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Thanks JinJan s.r.o. for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by JinJan s.r.o.
JinJan s.r.o.:2020年迪拜世博会捷克国家馆以S.A.W.E.R.系统为中心,它既是展馆的核心,也是展馆的技术核心。该系统的基本概念是转化,这体现在多个层面上。它将空气转化为水,将沙漠变成一个盛开的花园,并改变了人们对捷克共和国的固有印象。
JinJan s.r.o.: The Czech National Pavilion at EXPO 2020 in Dubai is centered around the S.A.W.E.R. system, which is the heart and technological core of the pavilion. The system’s essential concept is transformation, which is evident on many levels. It transforms air into water, turns a desert into a blooming garden, and changes people’s perception of the Czech Republic.
▽捷克国家馆 Czech National Pavilion

▽S.A.W.E.R.系统 S.A.W.E.R. system

Technology is integrated into the pavilion’s design, creating a hybrid ecosystem where nature and technology interact in unexpected ways. The Cloud, which connects all parts of the pavilion, is a visible manifestation of this symbiosis. The pavilion’s organic form is based on the trajectories between the various points of the transformation process, and the structure itself is an active part of the S.A.W.E.R. system.
▽“云朵”结构系统概念 Structural system concept

Inside the pavilion, visitors see the capillaries of the Cloud intersecting with other technological ducts. The recognition of technology is elevated to its display, with most of the ducts left visible for visitors to see.

The design of the pavilion and its exhibition is based on the metaphorical essence of the S.A.W.E.R. system, and it serves as a new medium for communication with visitors. The physical principle of transformation is transformed into a space that tells a story and inspires them.

▽展馆结构分析 The structure of the Pavilion

项目名称:Czech Spring (Czech Republic Pavilion at EXPO 2020 Dubai)
项目地点:阿拉伯联合酋长国 迪拜
景观/建筑公司:JinJan s.r.o.
网站: https://jin-jan.cz/
首席建筑师:Jindřich Ráftl, Jan Tůma
设计团队:Lucie Zouharová, Vojtěch Polesný, Tadeáš Slavkovský
客户:General Commissioner Office for Czech Participation at the World EXPO
Project Name: Czech Spring (Czech Republic Pavilion at EXPO 2020 Dubai)
Completion Year: 2020
Scale: 10,000 sqft – 25,000 sqft
Project Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Landscape/Architecture Firm: JinJan s.r.o.
Website: https://jin-jan.cz/
Instagram : @jinjan_studio
Contact e-mail: info@jin-jan.cz
Lead Architects: Jindřich Ráftl, Jan Tůma
Design Team: Lucie Zouharová, Vojtěch Polesný, Tadeáš Slavkovský
Clients: General Commissioner Office for Czech Participation at the World EXPO
Collaborators: str.ucture
Photo Credits: Wearecontend(s)
Photographer’s Website: https://wearecontents.com/
“ 设计以相互交织的管道所形成的“云朵”展现了物理转化的原理过程。”
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