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oe architect – Alejandro Ramírez:LAN – 4是一个临时艺术装置,它在不同国家的几个方案中脱颖而出,获得大奖。项目灵感来源于常见的红酒酒瓶形象。它独特而细长的外形加上优雅的玻璃触感,表达了一种概念,一种形式,是对葡萄酒品质和声望的致敬。根据展览组织方的说法,这个装置应该在展览结束时被移除,但是因为游客和主办方都非常喜欢它,所以他们决定把它无限期地留在葡萄园里。
oe architect – Alejandro Ramírez:The ephemeral proposal LAN – 4 stands out among several proposals from different countries. This winning project arose from the abstraction of the most used figure of wine. Its peculiar and elongated figure with that elegant touch of glass, creates the concept, a form that is a tribute to the quality and prestige of the wine. It should be noted that, according to the organizers of the Festival, the project was going to be removed at the end of the festival, but it was so liked by the visitors and their own, that they decided to leave it indefinitely in the vineyard.

这个地标性的塔形装置位于Viña Lanciano的地块边缘,以埃布罗河和Mantible大桥为背景,与Garnica木制内衬形成鲜明对比。LAN – 4并不希望与Viña Lanciano的景观竞争,而是尝试与之对话,相互包容,最终共存。近看,它能跳脱出周围的景观,远看,它却能与景观融为一体。这是一个充满诗意的元素,它的表意完全取决于读者本身。
The shape; a tower that generates a landmark on the edge of one of Viña Lanciano’s plots, bringing its scale closer to the context of the Ebro river and the Mantible bridge, creates reflections that contrast with the Garnica wood interior. LAN – 4; It does not seek to compete with the landscape of Viña Lanciano, it dialogues, frames and lives with it. Approaching it is perceived as a climatic barrier alluding to the mountains, but in the distance it merges with the landscape, in a poetic element, which depends on the location of the viewer, shows a facet of its location.

▼远看与景观融为一体 In the distance it merges with the landscape

▼木制内衬 The Garnica wood interior
4 sides represent each of the stations, a vertical element that rises 7.50 m, an ephemeral landmark that stands out within the site that bathes the Ebro river. Its exterior faces are made up of a mirror-skin, a similarity to the elegant glass of the bottle of wine and creates a reflection of its changing environment, throughout the course of the year. The tower has an opening at the top that allows you to see the sky.

▼顶部的开口 An opening at the top

▼装置安装 The installation
▼设计图 Design diagram
项目名称:LAN – 4
设计公司:oe architect – Alejandro Ramírez
摄影:Josema Cutillas, Javier Antón
Project’s name: LAN – 4
Architecture office: oe architect – Alejandro Ramírez
Construction completion year: 2020
Builded surface: 4.68 sqm
Location: Viña Lanciano de Bodegas LAN, La Rioja. España
Photography Credits: Josema Cutillas, Javier Antón
Editor: Jiangyan Shou
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