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Thanks Gabriella Ornaghi and Bianca Vasone Arquitetura da Paisagem for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Gabriella Ornaghi and Bianca Vasone Arquitetura da Paisagem.


Gabriella Ornaghi and Bianca Vasone Arquitetura da Paisagem:​Canuanã农场学校是布拉德斯科基金会在巴西托坎廷斯州内陆城市Formoso de Araguaia开办的一所学校,这所寄宿制乡村学校坐落在Javaés河畔,为居住在巴西中北部农村地区的移民、混血人群(巴西土著与欧洲移民后裔的混血儿)和原住民的子女提供公共服务,同时为学生和教职工提供住房设施、公共活动空间以及学习环境。

Gabriella Ornaghi and Bianca Vasone Arquitetura da Paisagem: Canuanã Farm School is an institution maintained by the Bradesco Foundation in the municipality of Formoso de Araguaia, in the interior of the state of Tocantins, Brazil. The rural school, located on the banks of the Javaés River, operates as a boarding school, serving the children of settlers, caboclos, and indigenous people who live in the rural areas of central-northern Brazil, offering housing facilities, communal spaces, and learning environments for its students and staff.


© Pedro Kok


多年以来,农场周围修建了多栋建筑,2017 年,建筑师受邀为其职工村家属区进行项目开发。不久之后,Gabriella Ornaghi Arquitetura da Paisagem设计事务所被委托负责本项目的景观美化工作。

Over the years, several buildings have been constructed around the farm headquarters. In 2017, architects were called upon to develop the project for the Employees’ Village and their families. Soon after, our office was hired to develop the landscaping project.


© Pedro Kok
© Pedro Kok



The landscaping project for Canuanã Farm School encompasses the Employees’ Village, the cafeteria and its surroundings, and was conceived inspired by the characteristics of the natural environment. Thus, floral arrangements were included that evoke mainly the Cerrado biome, but also feature elements from the Amazon Rainforest and the Pantanal biome.


© Pedro Kok
© Pedro Kok
© Pedro Kok



The intention behind using native specimens was to enhance the ecogenic potential of conservationist landscaping and, above all, highlight the socio-environmental identity of the people who inhabit and frequent these spaces.


© Pedro Kok
© Pedro Kok
© Pedro Kok



The soil and terrain conditions allowed for the creation of well-structured flower beds with large masses, designed to require minimal maintenance and develop in the most spontaneous and natural way possible, showcasing their full landscaping and ecological potential. The same approach was taken in the selection of tree species, which have complementary phenology, ensuring flowering and fruiting throughout the year.


© Pedro Kok
© Pedro Kok



Another important aspect was the conditioning of the microclimate of each area through landscaping. Shaded areas were created strategically to reduce solar exposure in high-traffic or high-stay points for users.


© Pedro Kok
© Pedro Kok
© Pedro Kok



In the residential village, pathways were created to connect outdoor spaces and architectural units. The paving was designed to resemble nature and ensure soil permeability, consisting of grassy paths and gravel-covered dirt roads.


© Pedro Kok



Arrival and gathering spaces were created, such as small squares that articulate the overall design, featuring reinforced concrete furniture, as well as two common areas with barbecues and metal coverings to humanize the areas and encourage their use. A central square is marked by a circular sunken bench that invites exchanges and interactions among residents.


▽为人们提供遮荫的金属棚 Metal coverings for shading

© Pedro Kok



The positioning of trees was done to shade the north and west faces of the buildings. As urban landmarks, the Tamboril tree (Eterolobium sp.) was chosen as a symbolic species to mark the most relevant gathering areas. Landscaping compositions were created along the boundaries between residences to both decorate and soften the division, resulting in a more unified landscape.


© Pedro Kok
© Pedro Kok
© Pedro Kok



The design of the surroundings of the cafeteria building follows the same conceptual line, with a wide square surrounding the building, featuring an existing large Mango tree as a central landmark. Volumes were created to address the terrain’s irregularities, forming large outdoor benches. In addition to native species, fruit-bearing, medicinal, and aromatic plants were included to compose an edible garden, also used in environmental education activities, for example.


© Pedro Kok
© Pedro Kok


▽平面图 Plan

© Gabriella Ornaghi Arquitetura da Paisagem




项目地点:巴西 圣保罗
建筑事务所:Terra e Tuma Arquitetos Associados, Rosenbaum Arquitetura
景观设计事务所:Gabriella Ornaghi e Bianca Vasone Arquitetura da Paisagem
首席建筑师:Bianca Vasone, Gabriella Ornaghi e Lilian Dazzi
照片来源:Pedro Kok

Project Name: Vila dos Funcionários da Escola Fazenda de Canuanã (Employees Village of Canuanã Farm School)
Completion Year: 2022
Project Location: São Paulo – Brasil
Architecture Firm: Terra e Tuma Arquitetos Associados, Rosenbaum Arquitetura
Landscape Firm: Gabriella Ornaghi e Bianca Vasone Arquitetura da Paisagem
Website: https://gabriellaornaghi.com.br/
Contact e-mail: contato@gabriellaornaghi.com.br
Lead Architects: Bianca Vasone, Gabriella Ornaghi e Lilian Dazzi
Photo Credits: Pedro Kok
Photographer’s Website: http://www.pedrokok.com/




更多 Read more about:Gabriella Ornaghi and Bianca Vasone Arquitetura da Paisagem