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Thanks RENGARCH for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by RENGARCH.
礽建筑:XYZ画廊位于北京798艺术区中二街。自2006年,诗人范学宜将自己的家居画廊搬到这里。在接下来的 17 年里,举办了数百场艺术展览,见证了798艺术区的变化。2022年8月,在几位朋友的鼓励和帮助下,她希望将画廊改造成一个旨在通过艺术将人们聚集并传递希望的空间。
RENGARCH: XYZ Gallery is located at Middle Second Street in the 798 Art District in Beijing. In 2006, the poet artist Fan Xueyi moved her home gallery to 798. Over the next 16 years, XYZ Gallery has been the venue of hundreds of art exhibitions. In August 2022, with the encouragement and help of several friends, she set out to transform XYZ Gallery into a space meant to bring people together and give them hope through art.The redesign now is like a pivot point between the past and the future.
▽街景图,street view of the project

▽室外夜景,outdoor night scene

The 798 Art District originally was an industrial zone established in 1952 located at No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Since 2002, it gradually developed into an art community. Over the years, XYZ Gallery has witnessed the changes of the 798 Art District. The redesign now is like a pivot point between the past and the future.
▽改造前街景图,street view of the project before renovation

▽改造后街景图,street view of the project after renovation

诗人的画廊之家 A Poet’s Gallery Home
“阳光射进来,灰尘有了方向”,这是诗人范学宜老师对她的画廊的描述。 基于诗人对于北方站台的记忆以及对于原野的热爱,站台、诗歌花园等设计意向逐步出现。
于此同时,诗人将画廊看成为家。 新增的影院、书房以及翻新后的工作室构成了家的重要组成。
“Sunlight falls in, dust finds a purpose.” This is how the poet artist Fan Xueyi describes her gallery. Inspired by the poet’s memory of a train stop in the North of China and her love for poetry and nature, the ideas of a station, a poetry garden and other elements were gradually incorporated in the design.
At the same time, Fan Xueyi regards the gallery as a home. The newly added video and book rooms, together with the refurbished studio, are important elements to make visitors feel at home in the redesigned gallery.
▽街景图,street view of the project

站台 Station
A station serves as a point of departures and arrivals; there is a certain element of the unknown, yet it brings convenience and comfort. In the design of the entrance, we took into account three interfaces: the original 798 building, the new design, and the experience linked to poetry and nature.The exterior wall of the original building is made of red brick, but it was subsequently
painted inshiny red. To begin, we removed that paint to expose the original red brick texture.In architectural language, the new design creates a rhythmic entrance space under eaves formed by three consecutive steel arches. The cantilevered steel roof reaches 1.8 meters outfrom the wall, with arches that span 2.5 meters (middle arch) and 2.1 meters (each side arch) and have a height of 1.1 meters. An I-beam serves as the structural connection between each arch, its slope also meets the need for rainwater drainage.
For the poet artist, wooden grille doors and windows remind of her home in Northeast China and connect Beijing with her hometown in Heilongjiang. For the entrance, we combined a white wooden grille door with a white grille window. Below the window is a curved steel plate, which together serve as a second door. Thus, the structure meets the passage requirement of a double door for a public space, but at the same time creates the illusion of a single door.

▽从室内看木格栅门入口,interior view of wooden grille door entrance

诗歌花园 Poetry Garden
让出更多的公共空间给到来往的人群,是画廊主以及我们的初衷。在过去17年的经营中,画廊入口就一直有一排自家种的花池。“花园”作为一个记忆被保留及延续下来。在形式上我们选择高低错落的状态,其中包含0.3米、0.5米和0.8米等不同的台阶标高,满足花池及座椅本身的功能需求后,又增加了互动性。红砖诗歌花园平台以0.6米宽、0.6 -1.5米长和0.3-0.5米高的凹弧形红砖座位单元为组合,通过台阶连接在一起。凹弧形座位单元和入口处钢板拱顶形成上下镜像关系,在这里展示一种平衡。
The gallery owner wanted to give more space to by-passers. In the past, there was a rectangular concrete-made box containing a bed of home-grown flower alongside the front of the gallery. The memory of this garden is preserved. In terms of form, we choose a staggered set of blocks with different elevations at 0.3 meter, 0.5 meter and 0.8 meter. Besides meeting the functional need of flower beds and serving as seats, this lay-out increases interactivity. The red brick poetry garden combines concave red brick seat units that are 0.6 meter wide, between 0.6 to 1.5 meters long and between 0.3 to 0.5 meter high and are connected by steps. The concave curved seat unit and the steel plate arches at the entrance form an up-and-down mirror relationship for a balanced overall appearance.
The blue and white ceramic tiles with poems and pictures written and drawn by the poet artist were made in Jingdezhen. The design incorporates ceramic bricks and tiles both in the entrance floor and the poetry garden. The flower beds and plants now are integrated with the blue and white ceramic tiles and the red and gray bricks.
▽诗歌花园,poetry garden

展厅空间 Exhibition Space
The gallery has a total area of 220 square meters, consisting of two exhibition halls of 90 square meters and 50 square meters respectively, a connecting corridor and several other spaces. We exposed the concrete texture of the original structural concrete beams at the top of the exhibition halls, which were cleaned and polished to make the original 3.8-meters-tall space look even higher and give it a sense of strength while retaining the historic industrial look.
▽一号展厅,exhibition hall

▽二号展厅,exhibition hall

▽展厅顶部,top of the exhibition hall

转角街道 Street-like Corridor
Moving from the “train stop” to “main street”, the street-like corridor connecting the exhibition halls is meant to evoke a street corner. Four passage doors open to a corridor that is 2.1 meters wide and 6 meters long. This appears accidental and complicates the direction of visitor movement and flow. In the design, we use the form of portico-type arches as the continuation of the language of outdoor roof arches to strengthen the connection of indoor and outdoor elements. From the corridor, four spaces are accessible – the two main exhibition halls, a small bookroom and the video room.
▽转角走廊,corner corridor

▽从影院看向二号展厅,the view from the video room to the second exhibition hall

▽从二号展厅看向影院,the view from the second exhibition hall to the video room

一个人的影院与收藏装置 Video Room and Storage
Off the corridor, a space surrounded by dark purple curtains and a beam of light create the atmosphere of a cinema. Here, the poet artist’s animated film “Seasons” and videos related to a particular gallery exhibition are shown. The darkness of the cinema space easily touches a viewer’s mood and feelings.
The storage panels are hidden behind the cinema space. The curtain can be pulled to open up or separate the space, which allows its flexible usage.The storage for works from the gallery collection are built with 50mm*50mm square steel and diagonal mesh. The resulting panels have wheels and can be conveniently pushed and pulled along upper and lower steel beam guardrails. These panels can be used for display as well as storage.
▽影院后方的画作收藏装置, painting collection installation at the back of the video room

▽影院后方的画作收藏装置, painting collection installation at the back of the video room

▽可推拉收藏装置, push-pull painting collection installation

▽平面布置图,the floor plan

▽诗歌花园平立面图,plan and elevation of poetry garden

▽东立面图,east elevation

▽走廊立面图,corridor elevation

▽红砖座椅平立面图,red brick seat plan and elevation

▽拱形屋顶详图和艺术储藏空间立面,vaulted roof detail and art storage space facade

合作方:Key Wang, 毛书虹,Wolfram Anders
Project Name: XYZ Gallery, Beijing 798
Project Completion Year: 2023.4
Construction area: 250㎡
Project Address: D05, Zhonger Street, 798 Art Zone, No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Design unit: RengArch
Lead Architects: Zhang Renran, Shi Xintong
Client: Fan Xueyi
Partners: Key Wang, Mao Shuhong, Wolfram Anders
Contractor: Beijing Pinsheng Architectural Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.
Photographer: Lv Bo
“ 一个传递艺术文化的诗人画廊之家,旨在分享更多公共空间。”
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