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Thanks Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd. for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd: From our customer positioning,We need to present a younger product,Design begins with the exploration of young life style,In the moment of no lack of personality Art and fashion,It’s a key word that young people can’t avoid.
but In the process of exploring uniqueness,We need more breakthroughs,Two natural fashion shows give us the initial inspiration,We see the integration of fashion and nature,It’s not just models that come along, but also the most primitive power of nature,It conveys a symbiotic relationship between natural customs and fashion art,perhaps,The most unique fashion,It is the connection with nature.
▼自然里的时装秀 Fashion shows in nature

策略 · 自然与时尚的融合|The fusion of nature and fashion
我们在核心区植入一片起伏的林 让这片原生的森境成为这个场的核心,并根据场地视线关系丰富地形态 ,营造不同视角下的自然美感,展现“纯粹、生态、共生”的自然境界。围绕这片森境 ,我们用一条艺术长廊行进空间串联,艺术长廊牵引着动线中的情绪变化。
We planted an undulating forest in the core area to make the original forest become ,the core of the field And according to the relationship between the line of sight of,the site to enrich the form,Creating natural beauty from different perspectives,Showing the natural state of “purity,ecology and symbiosis”.Around the forest,We use an art corridor to connect the space,The art gallery leads the emotional changes in the moving line.
It’s like”The best building is like this.We are deep in it,I don’t know where nature ends,Where art begins “.
▼策略解析:自然与时尚的融合 The fusion of nature and fashion
策略·沉浸式艺术体验|Immersive art experience
它是植物的容器 ,是光影的载体 ,是每一个转角的惊喜。
Backcourt art gallery is the,only moving line connecting the sales office and the model house,We hope,The space in the corridor is emotional,Emotion changes with the change of space,We hope,The process of looking at the house is not a repeated standard action.It’s a dramatic artistic experience.
It’s a container for plants,It is the carrier of light and shadow,It’s a surprise at every corner.
▼策略解析:沉浸式艺术体验 The fusion of nature and fashion
纯净的边界|Pure Boundary
初遇自然的纯粹秩序下,现代时尚方盒 半掩半露下,是蠢蠢欲动的蓬勃诗意。夜晚为森屿增添几分静谧,林间的一抹红带来时尚的活力,远处的水瀑是流动的背景。
Under the pure order of meeting nature for the first time,Modern fashion square box,It’s the poetry that’s ready to moveure ends.Add a bit of tranquility to the forest island at night,A touch of red in the forest brings fashion vitality,The waterfall in the distance is the flowing background.
▼框景 framing
▼夜景 Night view
流动的森屿|Flowing forests and islands
Seeking green,A glimpse of emerald green,Flowing in front of you,Are forests and islands.Shape the spirit of place with floating forest islands,Beauty between different angles,The ups and downs are infectious.
▼柔性的岛屿与硬朗的泳池边界相呼应融合 The flexible island is integrated with the hard pool boundaries
▼森屿鸟瞰 Sen yu have a bird’s eye view of
▼层次丰富的森屿空间 The space of Senyu with rich layers
The creation of Senyu is the core of this case, and we hope that this flowing area of Senyu is our most powerful interpretation of nature. In terms of morphology, we give him an ups and downs of beauty, and form the most intuitive appeal to the line of sight in the ups and downs. At the same time, we hope that this natural and primitive appeal can accompany the customer’s entire journey. Functionally, we hope that this piece of Mori Island can have a relationship with people’s behavior and give more possibilities for participation.
▼流动的漂浮森屿 A floating islet of floating trees
▼岛屿里的休闲空间 Leisure space on the island
▼屿的营造是本案的核心,形态上我们赋予他起伏的美感,在起伏的变化中形成对视线最直观的感染力 The creation of Yu Island is the core of this case. We give him ups and downs of beauty in form, forming the most intuitive appeal to the line of sight in the ups and downs of change
▼落地式的玻璃盒子空间漂浮在岛屿上 Floor-style glass box Spaces float on the island
无界的社区泳池|The river unbounding
Infuse the venue with a touch of agility,Connect all dreams and emotions,Unbounded is not just a swimming pool,It is also our inner and outer ,boundless exploration and desire.
▼社区泳池夜景 Night view of community pool
The Calm water conveys a holiday style without leaving home,The bar is the core of social,The flowing waterfall activates the vitality of the space.
▼漂浮的水上会客厅 Floating water parlor
▼吧台会客空间 Bar reception space
The floating meeting room is the most enjoyable scenery,Looking back, the sight is gentle and wide,Under the night, the holiday atmosphere is strengthened.
▼回望森屿景观 Looking back at the landscape of Forest Island
▼流动的瀑布激活场地 A flowing waterfall activates the site
悬浮的泳池是森屿的背景亦是一处写意的风景。我们依托泳池打造漂浮于水上的会客厅,它俨然成为了视线的核心焦点。我们设置了动态的水瀑,在现代度假氛围下,流动的水声更是生动了画面。对望处,目染漂浮的森屿 ,正在起伏流淌,视线温婉开阔。我们希望它不仅具有度假感的泳池 更应成为不可或缺的独特风景。
The floating swimming pool is the background of the forest island and it is also a freehand scenery. We rely on the swimming pool to create a living room floating on the water, which has become the core focus of our sight. We have set up a dynamic water waterfall. In the modern holiday atmosphere, the sound of flowing water makes the picture more vivid. In the opposite direction, the floating forest islands are undulating and flowing, and the sight is gentle and wide. We hope that it is not only a resort-like swimming pool, but also an indispensable and unique scenery.
▼享受度假的风情 Enjoy your vacation
渗透的艺术|The Art of Penetration
光影交织 ,辗转叠合,绿意在空间中蓬勃生长,艺术在长廊里肆意渗透。
Light and shadow are intertwined,The greenery grows vigorously in the space,Art infiltrates wantonly in the gallery.
The shadow of the tree flows through the room leaving a mottled beauty,Every corner conveys emotions,The bar is the core of social.
▼转折空间的艺术 The art of turning Spaces
The forest island connects the sight of indoor and outdoor,The interior is also a landscape,Light and shadow form an organic sense of rhythm,Walking in the space under the imaginary and reality.
▼透过彩色玻璃看到的景观 The view through stained glass
艺术连廊贯穿整个看房动线,我们希望这里是我们整个情绪营造的核心。漫步于长廊里:自然的渗透、光影的流动 ,它是自然的容器也是时间的载体。我们欣喜于不经意间转角的惊喜,亦或许在行停间捕捉到了那一抹流淌在自然里的时尚诗意。我们希望通过这种渗透的艺术来传递沉浸式的空间感染力,让空间的变换成为挑拨我们情绪的来源。
The art gallery runs through the entire line of viewing. We hope that this is the core of our entire emotional creation. Strolling in the promenade: the penetration of nature, the flow of light and shadow, it is a container of nature and a carrier of time. We are delighted by the surprise of turning the corner inadvertently, and perhaps we have captured the fashion and poetry flowing in nature during the walk and stop. We hope to transmit the immersive space appeal through this penetrating art, and let the transformation of space become the source of our emotions.
▼艺术的长廊空间 Art gallery space
▼斑驳的光影散落 Dappled light and shadow scattered
▼场地空间 Floor space
委托业主:卓越集团粤西公司 旭辉集团深圳区域
景观摄影:山水比德品牌部 南西摄影
Project name: zhuhai excellent xuhui river islet sea
Entrusted Owner: Excellent Group West Guangdong Company Xuhui Group Shenzhen Area
Landscape design: Design Institute Business Department II,Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co.,Ltd(Shenzhen)
Landscape Construction: Guangzhou Jinghui Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd
Architectural Design: Baitao Architectural Design (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd
Building construction drawing: guangdong urban architecture planning and design co., LTD
Landscape photography: Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co.,Ltd & Nancy studio
Location: Zhuhai, Guangdong Province
Design area: 6700 m² (exhibition area)
Design Date: 2020.10
Date of completion: 2021.04
更多 Read more about: 山水比德 Guangzhou S. P. I Design Co., Ltd.