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Thanks Estudio Ramos for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Estudio Ramos.
Estudio Ramos:该项目位于阿根廷的一个称作“La Pampa”的特殊地区。Pampa是一个土著词,意为是“平原”或“平地”,该地区气候温和,土壤肥沃,是理想的农业用地。当你在这片区域旅行时,会有一种无止境的水平感,地平线仿佛横在海洋中间,变成了一个非常强大的元素。诗人Atahualpa Yupanqui将这里的风景形容为“宁静而忧郁”,这个项目以其明显的水平主义和元素的简单性,试图引用所有这些主题。
Estudio Ramos:This project is located in a distinctive region of Argentina known as “La Pampa”. Pampa is an indigenous word meaning “plains” or “flatland”. Along with its mild climate and fertile soils, the area is ideal for agriculture. When traveling through this area, there is an overwhelming feeling of a never-ending horizontality. The horizon, as in middle of the ocean, becomes a very strong element. The poet Atahualpa Yupanqui refers to the landscape of The Pampas as “serene and pensive”. This project, with its pronounced horizontalism and simplicity of elements, attempts to make a reference to all of these themes.

该建筑由专业马球运动员纳乔·菲格拉斯(Nacho Figueras)委托建造,是一个马球马厩,共有44个马厩空间,面积3850平方米,长180米。它由两个长体量和独立的墙壁组成,当它们连接在一起时,创造出了不同的空间和环境。
The building, commissioned by professional Polo Player Nacho Figueras, is a stable for polo horses with 44 stalls, an area of 3850 square meters and a length of 180 meters. It’s composed of two long volumes and freestanding walls, which when articulated, create diverse spaces and situations.

The floor plan has two parts well distinguished by their functions. One has a more social use and overlooks the polo field, and the other, facing the back of the property, houses work facilities and groom’s quarters. The volumes that face the field are partially hidden behind extended walls and massive planted earth slopes, which not only provide privacy to the stables, but also subtly reduce the building’s impact on the landscape. Only the center of the building is revealed, where a large water pond is located next to the covered exterior terraces and the tack room.
▼场地平面图 Site Plan

▼俯瞰马球场的斜坡草坪 Overlooks the polo field

▼住宅工作空间 The property, houses work facilities

▼马匹刷洗处 Groom’s quarters

The roofs are planted with wild native grasses in an intentional contrast to the perfection of the polo field’s turf. The slopes serve as both, access to the roof and as natural stands from which to observe the polo matches.

Water, the universal symbol of life, purity and harmony, is used to connect and articulate these spaces, as well as to create a serene atmosphere.

Two basic materials were used for the construction of the whole project: exposed concrete and local hardwoods. These materials were chosen because of their aesthetic properties, low maintenance and beautiful aging.

A very special and intimate connection is forged between the horses and the people who train and take care of them. It has been our aim to design these stables as the space that contains and nurtures that relationship.

▼黄昏时分的马厩场 The Polo Stables in dusk

▼马厩场夜景 The Polo Stables Night View

▼设计手绘图 Sketch

▼建筑平面图 Floor Plan

▼建筑轴测图 Iso

▼建筑轴测分解图 Iso exploded

▼标准横切面 Typical Section

▼建筑模型图 Model

设计公司:Estudio Ramos
建筑负责人:Juan Ignacio Ramos & Ignacio Ramos
客户:Nacho Figueras – Cria Yatay
地点:阿根廷 布宜诺斯艾利斯省 罗德里格斯市
建设:Ankon Sur. Leonardo Stramucci
结构工程:IM & Asociados
摄影:Daniela Mc Adden, Matias Lix Klett and Celeste Najt
Project: Figueras Polo Stables
Office: Estudio Ramos
Architects in charge: Juan Ignacio Ramos & Ignacio Ramos
Client: Nacho Figueras – Cria Yatay
Location: General Rodriguez, Buenos Aires
Builder: Ankon Sur. Leonardo Stramucci
Structural Engineering: IM & Asociados
Photographs: Daniela Mc Adden, Matias Lix Klett and Celeste Najt
Completion Date: March 2016
更多 Read more about: Estudio Ramos