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DDON: LONGFOR · PARADISE PALACE Project is situated in the centret of Shudu New City, Pidu District, Chengdu. “Tianyu” signifies “the land of abundance, resembling an island amidst the skies”. In Pidu, the cradle of Tianfu civilization, this project presents a brand new, exclusive island-inspired residential community. It offers high-end living scenarios tailored for the city’s elite, providing a customized island vacation experience within an urban setting.



斐济劳卡拉岛奢 IP, 全球富豪向往生活 Island luxury,Global billionaires yearn for life

屡迹全球知名度假海岛,跨越9000 公里,锁定全球著名度假目的地、私人岛屿——斐济劳卡拉岛,斐济唯一的七星度假村。整个岛上仅25座私人宅邸,每晚15000美金起跳,被誉为斐济海岛度假天花板。


After exploring numerous globally renowned resort islands, spanning 9,000 kilometers, we have locked in on Laucala Island in Fiji, a private island and the only seven-star resort in the country. With only 25 private residences on the entire island, prices start at $15,000 per night, earning it the reputation as the ultimate Fiji island vacation destination.

Using the Fiji Laucala Island as a prototype, we replicate the rainforest atmosphere of Fiji’s reef islands and the five-realm floating island field. We create an immersive island vacation experience in all dimensions, allowing people to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Fiji Laucala Island. Making going home a dual enjoyment for both the soul and the body, we truly create a living experience of “going home is like going on vacation”. This fulfills the high-end population in Pidu’s yearning for island and vacation life.




颇具海岛风的酒店式会所入口,提取度假私人岛 – 斐济劳卡拉岛岛屿线形,延伸海岸线,直面海洋恢弘,造型以圆弧形元素为主,轻松与高贵感齐飞,甄选翠谷幽兰奢石,配上超大星空顶,在斐济的海岸线边仰望星空,将度假的氛围感拉满, 呈现一段礼序登岛仪式。

The entrance of the seaside hotel-style club embodies the essence of a tropical island, drawing inspiration from the linear shape of Laucala Island in Fiji. The coastline extends seamlessly, offering a direct and majestic view of the ocean. The design features curved elements, creating a harmonious blend of relaxation and sophistication. The carefully selected stones, reminiscent of the lush valleys and serene orchids, are complemented by an expansive starlit ceiling. Guests can enjoy the breathtaking view of the night sky along Fiji’s coastline, fully immersing them in the vacation atmosphere. This elegant and ceremonial approach to arriving on the island sets the tone for a luxurious and memorable getaway.


▽入口空间 Entrance space




Drawing inspiration from the coastal starlit panorama, we create a curtain of stars and unveil a dreamy island paradise with custom-designed luxurious stones.





Wandering in search of the island, layers of cascading streams come into view.


▽中庭岛屿雨林 Atrium Island Rainforest



Wandering in search of the island, layers of cascading streams come into view. Before my eyes flow the rainforests and islands, waves leaping out of the water to greet the returning guests.Using floating islands to shape the spirit of the place. The beauty from different angles, the rising and falling changes are so infectious. Replicating the multi-level island rainforests, creating the most beautiful and exquisite homecoming atmosphere.


▽沉浸式景观体验 Immersive landscape experience




Surrounded by dreamlike vacation waterscapes, where water serves as a mirror to reflect the imagination of life. We recreate four major island vacation scenes: the rainforest deck of Laucala Island in Fiji, the island mocha gathering party, island sunbathing, and private island terrace. Experience the essence of vacationing and indulge in a multi-functional composite island club. It’s like wandering through Fiji’s private islands, surrounded by clear blue waters and reflecting skies, amidst a collection of distinct independent islands. Complemented by dozens of tropical plants, one can open the prelude to their vacation amidst the healing presence of lush greenery, presenting a sensory journey filled with surprises and delights.


▽多功能海岛俱乐部 Multifunctional Island Club



Relax on the rainforest-style lounge chair, experiencing the expansive view of the deck firsthand, and indulge in Chengdu’s warm yet gentle sunbath.




Deep within the multi-level island rainforest, fully enjoy a vacation for the soul, leisurely experiencing the island’s courtyard lifestyle.



海岛摩卡聚会趴 – 豪华派对、卡座品酒,臻献漂浮摩卡会客厅,下沉式户外岛境,兑现峰层的度假派对想象。

Island Mocha Gathering Party offers luxurious parties, wine tasting at private tables, and an exquisite floating Mocha living room. The sunken outdoor island environment fulfills the imagination of a peak vacation party.




Replicate high-end hotel scenes, luxuriate in vacations, and ensure high-quality experiences.





To perfectly recreate the ‘Sea Breeze Rainforest’, a large number of tropical and subtropical trees were transplanted with their full canopies into the park. The silver phoenix palm tree, also known as the ‘noble palm’, stands tall and majestic, gracefully swaying. In the lower layer, the bird of paradise, symbolizing happiness and prosperity, represents the yearning for a better life. This creates a tropical island paradise where one can take a leisurely break among the trees, immersing themselves in the charm of the tropical rainforest.





While adults are on vacation, the lives of children should not be monotonous. The atrium is designed as a tropical island playground, creating Chengdu’s first amphibious Dragon Xiaohu Park, which combines land and water activities. It features themed playgrounds, fun slides, children’s swings, island surfboards and other facilities that cater to the needs of both parents and children, such as playing in the water, engaging in fun activities, providing scientific education, and supervising children. It allows children to unleash their innate nature, while parents can enjoy precious bonding moments with their kids.



岛境奢宅,献礼郫都 Island luxury houses, Gift to Pidu


In the midst of the hectic urban life, our design philosophy remains committed to creating a “relaxed lifestyle” for the future residents. Life itself is like a journey, and we aspire to bring such travel experiences into the exclusive island resort community of Pidu. This community not only represents a new form of urban vacationing but also eliminates the need for residents to worry about finding the right time and energy to go on an island getaway. At LONGFOR · PARADISE PALACE, we strive to provide an immersive island vacation experience, similar to that found in Fiji, allowing the romantic global island dream to enrich the qualitative lifestyle of Pidu. Here, residents can indulge in the leisure and comfort of life, discovering inner peace and tranquility.





Project location: Pidu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
Owner’s Unit: LONGFOR
Landscape area: 7000㎡
Landscape design: DDON
Landscape construction:TUNHAN LANGSCAPE
Architectural design: Challenge Design
Soft design and supply: DIAN DESIGN
Completion time: 2023.8
Landscape photography:XUEER、Loumao




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