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Thanks Earthscape for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Earthscape.
Earthscape:The design of the Hoyt-Sullivan park playground came in response to the community’s request for a natural play space in the densely populated and ethnically diverse City of Somerville on the north side of Boston. Featuring several multi-level play elements, including an accessible tower and a complex log jam, the playground design maximizes topographical changes to challenge and inspire children in their play. The playground encourages and facilitates non-prescriptive and imaginative play that allows children of varying ages and abilities to play and explore in their own way.

攀爬塔一层设有一个较小的滑梯,以及一个直接连接到第二层的9英尺高的滑梯。操场上的动态游戏元素突出了Klopfer Martin景观设计团队的整体场地设计。几个不同高度和难度的原木攀爬区融入了健康和探索游戏元素,可适用于所有年龄段的人——最具冒险精神的“探险家”可以爬到七英尺高的最高处!
A smaller slide from the first level of the tower is complimented by a higher nine-foot slide for children who want to access the second level. The dynamic play elements found in the playground highlight the integrated site design by Klopfer Martin Design Group. Several log jam® climbers of varying heights and level of difficulty promote healthy and exploratory play for all ages – the most adventurous of explorers can climb to a height of seven feet! A custom playground tower encourages children to view the site from above and track the trains as they pass by.

景观公司:Klopfer Martin Design Group
Project name: Hoyt-Sullivan Park
Completion Year: 2018
Project location: Somerville, Massachusetts, USA
Landscape Firm: Klopfer Martin Design Group
Client: City of Somerville
Playground Design-Build: Earthscape
Website: https://www.earthscapeplay.com
Photo credits: Earthscape
更多 Read more about: Earthscape
材料好质朴啊 我如果是个孩子 一定是最强探险家~~