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Thanks PPAA(Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados) for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by PPAA(Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados).


PPAA:Ananda 位于墨西哥布拉沃山谷(Valle de Bravo)的一片树林中,是专为一个家庭设计的度假屋,它模糊了公共区域和私人区域的界限,重新定义了空间概念。露台是该项目的中轴线,它作为一个建筑元素,不仅划分了不同的空间,还将其连接起来。

PPAA:Located in the wooded landscape of Valle de Bravo, Mexico, Ananda is a vacation home designed for a family, redefining the concept of space by blurring the boundaries between public and private areas. The terrace, which becomes the central axis of the project, acts as an architectural element that not only divides but also connects the different spaces.


© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan


Ananda 的设计由两个相互连接的体量组成,探索了空间的双重性和灵活性。露台是室内和室外的过渡点,使房屋围绕着这一空间展开,并促进两种环境之间不断互动。露台既可以作为思考和沉思的私人区域,也可以转变为与周围自然环境融为一体的开放空间。

Ananda’s design consists of two interconnected volumes that explore the duality and flexibility of spaces. The terrace functions as a transition point between the interior and exterior, allowing the house to unfold around this space and promoting constant interaction between both environments. The terrace can serve as a private area for reflection and contemplation or transform into an open space that integrates with the natural surroundings.


© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan



The distinctive gabled roof not only complements the architectural design but also adapts to the local climate and landscape. An existing tree on the property was carefully integrated into the house, establishing a dialogue with the context and reflecting a deep respect for nature.


© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan



All the rooms in the house feature large windows that allow natural light to enter and offer beautiful views of the garden.


© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan


Ananda 见证了建筑如何挑战传统而创造一个不断发展的空间。在这里,公共和私人的界限逐渐消失,露台成为空间连接和过渡的媒介。

Ananda is a testament to how architecture can challenge conventions and create a space that constantly evolves. It is a place where the boundaries between public and private fade, and the terrace becomes a point of connection and transition.


© Luis Garvan
© Luis Garvan


▽项目图纸  Drawings




地点:墨西哥州 布拉沃山谷
球队:Pablo Pérez Palacios, Emilio Calvo, Miguel Vargas, Nancy Estévez, Adán García, Andrés Domínguez, Sergio Delgado

摄影:Luis Garvan @luisgarvan

Project name: Ananda
Location: Valle de Bravo, State of Mexico, Mexico
Year: 2023
Firm: PPAA
Team: Pablo Pérez Palacios, Emilio Calvo, Miguel Vargas, Nancy Estévez, Adán García, Andrés Domínguez, Sergio Delgado
Website: www.ppaa.mx
Social networks
Instagram: @perez_palacios_aa
Facebook: @perezpalaciosppaa
Photography: Luis Garvan @luisgarvan



更多 Read more about:PPAA (Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados)