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Thanks Festival des Architectures Vives for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Festival des Architectures Vives.
Festival des Architectures Vives: 该装置名为“城市客厅”,这是庭院中一个交流和辩论的场所。白色模块随机排列,让游客可以随心所欲地驻足下来在场地里交流和分享。与SENcity的主题相呼应,即新技术在我们当代城市生活方式中的地位,白色面具的设计旨在引发对标准化和去个性化风险的思考,这种风险是现在这个时代的困扰。
Festival des Architectures Vives: Entitled Urban Living Room, the installation generates in the courtyard a place of exchanges and debates. The white modules, arranged randomly in the courtyard, allow visitors to settle as they wish, generating moments of discussion and sharing in the courtyard. Echoing the SENcity theme, namely, the place of new technologies in the way we live urban devices contemporaries, the use of the white mask proposes a reflection on the risk of standardization and depersonalization which suffers our time.

▼视频 Video
地点: 法国蒙彼利埃
年份: 2018年
照片版权: photoarchitecture
设计者: 意大利热那亚大学建筑学院学生
Location: Montpellier, France
Year: 2018
Photo credit: photoarchitecture
Designer: University of Genoa (Faculty of Architecture)
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