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GED Design: Changshu, named for its fertile and prosperous lands, stands gracefully amidst Jiangnan’s scenic landscape, with “half of the mountain entering the city, three lakes embracing it.” As one of the birthplaces of Wu culture, Changshu is a historic city where cultural heritage thrives, with the qin (a traditional Chinese instrument) symbolizing its cultural essence.Qin Lake Park, located in the heart of Changshu’s main urban area, is the final key project among the “Three Lakes” that make up the city’s landscape. The park is tasked with continuing the development of the old city center and serving as an urban living room. Its design aims to extend and integrate the natural texture of the surrounding landscape, creating a modern urban natural living complex that blends commercial services with cultural and recreational spaces—a new landmark for urban life in Changshu.


The park covers 30 hectares of land and 60 hectares of water. Its design centers around the cultural theme of the ancient Chinese qin, using the pentatonic scale “Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zhi, Yu” (representing the five notes of traditional Chinese music) as the core concept. These notes are reflected in the park’s five thematic zones, forming the concept of a central lake park where”Five Tones in Harmony, Artistic Presentation with the Spirit of Guqin .”


▽琴湖公园与周边城市关系 © 丘文三映 Qin Lake Park’s relationship with the surrounding city © Chill Shine

▽琴湖公园总平面图 © 格境设计 Master plan of Qin Lake Park

▽琴湖公园建设演进卫星图(2019-2023) © Google earth 图1:建设前;图2:一期建设中;图3:二期建设中;图4:项目竣工。 Satellite view of the Qin Lake Park construction progress (2019-2023) 1.Before construction 2.During Phase I 3.During Phase II 4.Project completion


Natural Continuation of the Landscape and Water System:


Changshu’s urban area is known for its intricate network of waterways. “A river enters the city, seven streams divide, and they run parallel like strings of a qin” aptly describes its layout. Qin Lake serves as a crucial node in this water network. The completed park’s water system links four external watercourses, including Baimao Pond, forming a central framework of water and mountains in conjunction with Yushan Mountain.


Within Qin Lake Park, the original landscape pattern of a dyke and island on the lake is preserved and expanded, with pedestrian bridges like the iconic Rainbow Bridge on the northern side adding layers of water-land interaction.


Once completed, Qin Lake Park, together with Kuncheng Lake, Shanghu Lake, and Yushan Mountain, will establish Changshu’s mature “one mountain, three lakes” urban landscape.

▽改造前的琴湖全景(2019年3月 );湖中一堤一岛,远处的虞山隐约可见 Panoramic view of Qin Lake before renovation (March 2019) — showing the dyke and island in the lake, with Yushan Mountain faintly visible on the horizon ©许立南

▽改造后的琴湖全景(2023年8月)© Chill Shine 丘文三映 Panoramic view of Qin Lake after renovation (August 2023)



A Multi-Dimensional Experience

环湖3公里的City Walk专线,通过慢跑道、架空栈道等多层次的路径系统打造多维立体游览感受。桥、岛、平台在水陆间穿插流动,打造多样亲水的互动空间,驿站节点营造富有变化的观景和休憩感受。

The 3-kilometer City Walk around the lake provides a multi-layered, immersive experience through a combination of jogging paths, elevated walkways, and bridges that seamlessly blend land and water. Bridges, islands, and platforms interweave to create diverse spaces for water interaction, with designated rest areas for visitors.

▽运动场地与City Walk专线穿插于绿地和水岸之间 © Chill Shine 丘文三映 Sports fields and the City Walk route meander between green spaces and the lakeshore

▽架空栈道与观鸟驿站,灯光、栈道与堤岛岸线共同流动  © 许立南 Elevated walkways and birdwatching stations, where light, walkways, and shoreline flow together 

▽片植的秋季色叶植物为城市增添丰富的色彩 ©  王健 Large patches of autumnal foliage plants add vibrant seasonal colors to the urban landscape



A Vibrant Urban Living Room


The western bank of Qin Lake is home to the city’s vibrant urban life, featuring a commercial street, art center, and landmark hotel. The design integrates the lakeside promenade with pedestrian bridges and platform systems, fostering a dynamic interaction between the park and the city, and creating a lively urban living room.

▽北岸游客中心,通过多层屋顶平台与前广场形成多层的观湖空间 © Chill Shine 丘文三映 The northern visitor center provides multi-level viewing platforms and plazas, offering layered perspectives of the lake

▽亲水岸线拉近城市与琴湖的距离,河口湖景视廊将湖景更多地分享给城市界面© Chill Shine 丘文三映 The waterfront promenade brings the city closer to Qin Lake, and the lake-view corridor at the river mouth allows more of the lakeside scenery to be shared with the urban landscape



Diverse Ecology Integrated with Nature


Qin Lake Park’s ecological framework is enhanced by natural shoreline revetments, a wetland plant system, and extensive ecological forest belts. These three major ecological measures gradually improve the habitat system of Qin Lake, providing diverse environments for a wide range of species.

▽多层次的水岸线与滨水游线,让游人与琴湖充分互动© Chill Shine 丘文三映 The multi-layered shoreline and waterfront paths allow for rich interaction between visitors and the lake

▽绿意盎然的生态环境吸引着鹭鸟、野鸭等野生动物的造访© Chill Shine 丘文三映 The lush green environment attracts various wildlife, such as herons and wild ducks




Cultural Reinterpretation Through Qin Music


Inspired by Changshu’s deep-rooted qin culture, the design adopts the ancient pentatonic system (Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zhi, Yu) as its thematic framework, with each note symbolically represented in different zones of the park. These elements are also echoed in design details, where motifs from the qin and the five tones are artistically reimagined throughout the space.

▽五音五色桥连接起公园与商业街,衬托活泼的商业氛围© Chill Shine 丘文三映 The “Five Tones, Five Colors” Bridge connects the park to the commercial street, complementing the lively commercial atmosphere

▽琴弦格栅系列步行桥,串联起环湖慢行系统© Chill Shine 丘文三映 The qin-string grid system of pedestrian bridges ties together the lakeside slow-walking route

▽五彩琴键互动灯光打造动静结合的滨水空间© Chill Shine 丘文三映 Interactive lighting designed in the form of colorful piano keys creates a dynamic blend of tranquility and liveliness along the waterfront



Shared Spaces for Interactive Community Life


The park is designed to support a wide variety of activities, including children’s play areas, ball courts, water sports, plaza dancing, and jogging paths. These diverse spaces are arranged along the lakeshore, providing residents with opportunities for interaction and a shared, healthy lifestyle.

▽临湖的儿童互动花园为周边社区儿童提供林荫和湖景之间的多样活动体验© 许立南 The lakeside children’s interactive garden offers shaded spaces and lake views, creating a variety of activity experiences for children from nearby communities



Final Thoughts


Qin Lake Park is a masterful blend of natural landscape, cultural heritage, and modern urban life. Its design intricately weaves together the rich cultural history of Changshu with contemporary needs for public space, offering a vibrant, ecological, and interactive environment for residents and visitors alike. Through careful attention to landscape continuity, diverse recreational activities, and deep cultural symbolism, Qin Lake Park has become a new landmark that harmonizes nature, culture, and community.



摄影版权:Chill Shine 丘文三映,许立南,王健,苏州律动

Project Name: Changshu Qin Lake Park
Project Type: Urban Park
Design Firm: GED Architectural Landscape Design Co., Ltd.,
Website: http://www.gedesign.com.cn
Contact Email: office@gedesign.com.cn
Cooperative Design: China Academy of Art Landscape Architecture Design Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Project Design: 2019-2023
Completion Year: 2023
Landscape Design: Jiang Zhewei, Xu Linan, Zhang Lei, Hu Yangyang, Chen Lingfei, Zhu Jue, Zhang Yunying, Guan Haijie, Qian Jing, Huang Yuegui, Cao Yun, Ji Yuqi, Yu Zhi
ProvinceArchitectural Design: Ling Liping, Tang Yi
Bridge Design: Zhu Bin
Structural Design: Tu Lei, Jiang Zhiyuan
Project Location: Shajiabang Road, Changshu City, Jiangsu Province
Project Area: 30 Hectares(Land),60 Hectares(Water)
Photography Copyright: Chill Shine, Xu Linan, Wang Jian,Suzhou Lvdong
Client: Changshu Merchants Qinhu Investment and Development Co., Ltd.






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