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Thanks studio whispace + architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by studio whispace + architects.


studio whispace + architects:南河国小(Nanheps Elementary School)是一所位于台湾省苗栗县的实验小学。学校采用四季课程计划,同时结合食品与农业教育,并通过饲养退役蛋鸡提供更多元的学习体验。

studio whispace + architects:Nanheps Elementary School is an experimental elementary school located in Miaoli County. The school employs a four-season curriculum plan, incorporating food and agricultural education, and provides a more diverse learning experience by housing retired laying hens.


© Yuchen Chao Photography



正如路易斯·康(Louis Kahn)所说:“学校始于树下一个不知道自己是老师的人,与几个不知道自己是学生的人分享他的领悟”。如果说“教”与“学”的本质源于分享知识的阴凉空间,那么我们渴望创造一个教师、儿童和生物共存的环境,并在树荫下交流思想。

Original chicken coop was situated within a makeshift enclosure, surrounded by abandoned concrete structures and haphazardly disposed compost piles. Despite the school’s beautiful Taiwanese rain tree, the visual openness of the area was obstructed. The lack of clearly defined zones and convenient planning for school use resulted in students having a decreased willingness to enter the chicken coop.

As Louis Kahn said, “School began with a man under a tree, who didn’t know he was a teacher, sharing his realization with a few who didn’t know they were students.” If the essence of teaching and learning originates from shaded spaces where knowledge is shared, we aspire to create an environment where teachers, children, and chickens coexist, sharing ideas beneath the canopy of trees.


© Yuchen Chao Photography
© Yuchen Chao Photography


我们把鸡舍从一个僻静的角落重新安置到了一个开阔区域的中心,在一棵台湾栾树下,用微微弯曲的白色金属栅栏形成了一个凹形的围栏。我们将参天大树、食物花园和堆肥区连接起来,创造了一个欧姆形( Ω )的鸡舍围栏。在该结构中,孩子们可以近距离观察鸡的生活,通过鸡的名片、鸡蛋架和投喂食物与它们互动。这有助于培养孩子们与生命更深层次的联系。

We relocated the chicken coop from a secluded corner to the heart of an open area, using a gently curved white metal fence to form a concave enclosure beneath the Taiwanese rain tree. By connecting the towering trees, the food garden, and the composting area, we’ve created an ohm-shaped chicken coop fence. Within this structure, children can closely observe the lives of the chickens, interact with them through chicken name cards, egg racks, and feeding. This fosters a deeper connection with life.


▽项目模型 The model

Courtesy of studio whispace + architects
© Yuchen Chao Photography



The plan is divided into the chicken coop, compost teaching, and herb cultivation areas. The chicken coop is designed for the hens’ comfort and easy student maintenance. In the compost area, we’ve divided the bin into four compartments for different composting stages with observation holes for student monitoring. The herb cultivation area focuses on edible herbs like rosemary, sage, lavender, and chrysanthemum for food and agri-education, enhancing the sensory experience in the environment.


© Yuchen Chao Photography
© Yuchen Chao Photography



To align with the school’s year-round curriculum design, we have designed sunshade and rainproof activity canopies to reduce excessive sunlight exposure on the chicken coop, ensuring that the hens live in a comfortable environment.


▽鸡舍 The chicken coop

© Yuchen Chao Photography
© Yuchen Chao Photography


▽可活动遮阳檐棚 The activity canopies

© Yuchen Chao Photography
© Yuchen Chao Photography



In the evenings, these canopies accommodate the nighttime light club usage. The lighting design employs local indirect lighting to minimize the disturbance of artificial light on the ecological environment.


▽局部照明设计  Local lighting

© Yuchen Chao Photography



Additionally, we consider the chicken coop’s enclosure as an interactive interface. The enclosure incorporates various interactive facilities such as feeding and watering areas, chicken name tag hanging areas, and egg rack interactions, among others, transforming the enclosure into not just a barrier but also a new interface for ecological learning.


▽蛋架 Egg rack

© Yuchen Chao Photography
© Yuchen Chao Photography
© Yuchen Chao Photography



Through this renovation, significant changes have occurred in the students’ behavior patterns. The most significant change is their newfound willingness to get closer to the chickens, making it easier to care for the chicken coop. The fixed location for leaf pile placement during the school’s weekly cleaning sessions has had a profound impact on students’ life education.


© Yuchen Chao Photography




项目名称:Project Ohm Ω
项目地点:中国 台湾 苗栗县
景观/建筑公司:studio whispace + architects
首席建筑师:Wen-Chian, Hu; Pei-Hsuan, Jin
设计团队:Wen-Chian, Hu; Pei-Hsuan, Jin; Han-Yu, Hsieh
客户:Nanheps Elementary School; 台湾设计研究院
图片来源:Yuchen Chao Photography

Project name: Project Ohm Ω
Completion Year: 2022
Size: 29.2m2
Project location: Miaoli, Taiwan
Landscape/Architecture Firm: studio whispace + architects
Website: https://www.studiowhispace.com/
Contact e-mail: info@studiowhispace.com
Lead Architects: Wen-Chian, Hu; Pei-Hsuan, Jin
Design Team: Wen-Chian, Hu; Pei-Hsuan, Jin; Han-Yu, Hsieh
Clients: Nanheps Elementary School; Taiwan Design Research Institute (TDRI)
Photo credits: Yuchen Chao Photography
Photographer’s website: https://www.instagram.com/yuchenchao_studio/



审稿编辑: SIM

更多 Read more about: studio whispace + architects