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Thanks MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY.
MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY:北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市的瓦莱丽·伍德中心广场(Valerie C. Woodard Center)刚刚翻修一新,广场上热情洋溢的构筑物像是在上空盘旋。“梦之柱”(Pillars of Dreams)是一个值得体验的标识构筑,九根立柱支撑起了这个云状的亭子,双曲面顶篷的铝制表皮一路延展而下,使这九根立柱与顶篷无缝融合。开放的柱阵形成了一个聚集的落座区,为游客和企业员工建立了一个公共小广场。在停车场通往主入口的沿途道路上,这个亭子为人们提供了亲密的互动空间和安静的冥想之地。通风的结构可以减弱阳光照射所带来的热量,同时阳光也可以透过多孔表面投射出动态的光线,整个亭子里面充满了绚丽的色彩和斑驳的光点,蕴含着探索、合作和创新的场所精神。
MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY: An ebullient structure seems to hover in the plaza of the newly renovated Valerie C. Woodard Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. Pillars of Dreams is an icon to be experienced. The cloud-like pavilion is anchored to the ground on nine legs, which are part of the continuous aluminum surface that makes up the double-curving canopy overhead. These open pillars resolve into a field of clustered seating, establishing a public agora for visitors and employees. Along the path from parking to the main entrance, the pavilion accommodates friendly interaction as well as quiet moments for reflection. The airy structure offers relief from the sun but also casts dynamic light through its porous surface. The atmosphere within, full of color and dappled light, inspires curiosity, collegiality, and a renewed spirit of place.
▼盘旋在上空的云状构筑 The cloud-like pavilion seems to hover in the plaza.

Building on the aggregation of spheres across the studio’s prototypical structures (Double Agent White, Situation Room, a pop-up for Louis Vuitton), Pillars of Dreams thrusts these volumes into the air. At 26 feet overhead, they appear to float like balloons. But it’s not helium that keeps them afloat, nor any primary or secondary structure. The skin that stretches over the balloon-like aggregate is also self-supporting. The intricate patterning of the two-layer, 3mm surface negotiates transitions between the large areas of double curvature and the intensive, or constrained curvature of the tube-like columns.
▼表皮推演动画 Animations

Labyrinthine parts in two colorways comprise the two faces of the ultra-thin skin. Segmentation is the process of decomposing a three-dimensional mesh into linear or non-linear stripes. Produced by parallel agent-based search protocol, the non-linear stripes are the result of the indecisive behavior of the agents, which change their attitudes in tight turns. As they come together at seams and make their way to the ground, they find alignment as linear stripes. Across the ballooning expanses, they express the recursive quality of the computational description. Bifurcations and splits in the pattern tighten and spread to produce porosity. Like bubblegum blown just to the point of popping, the skin becomes thinner and more open across the wider expanses of the spheres, allowing light to come through. Where the volumes merge, the stripes between them become more densely packed, lending to the structural performance.

The white exterior face shrouds the saturated coloration on the interior. Openings in the veil suggest the the energy inside, where cross-laminated stripes in a set of bright hues peek out from the interior. From a distance, the structure strikes a soft tone, but the viewer can still register the pulsing glow of the gradient within. It catches the eye from the street, but must be approached to be understood. The intensity of color grows as one nears the pavilion and finally envelopes the viewer upon entry—curiosity rewarded.
▼阳光透过多孔表面投射出动态的光线,整个亭子里面充满了绚丽的色彩和斑驳的光点 The sun casts dynamic light through its porous surface. The atmosphere within, full of color and dappled light.

Inside, color opens up not just overheard, but at eye level, as pillars peel open to embrace the activity on the interior. A vertical gradient follows the height of the pillar and keeps the eye tracing the structure. Seating is grouped under openings in the skin, where the “bubbles” appear the most thinned out and over-inflated. Under these curious vaults, where color meets light, the employees and residents of Mecklenburg County have a place to gather, to recharge, to revel, and, perhaps, to daydream.
▼表皮细部 Skin Details

尺寸:26.5’ 高 x 23’ 长 x 43’ 宽
Dimensions: 26.5’ H x 23’ W x 43’ D
Material: two layers of 3mm aluminum
Linear Cut Distance: 11,000 meters
Number of Parts: 3,564
Number of Rivets: 54,000
Photography by NAARO
Pillars of Dreams is an original work commissioned by Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, the Charlotte/Mecklenburg Public Art Commission and Arts and Science Council – Charlotte/Mecklenburg.
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