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Thanks Yaniv Pardo Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Yaniv Pardo Architects.
Yaniv Pardo Architects:该项目源于2008年的一场由耶路撒冷发展局发起的耶路撒冷开放空间和政府区域的设计竞赛。比赛的背景是该城市缺乏一个可以作为城市“绿肺”的中央公园和一个可举办多元活动的场所,以及能为当地居民和游客提供一个可在政府机构、文化、娱乐休闲之间形成教育综合和最大互动的空间。该项目位于以色列首都中心:议会、最高法院和政府建筑群附近,占地面积超170英亩。公园极具潜力,可承载多种活动,但同时也是独立、特定、缺乏内容的,且场地各元素之间缺乏连续性,因此,该项目设计旨在提出一种既不损害其特色又能放大“耶路撒冷特性”的“地域性语言”。
Yaniv Pardo Architects: Initiated by The Jerusalem Development Authority, this project stemmed from winning the Design Competition Of The Jerusalem Open Space and Governmental Area in 2008. The background for the competition was the lack of a central urban park that would serve as a “green lung” and a place for diverse activities; a space that would form educated synthesis and maximal interaction between government institutes, culture, recreation and leisure for both local citizens and guests. The project’s site covers over 170 acres and is located near the capital center of Israel: the Knesset, the Supreme Court and Kiryat Hamemshala (the government buildings compound). The park holds high potential. It hosts many activities, but they are separate, specific and lack context and continuous connection between the various elements in the site. The directive was to propose a “local language” without harming its identity and by amplifying its “Jerusalemness”.
▼公园长廊较低视角观赏咖啡店夜景 Night view of the park from lower promenade

1. 利用自然公园地形
2. 遵循耶路撒冷山谷的自然语言
3. 不缩小场地面积
4. 利用光伏电池吸收太阳能
Our project does not deal with planning a defined structure. It aims to study, expose and understand the issues of planning in the Sacker Park site, focusing on the question of what kind of intervention would be suitable for this site in order to turn it into a lively point in city life. The open space defined by this project creates a landscape system that allows the masses, locals and tourists, to enjoy its beauty.
Our design concept laid on the following principles:
1. Utilize the natural park topography
2. Follow the language of the Jerusalem wadies (dry valleys)
3. No reduction of ground surface
4. Create solar energy by photovoltaic cells
▼耶路撒冷开放空间和政府区域的鸟瞰图 Aerial view of the open space and governmental area of Jerusalem

The coffee shop is part of the overall vision of planning the entire space with the intention of rebranding Sacker Park as a modern and active urban space by building a coffee shop and an amphitheater for public events.
▼面向外部休息区 View to exterior sitting area

▼咖啡馆内部 Cafe shop interior

The project also proposes the development of a promenade overlooking the park which takes part in establishing a structure that connects and rearranges the landscape, and sets an infrastructure for future development. The inspiration for the promenade, which faces east and allows an actual architectural linkage between the old city and the western modern one, draws from the image of Jerusalem over the generations and research of the natural topographical data. In order to reveal the urban solution that both characterizes and preserves the image of Jerusalem, we tried to expose the original surface conditions and read them following the natural topography of the wadies.
▼项目规划方案 Project planning

▼耶路撒冷丘陵地形的研究 Study of the topography of the Jerusalem hills

▼西立面 West facade

▼东立面 East facade

Furthermore, the project adheres to green building principles, so the energy required to operating the coffee shop is produced by solar cells that roof the sitting area.
▼公园俯瞰视角 View from top level to Sacher park

▼以Nachlaot社区为背景的白天视角 Day view with Nachlaot neighborhood in the background

▼以最高法院为背景的夜景 Night view with Supreme Court in the background

The coffee shop is the first milestone of the proposed project, completed in September 2018.
▼南边视角 View from south

▼西边视角 View from west

▼咖啡店平面图 Cafe shop level plan

建筑公司:Yaniv Pardo Architects Ltd.
项目位置:耶路撒冷 萨赫公园
首席建筑师:Yaniv Pardo
设计团队:Ofer Korin, Shoshana Bar-Lev, Noa Kedem, Dan Bendori
草图、平面图和剖面图:Yaniv Pardo Architects
灯光:Noa Lev
图片:Amit Gosher
3D效果图:Bonsai 3d design studio和Michael Lin
Project Name: Sacher Park Cafe
Architect’s Firm: Yaniv Pardo Architects Ltd.
Project location: Sacher Park, Jerusalem
Client: Private
Completion Year: 2018
Gross Built Area: 250 sqm
Lead Architect: Yaniv Pardo
Team: Ofer Korin, Shoshana Bar-Lev, Noa Kedem, Dan Bendori
Sketches, Plan and Sections made: Yaniv Pardo Architects
Lighting: Noa Lev
Program: Bicycle Path, Amphitheatre and Coffee shop
Photo: Amit Gosher
3D images credits: Bonsai 3d design studio and Michael Lin Render
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