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ZSD:The Yunlan Valley is a project that has been under construction for nearly a year. In the post-epidemic era, the relationship between man and nature is rapidly shifting from “domestication of nature” to “collaboration with nature” and then “return to nature”, and people’s understanding and preference for landscape environment is gradually shifting from delicate and artificial to ecological, white and sustainable.

In the past four seasons, we have been observing the changes and growth of the Yunlan Valley, and now it has become a community park. Every time we visit, those who linger by the water in the forest are rich rewards for us. The visit comes at a time when everything is full and full, full of vitality, loquat golden, endless summer splendor, and lotus blossom. We will give a brief summary of the Lancan Valley in this article and in the following chapters on plants and interiors.



城市与自然的镜像 Mirror image of city and nature


As with all our projects, the design begins with an interpretation of the site. Yunlan Valley is located in Hangzhou Xixi Science and Technology sector, the north of Zijingang Science and Technology City, the 19 axis rail and the planned 14 subway intersection here. From west to north, many international technology enterprises and startups gather here, which can be said to be the “source of energy” of Hangzhou.




200 meters to the south of the Yunlan Valley is adjacent to Xixi Wetland, which is the first national wetland park in China integrating urban wetland, agricultural wetland and cultural wetland. It is the “source of life” of the whole western part of Hangzhou with waterboats, green forests and vegetation and humanistic poems.




After fully understanding these two characteristics of the site, we hope to construct a new site story in the Yunlan Valley with modern language, which can not only reflect the characteristics of the future city, but also translate the poetic and humanistic background of Xixi Wetland, and become a “public magnetic pole” connecting the city and nature.



理性与感性的对话 A dialogue between reason and emotion


Due to the control of the overall planning of Xixi, the plot ratio of Yunlan Valley is only 1.8, and the overall building height is not more than 28 meters, which is rare to form a low-density commercial complex. The building plan is a U-shaped enclosing layout, the east side is open to the city, and the enclosed landscape space in the middle is 173 meters east-west and 46 meters north-south, with an area of 21,000 square meters, and the ratio of the north-south width to the building height is 2:1. The facade is light and pure towards the city side, with a highly reflective glass curtain wall reflecting the sky clouds, and towards the inside, through a cascading terrace to create a relaxed atmosphere of garden office.


▽设计概念 Design concept


在概念构思阶段,我们与建筑师与甲方团队多次讨论,确定了具有西溪栖息地生态特色的“自然客厅 都市溪谷”意象,希望形成一种融合性的整体氛围——代表城市科技的理性与代表自然人文的感性共存,将自然之美,四时之美,荒野之美注入未来办公环境。


During the conceptual conception stage, we discussed with the architects and the Party A team for many times, and determined the image of “natural living room urban Valley” with the ecological characteristics of Xixi habitat, hoping to form an integrated overall atmosphere — the rationality representing urban science and technology and the sensibility representing nature and humanity coexist, and inject the beauty of nature, the beauty of four times and the beauty of wilderness into the future office environment.

The general landscape map establishes a clear structure, linear modeling runs through the pavement and arbor system from north to south, the exterior connects the city and the street, and the interior forms the base of the building. Above this, a “valley” is born, taking advantage of the Chinese calligraphy “Zhi” stroke, breaking the matrix composition in the east and west direction, layers of clouds, overlapping waves, green valleys, layer by layer. The theme of water evolves into multiple landscape nodes that connect the entire project, and the zigzag turn extends the active line length of the landscape while bringing about a richer experience.




From east to west, the Yunlan Valley transitions from “outer space” to “inner space”, forming a triple landscape sequence planning. The main entrance and plaza create a “vibrant and outward-looking” open urban landscape; Through the garden path and swinging space, the central part creates a flexible landscape of “interaction and communication”; The west end presents an “inward and shared” leisure landscape.



柔和自然的边界 Soft and natural borders


The east and south sides of the Yunlan Valley have urban green belts of 16 meters and 13.5 meters respectively, which are the main pedestrian interface and the entrance and exit of the subway. We wanted it to be open and friendly to the city, while creating a garden atmosphere and enhancing the quality of the businesses along the street. The green belt is divided into a flexible linear space, the pure building facade reflects the array of tall zelkova trees, and the approachable scale is interspersed with lawns and flowers and trees, bringing a beautiful and natural landscape to the city.


▽灵动的线性空间以柔和城市边界 Flexible linear Spaces soften urban boundaries


壹 层云浮空


The main pedestrian enters the site through an 8-meter-wide opening on the east side, and 11 Chinese tallow tree clouds are lifted by the water platform and ground cover plants with a 1.5-meter drop. The “green clouds floating in the sky” create a powerful landscape impression that is both visible and hidden, and has a vivid urban image but does not reveal the full picture of the site.




The pebble-shaped planting pool and water surface wrap the three subway vents, and pedestrians passing by or entering will be attracted by this poetic and dreamy combination of landscapes, but it is difficult to detect the hidden structure. Against the smooth facade of the building, the Tallow forest presents a pure and relaxed atmosphere, echoing the nearby national wetland.


▽隐匿于卵石形种植池与水面的地铁通风口 Subway vents concealed in pebble-shaped planting ponds and water surface


贰 天阶晚风


After entering, on the right side is the sunken space connecting with the subway station. We hope that this space will not only be an efficient traffic space, but also bring the beautiful mood of nature to the commuters.


▽下沉空间 Sinking space



The continuous steps are divided into several sections, which ease the tension caused by the slope after the lateral dislocation. Stacked loquat trees continue the image of “stratus cloud”, and the kidney fern, endless summer and conical hydrangea below soften the boundary of the steps. In the season of blooming flowers and bearing fruits, commuting will become a journey worth looking forward to. The interpenetration of vegetation and step benches inspires the tourists’ desire to stay naturally, forming a three-dimensional space for rest, viewing and interaction.


▽休闲互动的停留空间 Leisure and interactive stay space


叁 碎影流光


In contrast to the shading of the main entrance, we wanted to enter the site to be greeted by a vibrant and playful interactive scene, with linear stone benches and an array of nata oak trees defining the boundary of the square, and in the evening, a dotted spring set against the light that makes it a parent-child place for the neighborhood.


▽邻近社区的亲子场所 A family place in a nearby community


肆 重澜叠起


The zigzag paving of the ground naturally leads the flow of people to one side of the square, where they enter the core of the valley. The overall design echoes the native ecology of Xixi Wetland, introducing the intention of wetland water into the site, and the water flows through the landscape pool, cascade waterfall and stream path to the sunken garden.





The folded stone strips embedded in the pavement continue the different physical and chemical forms of the stream and enhance the sense of spatial orientation and sequence. The stone path intersects the landscape of schist mounds along the valley, where artificial and natural materials contrast in color and form but blend together.

Office leisure or lunch break, you can walk to relax the muscles and bones; Or have a relaxing walking meeting to inject natural energy into your work.


▽自然放松的空间场所 A space for natural relaxation

▽石材铺装细节 Stone paving details



The planting of the Nata oak creates a cool and comfortable shade in spring and summer, and gives the site plenty of sunlight in autumn and winter. Following the stream, the forest space planted hydrangea, lily, iris, ferns, these water-loving plants gentle time, healing the soul.




Under the forest, reflecting the water, carefully selected landscape stones stand in it, although made by people, but like the sky open, constituting a secret soul shelter.





The flowing stream catalyzes the double senses of vision and hearing, as if you were in the West stream, and you do not know where the West stream is.

The terrazzo bar is like flowing water, plants are integrated as design elements with public furniture, and the zelkova tree is embedded on the desktop to make it a rest space with its own “cool umbrella” in the park, allowing people to enjoy the natural feeling of having flowers and trees at any time.


▽绿荫下的水磨石吧台 Terrazzo bar under the shade


伍 荒原之美


At the end of the stream, the earth is lifted off a corner, and the urban oasis can be completely stretched in the “Hill of Freedom”. At the foot of the river is the poetic and vivid water erosion valley, reproducing the natural nature of mountain forests. The water in the cascade flows flexibly, and the winding bank of the stream and the dry stream of the pedestrian path pull each other into the sunken garden.




“Freedom Hill” seems to be hidden in the corner of the city, standing quietly among the valley gardens. Here people overlook, meditate, think, overlook the trees, look up at the sky, and enjoy the spiritual SPA and the emptiness of the mind.




Seven Chinese tallow trees spread over a cascading mound of grass. In contrast to the quiet feeling of the valley, this place deliberately creates a “wilderness” quality, and hemp grass, sage, Mexican feather grass, fine leaf awns, and flower willow are born to the light, shining spiritually under the sunset. This pristine ecology and wilderness beauty reflects the respect and obedience of the human mind to the laws of nature, and also represents our expectations for the future development direction of the landscape.


▽鸟瞰图 Aerial view

▽平面图 Plane graph



项目名称:西投绿城 · 杭州云澜谷
项目摄影:XF Photography

Project name: Xitou Green City · Hangzhou Yunlan Valley
Project type: Business office park
Project owner: Greentown China/West Lake Investment
Owner team: Ye Heng, Kang Jiang, Zhang Qinxia, Xie Eryou, Li Wei, Chen Li, Zhang Qunhui, Zhang Na
Project location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Design completed :2023.06
Design area: about 21,000 m
Landscape Design :ZSD
Chief Designer: Yuan Kuo (Xiaoyu)
Landscape Team: Yu Yujun, Xiao Qin, Wang, Zhang Qixi, Cao Xiaohui, Wang Licheng, Xu CAI, Wang Anyuan, Li Yuan Yuan, Chen Yanfang
Project Photography :XF Photography




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