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HAS design and research:根据曼谷市政府报告指出,曼谷人均绿色开放空间仅有6.99平方米,低于世界卫生组织的9平方米。就在2022年,位于曼谷市中心的班嘉琦缇森林公园(Benchakitti Forest Park)完整的对市民开放,它以生态湿地、自然森林、复育动植物栖息地的方式,给予曼谷更广大的绿色开放空间,并提供崭新的well-being生活方式。
HAS design and research : According to the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Bangkok has 6.99m² of green space for each person, which is less than the minimum of 9m² recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). The Benchakitti Forest Park is located in the center of Bangkok, and it was opened to the public in 2022. At the same time, it will give Bangkok a wider green open space and provide a brand new well-being lifestyle.
▽曼谷市民利用抬高的建筑空间运动与休憩 Citizens can use the shaded space to exercise and view nature

班嘉琦缇雨林观景台(Benchakitti Rain Forest Observatory)是一个建筑宣言,它以创造更多的自然环境为目标,表达曼谷人对于绿色空间的诉求。
Benchakitti Rain Forest Observatory is an architectural manifesto aiming at creating more natural environments and expressing the demands of Bangkokians for green spaces.
▽班嘉琦缇雨林观景台隐藏于班嘉琦缇森林公园中 The observatory is hidden in the forest

▽建筑动线也让欣赏景观的方式更生动 The circulation provides a unique experience

该项目座落于班嘉琦缇森林公园,周围被大量的湿地与树丛包围,其自然生态结合花鸟虫鸣,有如世外桃源般的优美。Hung And Songkittipakdee(HAS)延续班嘉琦缇森林公园的自然印象,将班嘉琦缇雨林观景台视为赠予曼谷市民的礼物,因此设计并非创造一个常规的构筑物,而是把建筑物做为自然的一部分。
The project is located in the center of Benchakitti Forest Park, surrounded by a large number of wetlands and trees. Its natural ecology, combined with the singing of flowers, birds, and insects, is as beautiful as a paradise. Hung And Songkittipakdee (HAS) continue the natural impression of Benchakitti Forest Park and regard the Benchakitti Rain Forest Observatory as a gift to the citizens of Bangkok. Therefore, the design intention is to make the architecture part of nature.
▽草图 First sketch

▽建筑方案效果图 Buildings in the rainforest are depicted in architectural illustration

▽班嘉琦缇雨林观景台从地面向上抬升 The observatory rises like a forest from the ground

▽水面反射让建筑与自然合而为一 The reflection shows the building integrated with the surrounding

▽班嘉琦缇雨林观景台成为公园的亮点 The observatory also becomes a tourist spot in the park

▽植物与建筑立面形成一种有趣互动关系 The plant grows out of the green panels

Inspired by the site, the Benchakitti Rain Forest Observatory seems to be covered by a large number of leaves. It is not only like a floating wetland island but also like the most precious tropical rainforest in natural ecology, providing visitors with a common habitat for animals and plants. Its slightly undulating form guides visitors to the upper observatory level, which overlooks the park; and the lower rest level, which combines the water mist system to simulate the wetland environment and provides activities for the citizens, such as daze, yoga, meditation, and family events.
▽等角透视图 Isometric diagram

▽等角爆炸图 Exploded Axonometric

▽建筑产生独特的韵律效果 The unique architectural rhythm

▽建筑立面同时反应著周围环境 The façade is reflective of its surroundings

▽自然景观成为建筑的表皮 Nature interacts with the façade

在白天,班嘉琦缇雨林观景台有如公园中的变色龙,近一百多块的板子结合四种不同颜色的环保涂料,与环境达成一个完美的平衡关系;到了夜晚,板子后面的LED灯条提供多样照明意境,让建筑消隐在自然场域中。HAS design and research相信班嘉琦缇雨林观景台不仅只是个服务设施,它更像是热带雨林般,提供人们休憩功能外,更释放出一处汇集市民、陶冶人心,且兼具教育交流的空间,从而展现曼谷在未来21世纪对于环境的重视与关怀。
During the day, the Benchakitti Rain Forest Observatory is like a chameleon in the park. Nearly one hundred smart boards are combined with four different green colors of sustainable paint to achieve a perfect balance with the environment. At night, the light strips behind the smart boards provide various lighting and make the building disappear in the natural field. HAS Design and Research believes that the Benchakitti Rain Forest Observatory is not just a service facility; it is more like a tropical rainforest. It not only provides people with a shading function but also releases a space that gathers citizens, cultivates people’s hearts, and hosts educational events so as to show Bangkok will pay attention to and care for the environment in the future.
▽孔隙让建筑产生轻盈感 The void lends lightness to the structure

▽垂直绿化与建筑的对话 New interaction of a vertical green façade

▽建筑立面形成有趣的框景 The stunning view created by the unique panels

▽空间有如热带雨林般 The space looks like a rain forest

▽垂挂的立面 The hanging panels

▽夜晚一景 The night view of the forest

▽建筑在夜晚成为自然的一部分 The building becomes part of nature at night

▽独特的水波纹灯延续现有的湿地效果 The unique water lighting reflects the existing lake

▽总图 Site plan

▽平面图 Master plan

▽剖面图 Section

▽东立面图 East elevation

▽西立面图 West elevation

▽细部设计 Detail

▽细部大样图 Detail diagram

建筑公司:HAS design and research
设计团队:洪人杰(Jenchieh Hung)、Kulthida Songkittipakdee、Tapanee Laddahom、Chiwen Chang
景观设计:Arsom Silp Institute of the Arts
照明设计:Light Is
结构顾问:Goldstar Metal Co., Ltd.
幕墙顾问:AB&W Innovation Co., Ltd.
原有建筑:Arsom Silp Institute of the Arts
摄影版权:Rungkit Charoenwat
Project name: Benchakitti Rain Forest Observatory
Completion year: 2022
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Architecture firm: HAS design and research
Website: www.hasdesignandresearch.com
Contact e-mail: hascontact@yahoo.com
Design team: Jenchieh Hung, Kulthida Songkittipakdee, Tapanee Laddahom, Chiwen Chang
Landscape design: Arsom Silp Institute of the Arts
Lighting design: Light Is
Structure consultant: Goldstar Metal Co., Ltd.
Façade consultant: AB&W Innovation Co., Ltd.
Paint: Jorakay
Constructor: Alufence
Existing Architecture: Arsom Silp Institute of the Arts
Site area: 120 sq.m.
Gross built area: 130 sq.m.
Client: The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage (ASA)
Photo credit: Rungkit Charoenwat
“ 被自然包裹的观景台,为参访者与动植物提供了一个共同的栖息之所。”
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