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Thanks Coopers Hill for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Coopers Hill.


库珀希尔:位于柬埔寨高龙群岛的颂萨私⼈岛屿酒店 (Song Saa Private Island),是由Coopers Hill库珀希尔匠心打造的奢华隐世天堂。作为屡获殊荣的豪华生态度假胜地,颂萨在柬埔寨豪华旅游产业中开创了先河,在当地国内率先坚持以环境保护和可持续发展为建筑和运营的理念与基础,将景观规划和设计与所在地环境进行深度联系,发展出遵循保护岛屿生态系统重要意义的绿色豪华度假项目。

Coopers Hill: Opened in 2012, Song Saa Private Island is an award-winning, luxury eco-resort located within the Koh Rong Archipelago, off the south coast of Cambodia, and surrounded by an extensive marine reserve. The resort has pioneered conservation-based luxury tourism in Cambodia, with landscape planning and design based on a deep connection to the environment and the preservation of an ecologically important island ecosystem.


▽场地改造前后对比 Comparison before and after site renovation

▽场地改造前后对比 Comparison before and after site renovation

▽场地改造前后对比 Comparison before and after site renovation

▽场地改造前后对比 Comparison before and after site renovation



Twenty-four luxury jungle, ocean-view, and overwater villas have been carefully designed, located, and constructed to be in complete harmony with nature. The resort draws its inspiration from the Cambodian fishing villages found throughout the archipelago. Only recycled and reclaimed timber, local materials, and indigenous plant species, in keeping with the philosophy of sustainability and respect for the natural environment, have been used throughout the resort.


▽项目鸟瞰 Aerial view

▽自然舒适的海岛度假 Natural and comfortable island vacation


Coopers Hill库珀希尔利用高品位的景观设计审美和因地制宜的规划手法,对原有环境进行了精湛且适宜的雕琢,最大程度地保护了项目最珍贵的原生态气息。设计团队摒弃浮华的材料和装饰,把专属于梦幻热带海岛的一切美好元素融入颂萨,如通向水上别墅的木板小径、藏匿于茂密丛林中的私人游泳池、洁白柔美的自然沙滩、风姿绰约的棕榈等等。整个别墅群与大自然及周边海洋环境和谐共处,成为碧海青天的世外桃源、宁静祥和的隐世天堂。

Coopers Hill utilised planning methods tailored to local conditions to exquisitely and appropriately shape the original environment, protecting the project’s precious ecology. Instead of flashy materials and decorations, the design team incorporated beautiful elements more natural to the dreamy tropical island of Song Saa: wooden paths leading to water villas, private swimming pools hidden in the dense jungle, white, soft natural beaches, graceful palm trees, and more. The entire villa complex coexists harmoniously with nature and the surrounding marine environment, becoming a paradise of blue sea and sky—a quiet and peaceful hidden retreat.


▽整个别墅群与大自然及周边海洋环境和谐共处 The entire villa complex is in harmony with nature and the surrounding Marine environment



设计公司:Coopers Hill Singapore Pte. Ltd.
主创设计师:Allen Kerton, Design Principal & Partner and Dzaki Mustafi, Director, Design
客户:Brocon Investment Co., Ltd

Project name: Song Saa Private Island, Koh Rong Archipelago, Cambodia
Year completed: 2012
Project area: Cambodia
Project location: Approximately 3 Hectares
Design Company: Coopers Hill Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Company website: https://coopershill.design/
Contact email: Singapore@coopershill.design
Lead Designer: Allen Kerton, Design Principal & Partner and Dzaki Mustafi, Director, Design
Client: Brocon Investment Co., Ltd




更多 Read more about:  Coopers Hill库珀希尔