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VIA维亚景观:漕溪路需要一个口袋公园 We Need a Pocket Park
VIASCAPE design:The project is situated at the southeast side of the busy crossing of Caoxi Road and South Kaixuan Road, covering an area of 6300m2. The site was initially occupied by low-quality illegal building blocks and a car park. Ren’ai Hospital is to the west of the site, giving little setback from South Kaixuan road, and results in narrow access and poor spatial experience. The site is an elongated channel in between metro line 3 station in northeast tothe. The shadow cast by interwoven Metro line 3, Inner Ring and Huming Elevated Bridge makes the site an overcrowded grey mess.
▽鸟瞰漕溪路口袋公园与地铁三号线轻轨 Aerial view of Caogye Road Pocket Park and subway Line 3 light rail

▽漕溪路口袋公园内部景观 Interior view of Caogye Road Pocket Park

▽口袋公园与城市整体空间关系 The relationship between pocket parks and overall urban space

At the beginning of 2022, Xuhui District Government initiated a comprehensive site regeneration project, including illegal building demolition and green space restoration. Having conducted multiple times of site surveys, we planned a pocket park at Caoxi Road and South Kaixuan Road cross. This park will incorporate conventional pedestrians into green space, improving the commuting experience along Caoxi Road/South Kaixuan Road and the way to the metro station Caoxi Road, and providing the necessary rest area. In this way, an open landscape and appropriate rest space are combined to create a shared green space with a sense of belonging for adjacent residential area like Jinguyuan and Hongrunhuayuan.
▽区位图 Location Map

▽更新改造前场地内现状 Renovation of the current situation in the former site ©VIA Via Landscape

▽漕溪路口袋公园空间生成 Caoxi Road pocket park space generation

▽漕溪路口袋公园成为城市环境中清新自然的景观场所 Caoxi Road Pocket Park becomes a fresh and natural landscape place in the urban environment

▽原先杂乱的桥下空间在更新后成为宜人的慢行空间 The original chaotic space under the bridge has been renovated into a pleasant slow walking space

▽漕溪路口袋公园为桥下空间创造了树影光绘的效果 Caogye Road Pocket Park creates the effect of tree shadow and light painting for the space under the bridge

▽漕溪路口袋公园为繁忙的都市路口植入了绿色生态 The Caogi Road Pocket Park has brought green ecology to busy urban intersections

▽漕溪路口袋公园内部夜景 Night view inside Caogye Road Pocket Park

▽漕溪路口袋公园内清风驿站形成的特征景观 Characteristic landscape formed by Qingfeng Post station in Caoxi Road Pocket Park

▽漕溪路口袋公园夜景鸟瞰 Aerial view of Caoxi Road Pocket Park at night

街头的四个尺度 4 Scales of the Site
Caoxi Road pocket park is intended to be incorporated into the general Caoxi Road streetscape with a widely spread edge along South kaixuan Road. The design scheme primarily attempted to move the commuting pedestrian into the pocket park, giving a continuous green space with street trees at the street front. Therefore, the “park city” concept will be planted into the block which the pocket park locates, especially from a vehicular view and far-range pedestrian view. Secondly, a cross-linked Gingko tree matrix was conceived to weave 2 pedestrians with a width of 3 meters together, maximizing the commuting efficiency and providing recreation opportunities for users entering into the core area of Pocket Park.
▽从上海数字文旅中心远眺口袋公园 A view of Pocket Park from Shanghai Digital Tourism Center

▽从凯旋南路北侧看口袋公园夜景 The night view of Pocket Park from the north side of South Triumph Road

▽将市政人行道融入口袋公园的设计 Incorporating municipal walkways into pocket park design

▽口袋公园内部空间层次与肌理 Spatial hierarchy and texture of pocket park

▽漕溪路口袋公园中通勤空间与休憩空间、服务设施的融合 The integration of commuter space, leisure space and service facilities in the Caogye Road Pocket Park

▽从口袋公园内看清风驿站与漕溪路地铁站的关系 The relationship between Cheongseok Station and Caogye-ro Subway Station from inside the Pocket Park

Green dimension is a top concern in our design. The various classifications of landscape spaces and appropriate terrain organization in the design scheme provide an “image of public park” with the arrangement of neat green space at first glance for users. At the same time, the combination of various species of trees forms a wavy canopy profile, with the introduction of low-maintenance shrubs, shade-requiring ground covers, and perennials, an ecological pocket park is generated for the busy center area of Shanghai. Besides, the design scheme provides access to the pocket park for the residential community to the south. A semi-public/semi-private recreational place and the link to the interior space of the Breeze Gallery offer diverse spatial experiences for the local residents at a scale of the community garden, which is enclosed with green space and landscape structure.
▽从口袋公园中的庭院空间看向城市街景 A view of the city street from the courtyard space in the pocket park

▽清风驿站划分了口袋公园中的动静空间 The Cool Breeze Station divides the movement space in the pocket park

▽口袋公园中庭院空间的日常休憩场景 Daily rest scenes in courtyard Spaces in pocket parks

清风为形的空间营造 Shaping with Breeze
Started from the first site visit in the Chinese New Year of 2022, rounds of investigation and design studies were conducted until March of 2022. The real in-depth design was finalized during Covid-19 quarantine from April 2022 to May 2022. The disordered status of the site was like the low spirit at the time, urgently awaited being healed by the “breeze” and expected a smooth spatial flow after unblocking the long-term congestions at the site. The shape of “breeze” was conceived with transformations based on “four scales”, at the site, unfolding terrain from north to south. We then defined the design concept as “Shaping with the Breeze”, hoping the pocket park could achieve the goal of “healing cities, activating neighborhood, sharing the life of park city”.
The overall design with the breeze as a physical symbol is achieved with a series of paralleled and interlinked lines flowing continuously, which also guides the user’s function. This not only serves as a graphic base for the typology of pedestrian space and Gingko trees matrix, but also blends the pedestrian space into the core green area of the pocket park. Viewed from the surrounding high-rise and office block, the fabric of Caoxi Road Pocket Park at the street front side is seamlessly merged into the texture of metro line 3.
▽俯瞰漕溪路口袋公园 Overlooking the Caogye Road Pocket Park

▽口袋公园内线型空间语言的“折叠”与“交织” Folding and interweaving of linear spatial language in Pocket Parks

▽以“清风”的线性语言将场地、绿化、休憩设施、驿站编织在一起 The site, greenery, leisure facilities, and station are woven together in a linear language of “breeze.

▽ 以“清风为形”创造简洁又富有变化的空间体验 Create a simple and varied space experience by taking the shape of the breeze

▽口袋公园内部日常使用场景 Everyday use of pocket parks

▽超薄的透光混凝土挡墙与绿化景观的融合 The combination of ultra-thin transparent concrete retaining wall and green landscape

▽以漕溪路口袋公园完善城市街景立面 Improving the facade of urban streetscape with Caoxi Road Pocket Park

▽“清风为形”的漕溪路口袋公园夜景鸟瞰 Aerial view of Caoxi Road Pocket Park at night, which is shaped by the breeze

多义的清风驿站 Multiple Functions of the Breeze Gallery
The size of pocket parks in the central area of a megacity is normally rather small, the architecture surrounding with trees will be more impressive than other types of spatial elements in pocket parks. The visual image of the “Breeze Gallery” appears to be outstanding due to the shallow south-north depth of the site.
Strategically, “breeze-shaped” linear language is utilized to organize the floor plan for the “Breeze Gallery”. A big percentage of grey space is defined as the core area. A “gallery” shape structure offers a rest area with a canopy for users. The solid part at the west is relatively small, serving as an administrative center and MEP room. A bigger space at the east is saved for public reading and community-shared space for citizens. Physically, the idea of “Breeze Blowing” is realized to create an overall spatial experience, making the grey space more recognizable and spatially flavorful. A “seating landscape” is also generated with the interior and exterior spaces of the gallery. Besides, the gallery bears structural significance for the whole pocket park, which to the north is more open to the city as a city park, while to the south is more a quiet community garden with a green landscape.
▽清风驿站空间形体生成 Breeze station space form generation

▽清风驿站是口袋公园中重要的空间要素 The breeze station is an important spatial element of a pocket park

▽清风驿站是漕溪路口袋公园的重要特征景观 The Qingfengyi Station is an important feature of Caoxi Road Pocket Park

▽ 清风驿站的廊下灰空间不仅提供市民休憩,也形成有趣的视觉框景 The gray space under the corridor of Cheongseoki Station not only provides citizens with a rest, but also forms an interesting visual frame

▽清风驿站划分了不同的口袋公园空间层次 Breeze Station is divided into different levels of pocket park space

▽清风驿站室内空间与口袋公园绿化景观的融合 The integration of interior space of Qingfeng Station and green landscape of pocket park

▽兼顾社区居民聚会交流功能的清风驿站室内空间 The indoor space of Qingfengyi Station that combines the function of meeting and communicating with community residents

The “Breeze Gallery” is not only a carrier for recreational functions and public service, but also an expressive design work which combines void and solidness to achieve the dividing and merging of multiple layers of spaces. The “Breeze Gallery” is a most prominent structural landscape element of Caoxi Road pocket park.
▽鸟瞰口袋公园夜景肌理 Bird ‘s-eye view of Pocket Park night landscape texture

▽ 漕溪路口袋公园与整体城市空间鸟瞰 Caoxi Road Pocket Park and overall urban space bird ‘s-eye view

▽漕溪路口袋公园总平面图 General plan of Caogye Road Pocket Park

设计单位: VIA 维亚景观
照明顾问:OUI light 徐越锋
摄影师:CreatAR Images
Project: Caoxi Road Pocket Park
Design firm: VIASCAPE design
Lead Designer: Sun Yijia
Design Team: Sun Yijia, Zhou Mi, Ma Li, Yi Yangfan, Quan Shuaiqun, Ji Wenshan, Zhang Liang, Ji Huimin, Ma Qiao
Year of design: June. 2022
Year of completion: Nov. 2023
Landscape Area: 6300sqm
GFA of Breeze Gallery: 140sqm
Location: southeast side of Caoxi Road and South Kaixuan Road
Client: Xuhui District Greening Administration
Supervisor: Xuhui District Greening and City Appearance Administration Bureau
Contractor: Shanghai Xuhui Landscape Development Co., Ltd
Lighting Consultant: OUI Light/ Xu Yuefeng
Bamboo composite design and installation: SeamBoo
MEP: Shanghai Qianmu Architectural Design Co., Ltd
LDI: Shanghai Greening-Landscaping Construction Co., Ltd
Photographers: CreatAR Images
Article Author: Sun Yijia
Design Drawings: Ma Qiao
“ 充满温度的归属感绿色共享空间,为人们提供一个自然而然的“游憩机会”。”
审稿编辑: Maggie
更多 Read more about: VIA 维亚景观