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Sasaki:“Transforming an abandoned rail yard into an ecological jewel, a cultural magnet, and a connected community asset for a rapidly growing region.”

Between 1880 and the early 1950s, the 168-acre Bonnet Springs Park site was home to the Lakeland Railyard, which served as a major hub for the movement of freight up and down the east coast. In 1952 the railyard closed, leaving the land in an abandoned state and Lake Bonnet all but forgotten.

Then in 2015, recognizing that metro Lakeland is one of the fastest growing regions in the country, and building upon the city’s strong tradition of parks and natural areas, a group of Lakeland enthusiasts proposed the creation of Bonnet Springs Park—a central park for Lakeland.


▽从场地空拍图可以看见景观和山丘如何与建筑物融为一体并有效地界定了活动草坪的边界 Aerial shots show how the landscape and hills merge with the buildings to effectively define the boundary of the event lawn.


Sasaki 在2017年获邦内特公园董事局委聘,负责制定公园的总体规划蓝图。为了解市民大众对公园设计的想法和期望,Sasaki 开展了为期半年的公众意见征集活动,不同群体在此期间踊跃表达意见,项目团队也乐于赖以优化设计策略。

公园中包含生态公园,林冠步道,水上活动,游乐场地与可供举办大型活动的草坪等多样化的设施;新建的步道与自行车道将这些公园的主要空间以及由 Sasaki 设计的游客中心,自然中心,活动中心以及佛罗里达儿童博物馆等新建筑相互连接。

In 2017 the Bonnet Springs Park board hired Sasaki to create a master plan for the park. Sasaki took input from the public during a six-month outreach period and incorporated ideas and desires into an approved design and park mission: to become an ecological jewel, a cultural magnet, and a connected community asset.

Sasaki’s park design includes heritage gardens, a canopy walk, boating activities, botanic gardens, playgrounds, and an event lawn. New walking and biking paths connect major park spaces with new buildings designed by Sasaki: Welcome Center, Nature Center, Event Center, and the Florida Children’s Museum and Café.


▽总体规划图展现了项目的全貌:占地168英亩的荒废铁路站场在重新规划之后摇身一变成为莱克兰市的新中央公园 The master plan shows the full scope of the project: 168 acres of unused land transformed into a new “Central Park” for the city of Lakeland.


▽在茂密成龄橡树林中的空中步道让游客们可以从约两层楼的高度俯瞰公园美景 A grove of live oak trees shade sections of the quarter-mile-long canopy walkway that soars up to 20+ feet above the woodland floor.


自然生态瑰宝 An Ecological Jewel

数十年的工业活动和过时的雨水管理措施,对基地造成了不少损害,为恢复各个自然系统,补救昔日有害污染遗留下来的问题, Sasaki 的跨专业团队伙同多名本地顾问制定了一系列策略,包括移除外来入侵植物,建造用以处理地表径流的湿地和生态调节沟,以及覆盖受污染土壤,使之成为山丘,让访客有机会在园里登高欣赏美景。


Decades of industrial use and outdated stormwater management practices left portions of the site in a degraded condition, and the brownfield status was a primary factor that influenced the design process. Sasaki’s interdisciplinary team, along with a group of local consultants, developed strategies for restoring natural systems and remediating harmful contaminants on the site. The remediation strategy included the removal of invasive exotic plants, constructing wetlands and bioswales to treat runoff, and capping contaminated soil in large hills that double as overlooks for the park.

In other parts of the site, mature live oak trees and meandering waterways are protected and enhanced. A Nature Center is located at the nexus of these environments overlooking Lake Bonnet where park visitors have the opportunity to learn about the ecology of central Florida. The Nature Center features a classroom and exhibition space as well as a café and boat rental facilities.


▽被柏树包围自然中心由两座以木栈道相连的建筑构成,欢迎所有想了解邦内特公园动植物生态的游客 Connected by boardwalks, the cypress-clad Nature Center consists of two buildings that welcome all visitors seeking to learn more about the flora and fauna of Bonnet Springs Park.


▽自然中心提供租船服务,提供游客进行水上活动并进入已修复的泻湖俯瞰邦内特湖 The Nature Center offers boat rentals, allowing water activity and access to the remediated lagoon overlooking Lake Bonnet.


▽生气盎然的系列人工湿地花园在改善邦内特泉谷和邦内特湖生态健康方面至关重要 A series of lush constructed wetland gardens play a vital role in improving the ecological health of the Bonnet Springs Valley and Lake Bonnet.


▽沿着约400公尺长的林冠步道穿过树冠层,开阔的视野能够将邦内特公园的核心景观——拥有200年历史的宏伟老橡树——尽收眼底 Along this quarter-mile-long walkway through the canopy, the view opens up to showcase the magnificent 200-year-old Grandfather Oak—a centerpiece of Bonnet Springs Park.


文化宝地 A Cultural Magnet

莱克兰市向来致力培育艺术,是文化和教育机构的聚集地,在市中心的邦内特公园也就因利乘便,肩负使命延续这个传统。迎宾中心的展览品将重点阐述区域的农业、工业和文化发展史;户外空间则以一个偌大的植物园为亮点,固定和临时艺术品在公园里星罗棋布,渗透别样的艺术氛围;最值得留意的是“Explorations V”儿童博物馆将迁到公园中央位置的扩建部分,为公园赋予教育和文化功能。

The park’s downtown location creates a prime opportunity to build upon Lakeland’s tradition of hosting renowned cultural and educational institutions and furthering the city’s commitment to supporting the arts. Interpretive exhibits at the Welcome Center highlight the region’s agricultural, industrial and cultural history, and outdoor spaces feature an extensive botanic garden as well as the integration of fixed and ephemeral works of art throughout the park. Most notably, the Florida Children’s Museum has relocated into an expanded facility at the heart of Bonnet Springs Park and participates in the development of educational and cultural programming for the entire park.


▽儿童博物馆和咖啡馆成了进入活动草坪的新门户。纯白的博物馆正面立面就像为了缤纷多彩的壁画准备的画布 The Children’s Museum and Cafe form a new gateway into the event lawn. The museum facade serves as a blank canvas for colorful murals.


▽宽广的中央活动草坪可供全年不同的文化活动和节庆使用。2022年举行的公园开幕典礼估计有25000名宾客参加 The large, central event lawn is designed to program cultural events and festivals throughout the year. An estimated 25,000 visitors attended the grand opening of the park in October 2022.


联系贯通的社区资源 A Connected Community Asset


Bonnet Springs Park welcomes visitors of all ages and backgrounds from throughout the city and connects neighborhoods currently divided by transportation infrastructure and a gap in the urban fabric. New walking and bike paths, welcoming entrances, and the integration of transit allows the park to be easily accessible from near and far. The park also serves as a place to connect people socially with gathering facilities such as a large banquet hall at the Event Center, a state of the art classroom in the Nature Center, and a large central event lawn for concerts and festivals. Smaller gathering spaces such as a tree house, tea house, and nature playground help bring people closer to the daily magic of the park. The range of activities in the park supports physical and social equity for all visitors in an effort to reinforce shared experiences and forge new connections within this growing and changing community.


▽邦内特泉谷是由属于沙渗泉的邦内特泉自然侵蚀形成的。这种罕见的水文系统是地下水从多孔山丘中被挤出而导致的成果。春天长廊沿线的新复原生态系统将自然地稳定河岸、净化水质、并为具备亲水习性的动植物提供栖息地 The Bonnet Springs Valley was created by the natural eroding processes of the Bonnet Springs, a sand seep spring. The rare hydrological system is the result of ground water being squeezed out of a porous hillside. A new restored ecosystem along the spring corridor will naturally stabilize the banks, clean the water, and provide new habitat for water-loving fauna.


▽自然游乐场戏水区域的设计灵感来自于场地的沙渗泉 The Nature Playground’s water play area takes inspiration from the site’s sand spring


▽蔬菜花园提供了在活动中心收获农产品和拍摄烹饪节目的机会 The vegetable gardens provide opportunities for harvesting produce and culinary programming at the Event Center




规模:72.8 公顷
位置:美国 佛罗里达州 莱克兰市

景观公司:Sasaki Associates, Inc.
主创建筑师:Zachary Chrisco、Andrew Gutterman、Anna Cawrse
设计团队:Steve Engler、Fiske Crowell

图片来源:Jeremy Bittermann,Matthew Arielly
摄影师网站:Jeremy Bittermann – https://www.bittermannphotography.com/

Project Name: Bonnet Springs Park
Completion Year: October 2022
Scale: 168 Acres
Project Location: Lakeland, Florida, United States

Landscape/Architecture Firm: Sasaki Associates, Inc.
Website: https://www.sasaki.com/
Contact e-mail: media@sasaki.com
Lead Architects: Zachary Chrisco, Andrew Gutterman, Anna Cawrse
Design Team: Steve Engler, Fiske Crowell
Clients: Bonnet Springs Park, Inc.

Photo Credits: Jeremy Bittermann, Matthew Arielly
Photographer’s Website: Jeremy Bittermann: https://www.bittermannphotography.com/



审稿编辑: SIM

更多 Read more about: Sasaki Associates, Inc.