Thanks Mecanoo for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Mecanoo.
Mecanoo: 德尔夫特理工大学景观色彩丰富、草坪起伏自然,在这里人们可尽情的散步、阅读、冥想、辩论、吃喝。形似闪电的步道将各院系楼彼此连接,象征着这所大学多学科特色。这条步道被一排排的小径纵横交错,让人想起随意散落的木棍。原场地中落差较大的地势已被调整成平缓的坡度,并尽可能的保存和移动了现有的树木,形成了一条蜿蜒穿过公园的丝带。盛开的鲜花和茂盛的各色树木都在轻轻地宣告着春天的到来。不止于此,校园还引进有轨电车19号线,通过德尔夫特中心站将莱森丹姆与理工大学连接起来,将校园建成无车区域。
Mecanoo: The Technical University of Delft gains a campus with undulating lawns and colourful trees, a campus that invites one to stroll, read, meditate, debate, eat and drink. Shaped like a bolt of lightning the promenade links the faculty buildings with one another and symbolizes the interdisciplinary character of the university. The promenade is playfully criss-crossed by a grid of footpaths, reminiscent of Mikado sticks that have been scattered randomly. The formerly sharp differences in height of the park – the previous parking lots were at a lower grade – have been transformed into gentle slopes. Existing trees have been saved or moved as much as possible and form a ribbon winding through the park. Flower Fields and Prunus trees gently announce the spring. The introduction of tram line 19, connecting Leidschendam with the Technical University via Delft Central Station, establishes the campus as a car-free zone.

梅克尔公园长830米,宽80米。 学生、教职员工和访客乘坐有轨电车和公共汽车通过此处共会经过三个车站,每个站点的设计与步道的设计语言保持统一。Nieuwe Delft是这座长832米的步道的名字,旨在呼应德尔夫特市中心1315米长的Oude Delft运河街。 德尔夫特理工大学选择将德尔夫特市的品质带入校园。 Nieuwe Delft路面由锯制的花岗岩制成,路缘同样采用了花岗岩,路缘石总长为1547米。
Mekel Park is 830 meters long and 80 meters wide. Trams and buses bring students, staff and visitors to three stops which are designed in the same formal language as the promenade. Nieuwe Delft is the name for this 832-meter long promenade, and refers to the 1315-meter long Oude Delft canal street in the city centre of Delft. The TU Delft chose to bring the quality of the city of Delft to the campus. The Nieuwe Delft is made out of sawn granite stones and is bordered by a granite bench that spans the entire 1547 meter length.

Mekel Park is the informal meeting place for (inter)national students and staff of the TU, and is at the same time used as a proving ground for the university. Annual proposals may be submitted in applied engineering for a permanent changing outdoor exhibition. Mekel Park is an ideal location for university activities, such as Open Days and school Introduction Week.

Future changes to the faculty buildings provide a stronger campus feel with the addition of shops, restaurants and cafes with terraces placed in faculty building entry ways along Mekel Park.

▼设计图纸 Analysis diagram

▼平面图 Plan

方案内容: 10公顷公园的总体规划和19号电车线路的整合
完成时间: 2007 – 2009年
客户: TU Delft Vastgoed, Delft
规模: 10公顷
项目费用: 6000000欧元
摄影师: Ossip Architectuur Fotografie
Programme: Master plan for a park of 10 ha. and integration of tram line 19
Completion: 2007-2009
Client: TU Delft Vastgoed, Delft
Size: 10 ha
Project cost: € 6,000,000
Photography: Ossip Architectuur Fotografie
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