interrelated work carried out across an interconnected landscape. Our work began with Melbourne Water working on the evaluation of channelised waterways for viability in creek naturalisation. Assessments considered potential social, economic and environmental benefits balanced against costs across 5km of drainage corridor.

选定的试点项目允许测试和完善设计、改造参与和采购方法。目前,Arnolds Creek段和Blind Creek段已经建成;Stony Creek段处于概念设计阶段;Moonee Ponds Creek段处于总体规划阶段。每个试点段项目都有着以水为催化剂,重新整合人类和自然生态的宏伟目标。
Selected pilot projects allowed for the testing and refinement of design, engagement and procurement methods. Arnolds Creek and Blind Creek are now constructed outcomes; Stony Creek a concept design; Moonee Ponds Creek a master plan. They share the ambition to reintegrate human and natural ecologies, using water as the catalyst.

墨尔本水务公司计划在2021年之前,将菲利普港(Port Phillip)和西港(Westernport)地区的5公里水道进行再自然化处理,该计划旨在探索如何改善现有的混凝土渠道,以创造丰富的社会和环境成果。
With Melbourne Water having a target to naturalise five kilometres of waterway across the Port Phillip and Westernport region by 2021, the objective of this program was to explore how existing concrete channels can be improved to create social and environmentally rich outcomes.
▽总平面图 Plan

The naturalisation of urban waterway corridors provide critical opportunities for high quality, accessible public open space as well as improved visual amenity. The future of the creeklines are like connective tissue that ties together the fabric of the wider context, providing a link to the various amenities, schools and surrounding open spaces and catering for improved biodiversity and habitat, urban forests for localised cooling benefits at a range of scales.
▽沿水道打造的公告空间 Public open space along the waterway

项目名称:Reimagining Your Creek
合作伙伴:Alluvium Consulting、E2DesignLab
图片来源:Rory Gardiner
Project Name: Reimagining Your Creek
Completion Year: 2019
Project Location: Various waterways across Melbourne’s metropolitan catchment, Victoria
Traditional Owners: Wurundjeri (Acknowledging the traditional owners and First Nations groups is an important part of our practice in Australia)
Landscape/Architecture Firm: REALMstudios
Website: https://www.realmstudios.com
Contact e-mail: alexander.ma@realmstudios.com
Lead Architects: REALMstudios
Clients: Melbourne Water
Collaborators: Alluvium Consulting, E2DesignLab
Photo Credits: Rory Gardiner
Photographer’s Website: http://rory-gardiner.com/
“ 城市发展犹如一个轮回,过去一味以人类为中心的城市用水和治水工程破坏了河流的自然面貌,渠道化、人工化的河道引发了一系列问题,如何对其改善,让河道重回自然,仍旧是值得我们仔细思考的命题。”
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