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L49:The Room Sukumvit 38, a value luxurious quality living high rise Residential, hiddens at the end of a prime tranquil street off Sukhumvit main road hides away from nearby bustling of Sukhumvit’s vibrating Thonglor district.

Our landscape design approach is to create an homelike urban-nature living place that enable the residents to indulge and enjoy beautiful and peaceful environment and view City’ Skyline from private and intimated cozy spaces we created. The harmonious Simplicity and Elegant design statements is essence in our design concept. The design language shall distinguish itself both physical and mental from the Chaotic of outside urban life. Thus the residents are enveloped in the protected space from the polluted noises, dust and urban heat and embrace themselves with Nature.

Welcoming Residents back from the busy working day, from a distant, A elegant light brown doorway stands tall against dark grey stone wall and lush green background of dense foliage canopy trees. Once entering the premise, the residents are starting to shun off from the busy outside world. An soothing sound of tickling water cascading down in an enclosed lobby with floating sculpture interplay with the filtered light through the glass panels over stillness of a tranquil reflecting pool to receive and welcome the residents home.

Each landscape Terraces provide spaces for residents to engage in many activities for either more intimated or more communal activities. Tall green clipped hedges and big canopy trees were employ to filter noises and dust creating a peaceful secluded private environment for the swimming pool and pool terrace, where higher terraces are open up view so the residents can enjoy view for Sun Rise and Sun Set towards Bangkok’s magnificent City Skyline.

▽更高处的露台,可以眺望城市天际线 The higher terraces

项目名称:The Room Sukhumvit 38
面积:3,650 平方米
项目地点:泰国 曼谷 素坤逸38号
景观事务所:Landscape Architects 49 Limited
首席建筑师:Arrak Ouiyamaphan
设计团队:Chanarat Ouisakul , Sirikarn Rugsasri
客户:LAND & HOUSES Public Co.,Ltd.
建筑设计:Arsomsilp Community And Environmental Architect Company Limited
图片来源:Rungkit Chareonwat
Project name: The Room Sukhumvit 38
Completion Year: 2021
Size: 3,650 sq.m.
Project location: Sukhumvit 38, Bangkok, Thailand
Landscape Firm: Landscape Architects 49 Limited
Website: www.L49.co.th
Contact e-mail: l49@l49.co.th
Lead Architects: Arrak Ouiyamaphan
Design Team: Chanarat Ouisakul , Sirikarn Rugsasri
Clients: LAND & HOUSES Public Co.,Ltd.
Architect : Arsomsilp Community And Environmental Architect Company Limited
Photo credits: Rungkit Chareonwat
“ 营造像家一样温馨的城市自然生活场所,远离尘嚣。”
审稿编辑: Simin
更多 Read more about: Landscape Architects 49 Limited