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Thanks Pedro García Martínez for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Pedro García Martínez.
Pedro García Martínez:该临时性展厅项目的客户是一家致力于制造铝窗和木工元件的公司,所以我们需要在整体项目设计中突出铝材,基于这一前提,我们对此次展览空间的设计考虑了另外两个问题。
Pedro García Martínez:This ephemeral architecture project is the exhibition pavilion of a company dedicated to manufacturing windows and carpentry elements made of aluminum. Therefore, this material should have a prominent presence in the image of the whole. Based on this premise, the exhibition space was conceived taking into account two other issues.

On the one hand, the objects that made up the exhibition were carefully placed on the stand floor, so that those that were more important (either because of their novelty or because of their sophistication) had a more prominent position and more space free around them. It was as if each of these objects was surrounded by an imaginary bubble. The size of these bubbles was proportional to the object importance. Since the total available area was limited, some of these bubbles had to overlap partially, generating, in addition, paths that linked the different areas together.

Simultaneously, it was sought that the project, in section, also showed this same idea. For this, we considered an imaginary surface, a kind of continuous mantle suspended over the exposed objects and whose geometry deformed as a result of the size of the mentioned bubbles. A series of ridges and valleys that oscillated according to the relevance of the exposed elements was outlined. This topography descended to organize the visitors circulation and highlight some points of view respectively.
The problem that remained to be solved then was to materialize the continuous surface described by the software on the computer, because its complex geometry was difficult to get down to reality.

The solution was waiting at the company’s facilities. After visiting one of its warehouses, we noticed that a series of cylindrical pieces that remained there. Since they had not exceeded some of the quality requirements they were waiting to be recycled or destined for another use. Since their defect was practically imperceptible to the naked eye, these pieces were used to construct a discontinuous evocation of that virtual and imaginary surface.

In just five days, nineteen thirty-three (1,933) aluminum cylinders were suspended from a total of four thousand five hundred twenty-three (4,523) meters of metallic wire with pinpoint accuracy. The surface was perceived despite the discontinuity of the recycled aluminum parts. The space was more permeable to the eye and was flooded by anodized reflections. All this, generated an atmosphere of clarity and transparency that shrouded the exhibits, while the different areas of the exhibition were visually connected to each other.

Having fulfilled some time ago with the requirements for which it was projected, the architecture of this exhibition space awaits days like today, in which the attentive gaze of a reader manages to overcome the inevitable ephemeral nature of this type of projects.

建筑师:Pedro García Martínez
室内设计:Pedro García Martínez
客户:Alumafel S. A.
承包商:Estudio Atrium S. L.
Architect: Pedro García Martínez
Interior Design: Pedro García Martínez
Client: Alumafel S. A.
Contractor: Estudio Atrium S. L.
Project location: IFEMA, Madrid (Spain)
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